A single handwriting characteristic can by itself be taken as a basis for a positive comparison.

CCJS 320

Introduction to Criminalistics

University of Maryland-College Park

Any object that contains handwriting or typescript and whose source or authenticity is in doubt is referred to as a __________.

True or false: Our general style of develops as a result of our attempts in childhood to copy letters that match a standard form or style shown to us by our teachers.

True or false: Variations in mechanical, physical, and mental functions make it unlikely that the handwriting of two individuals can be distinguished.

In a problem involving the authorship of handwriting, all characteristics of both the _______ and ________ documents must be considered and compared.

True or false: A single handwriting characteristic can by itself be taken as a basis for a positive comparison.

Handwriting samples may have a crude, unnatural form or be written very carefully to disguise the author's natural ______.

Known examples of writings, called ________, must be collected in order to determine the outcome of a comparison.

As the age difference between genuine and unknown specimens becomes greater the standard tends to become ________ representative of the unknown.

True or false: Two or more specimens of writing prepared by one person are identical in every detail.

In the Supreme Court Case of _______________ the Court upheld the taking of handwriting exemplars before the appointment of counsel and determined handwriting to be non-testimonial not protected by 5th amendment privileges. 

True or false: Normally, known writings need not contain words and combinations of letters present in the questioned document.

When requested writing is being given by a suspect, care must be taken to minimize a _________ writing effort.

An examiner should generate approximately ______ samples through questioned photocopier, printer, or fax machine to obtain a sufficient representation of a machine's characteristics.

A fax machine prints a header known as a ________ at the top of each page it prints, which can be used for comparison and authentication purposes.

Transmitting terminal identified (TTI)

Examination of a printer's _______ involves microscopic analysis and the identification of organic and inorganic components.

Random wear and damage to a typewriter impart it with _______ characteristics.

Examination of a document under _____ or _____ lighting may reveal chemical erasures of words or numbers.

Some inks, when exposed to blue green light, absorb the radiation and emit ________ light.

Handwriting containing inks of different chemical compositions may be distinguished with photography by ________ film.

True or false: If obliteration of handwriting is carried out with the same ink as was used to write the original material, recovery will be difficult if not impossible.

Infrared photography can also be used to visualize writing on paper that has been accidentally of purposely ________ in a fire.

______ writings are partially visible impressions that appear on a sheet of paper that, at the time of the writing, was underneath the one on which the visible writing was done.

When comparing a chemical composition of ink lines on a questioned document, a ________ can be used without destroying the document.

Many ink dyes can be separated by the technique of _________ chromatography.

True or false: Examination of the paper of a questioned document is based on general appearance, color, weight, and watermarks.

What handwriting characteristics can be used for comparison of Questioned Documents?

There are many characteristics of handwriting that can be compared besides letter forms and connecting strokes. Document examiners compare line quality, pressure patterns, size and proportions, spacing, slant, baseline, and utilization of space.

What are characteristics that is used to compare handwriting samples?

Characteristics include word spacing, line quality, consistency, connecting strokes, pen lifts, cursive letters, writing pressure, complete letters, diacritics, embellishments, slants and baseline habits.

What common individual characteristics are associated with handwriting?

Among the features to be considered are elements of the writing such as abbreviation; alignment; arrangement, formatting, and positioning; capitalization; connectedness and disconnectedness; cross strokes and dots, diacritics and punctuation; direction of strokes; disguise; embellishments; formation; freedom of ...

Why handwriting samples from the same individual can differ?

why do handwriting samples from the same individual can differ with time? habits carry over to our adult years and are called class characteristics. However, over the years, our knowledge of how to write becomes somewhat subconscious, and we each develop different nuances in our writing.


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