A leader who mentors followers to help them achieve their unique potential is probably using

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Terms in this set (48)

A leader who demonstrates ________ behavior develops trusting relationships with followers, cares for their well-being, and supports them
A) autocratic
B) laissez-faire
C) initiating structure
D) consideration


According to the life cycle theory of leadership, the optimal combination of initiating structure and consideration depends on the ________ of the followers


List the leader decision-making styles in order in terms of their level of leader control: consultative, delegative, autocratic, facilitative

1. autocratic
2. consultative
3. facilitative
4. delegative

a team that works well together

group cohesion

the work is in and of itself rewarding

intrinsic satisfaction

a person has enough knowledge to function without a leader's assistance

training and experience

the work provides performance feedback in and of itself, not the leader

task feedback

According to research, which of the following personality dimensions have significant effects on perceptions of leader charisma?
A) conscientiousness
B) openness to experience
C) agreeableness
D) extraversion

B, C, & D

Initiating structure:



recognition & integration

The leadership perspective that views leaders as agents of change who create, communicate, and model a shared vision and inspire followers to achieve it is called _______ leadership
A) laissez-faire
B) transformational
C) transactional
D) autocratic


______ leaders utilize a system of rewards and punishments to motivate their followers
A) Idealized
B) Transformational
C) Laissez-faire
D) Transactional


High-quality exchange dyads are characterized by which of the following?
A) decreased latitude between members
B) limited exchange of information between members
C) increased mutual trust between members
D) increased sense of obligation between members

C & D

Leader ______ refers to how well an individual performs in a leadership position
A) power
B) emergence
C) effectiveness
D) structure


The four leadership styles identified by the life cycle theory of leadership are delegating, participating, selling, and ______


Which of the following day-to-day behaviors would be categorized as initiating structure behavior?
A) defining and structuring work
B) expressing approval
C) mixing with employees
D) setting goals
E) originating

A, D, & E

Behaving in ways that earn the admiration, trust, and respect of followers, causing followers to want to identify with and emulate the leader, is a dimension of transformational leadership referred to as
A) inspirational motivation
B) idealized influence
C) individualized consideration
D) intellectual stimulation


Rank the following leadership styles from most active to most passive: transformational, transactional: passive management-by-exception, transactional: active management-by-exception, transactional: contingent reward, laissez-fare

1. transformational
2. transactional: contingent reward
3. transactional: active management-by-exception
4. transactional: passive management-by-exception
5. laissez-faire

According to the life cycle theory of leadership, which style of leadership is most appropriate if followers are in the R3 stage of readiness?
A) delegating
B) telling
C) participating
D) selling


Which factor in the time-driven model of leadership considers how important it is for employees to "buy in" to the decision?
A) decision significance
B) teamwork skills
C) leader expertise
D) importance of commitment










Which of the following day-to-day behaviors would be categorized as consideration behavior?
A) representation
B) integration
C) intitation
D) recognition

A, B, & D

A transactional leader who intervenes only when standards are not met or when employee performance doesn't meet expectations is practicing
A) active management-by-exception
B) inspirational motivation
C) passive management-by-exception
D) transformational leadership


Ric is new to the firm, so he tells his staff that, for now, he's going to rely on their judgement and will let them do things the way they're used to doing them. What type of decision-making style has Ric adopted?
A) autocratic
B) facilitative
C) consultative
D) delegative


Which leadership style has the widest approved across many different cultures?
A) transactional leadership
B) laissez-faire leadership
C) follower readiness
D) transformational leadership


According to research, employees with transformational leaders tend to have high levels of which of the following?
A) normative commitment
B) continuance commitment
C) affective commitment
D) task performance

A, C, & D

Predictive traits for leader _______ refers to traits that are associated with becoming a leader
A) exchange
B) effectiveness
C) dyads
D) emergence


The leadership behavior identified as "initiating structure" in the Ohio State studies are similar to the behavior coined as ______ in the University of Michigan study
A) production-centered
B) delegative
C) relations-oriented
D) consideration


According to the life cycle theory of leadership, a _______ leadership style is characterized by high levels of initiating structure and low consideration
A) telling
B) delegating
C) selling
D) participating


A leader who mentors followers to help them achieve their unique potential is probably using
A) indivdualized consideration
B) idealized influence
C) intellectual stimulation
D) inspirational motivation


With which type of decision-making style do employees have input in the process, but the leader still retains ultimate decision-making authority?
A) autocratic
B) facilitative
C) democratic
D) consultative


The theory of leadership that focuses on the relationship that develops between managers and members of their teams over time is known as
A) the life cycle theory of leadership
B) the time-driven model of leadership
C) the leader-member exchange theory
D) passive management-by-exception


A self-managed work team that hires, trains, and monitors the performance of its members without a manager is an example of a(n)
A) autocratic style
B) leadership neutralizer
C) leadership substitute
D) contingent reward


Charlie called his staff into his office and announced that they would be working mandatory overtime until the backlog of orders was resolved. This best describes a(n) _______ decision-making style
A) delegative
B) facilitative
C) participative
D) autocratic


Pete was half-jokingly called the Invisible Manager by his staff. Whenever a problem arose, he was nowhere to be found and let his staff figure out what needed to be done. Pete demonstrates a(n) _______ leadership style
A) autocratic
B) transformational
C) transactional
D) laissez-faire


The leadership style that combines low initiating structure along with high consideration is referred to as
A) participating
B) delegating
C) selling
D) telling


The dimensions of transformational leadership include intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, inspirational motivation, and
A) idealized influence
B) initiating structure
C) inventive direction
D) innovative guidance


True or False: The Ohio State studies suggested that initiating structure and consideration were at opposite ends of the same spectrum


On her first day on the job in the fast food restaurant, Kayla's supervisor spent considerable time with her, explaining procedures and making sure that she knew how to greet customers, fill orders, and operate the cash register. What stage in the leader-member exchange theory does this describe?
A) participating
B) role taking
C) delegating
D) role making


The leader decision-making style in which the leader has the least amount of control over the decision is the ________ style
A) consultative
B) delegative
C) autocratic
D) participative


True or False: Certain personal trait and characteristics indicate that a person will have high leader effectiveness


In the _______ style of leadership, leaders not only provide information and direction to their followers; they also provide support and encouragement to make sure that people get "on board."
A) selling
B) delegating
C) participating
D) telling


The theory that there are contingencies that limit a leader's ability to influence employees is known as
A) the substitutes for leadership model
B) the life cycle theory of leadership
C) the time-driven model of leadership
D) transformational leadership


A leader with a(n) _______ style collaborates with her followers to reach a decision but ultimately makes the decision as to the course of action alone
A) facilitative
B) consultative
C) autocratic
D) delegatvie


Factors in the work environment that can take the place of active leadership are referred to as
A) neutralizers
B) substitutes
C) enhancers
D) surrogates


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