A nurse is developing an education program for a community group about dietary intake of vitamins

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Which of the following clients is at risk for vitamin B6 deficiency?

However, some groups may be at risk for B6 deficiency. These include patients with renal impairment, autoimmune disorders, and chronic alcohol use. Patients with chronic renal failure, especially those receiving hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, have low plasma levels of B6.

Which of the following dietary recommendations should the nurse include as a food that enhances iron absorption when consumed with nonheme iron?

Tomato products contain vitamin C; therefore, tomato juice is appropriate to include as a food that that enhances iron absorption when consumed with nonheme iron.

Which of the following foods must the nurse recommend to patient who has hypertension?

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) is an eating plan rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, poultry, nuts, legumes, and low-fat dairy. These foods are high in key nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, fiber, and protein.

Which of the following causes of death is are directly associated with diet select all that apply?

Four leading causes of death directly associated with diet are coronary heart disease (CHD), some types of cancer, stroke, and diabetes mellitus. Four more major causes of death—accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, suicide, and homicide—are associated with excessive alcohol intake.