A nurse observes a client having difficulty breathing when responding to interview questions

Week 1- 25 questions study guide for health assessmentThe nurse notes documentation that a client is exhibiting Cheyne-Stokes respirations. On assessmentof the client, the nurse should expect to note which finding?Rhythmic respirations with periods of apneaThe nurse is documenting the findings of a physical examination in a client's record. Which findingsshould the nurse determine to be objective data?The client has a rash on the chest and arms.The clinic nurse is preparing to perform a Romberg test on a client being seen in the clinic. The nursewould perform this test for the purpose of determining which status?The functional status of the vestibular apparatus in the inner earThe nurse is testing the extraocular movements in a client to assess for muscle weakness in the eyes.The nurse should implement which assessment technique to assess for muscle weakness in the eye?Test the 6 cardinal positions of gaze.A client with a diagnosis of asthma is admitted to the hospital with respiratory distress. Which type ofadventitious lung sounds should the nurse expect to hear when performing a respiratory assessmenton this client?WheezesThe nurse is assessing for changes in skin color in a dark-skinned client. The nurse finds which areashelpful in assessing for pallor or cyanosis? Select all that apply.Tongue, Nail beds, Mucous membranesThe nurse is performing a neurological assessment on a client who had a stroke (brain attack). Thenurse checks for proprioception using which assessment technique?Holding the sides of the client's great toe and, while moving it, asking what position it is inThe clinic nurse prepares to perform a focused assessment on a client who is complaining ofsymptoms of a cold, a cough, and lung congestion. Which should the nurse include for this type ofassessment? Select all that apply.Auscultating lung sounds, Obtaining the client's temperature, Obtaining information about the client'srespirationsThe nurse is performing a respiratory assessment and is auscultating the client's breath sounds. Onauscultation, the nurse hears a grating and creaking type of sound. The nurse interprets this to meanthat client has which type of sounds?Pleural friction rub

Which is recommended when conducting a client nurse interview quizlet?

Validate the data. The nurse is conducting an interview on a newly admitted client. Which of the following is recommended when conducting a client/nurse interview? Focus full attention on the client.

Which action by the nurse while interviewing a new client would indicate to the charge nurse the need for further training?

Which action by the nurse while interviewing a new client would indicate to the charge nurse the need for further training? The nurse introduces oneself to the client by pointing to the nurse's name badge.

When a nurse is reviewing data for omissions or inconsistencies is a part of which step of the assessment?

Data verification consists of (1) reviewing the data for inconsistencies or omissions, (2) observing nonverbal behavior to confirm or contradict a client's perceptions, (3) comparing data with norms, and (4) rechecking and confirming grossly abnormal findings.

When performing an assessment on the patient what objective data should be included?

Objective data is obtained during the physical examination component of the assessment process. Examples of objective data are vital signs, physical examination findings, and laboratory results. An example of objective data is recording a blood pressure reading of 140/86.


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