A state of mind and body that includes three factors: commitment, control, and challenge is known as

Which of the following defines the term stress?

the result of a demand that exceeds resources available to meet that demand

Activities to prevent a stressor from resulting in negative consequences are known as:

Interpretation of a stressor is known as:

All of the following are examples of physiological arousal EXCEPT:

Which of the following is an example of eustress?

training for a marathon (or something good)

Which of the following is an appropriate way of making a commitment to stress management?

start immediately, set a contract with yourself

Stress that results in negative consequences such as decreased performance growth is called:

In the context of stress management, which of the following is an example of taking control of oneself?

Outcome efficacy as a form of self-efficacy involves:

In the context of Lazarus's model of appraisal, which of the following defines the term reappraisal?

evaluation of whether the response made to a demand or threat was effective

Which of the following is NOT one of Robert Epstein's four trainable competencies for effective stress management

interpersonal intervention

The goal of stress management is to eliminate all of your stress.

You are in much greater control over yourself than you may realize.

Comprehensive stress management should be used to free up, rather than clutter up, one's day.

Trying very hard to control stress will create stress

To believe it is worth the effort to attempt to manage a demand or threat, one must believe not only that there is a strategy that can be effective but that one can successfully employ that strategy.

In reality, the stress model consists of a single feedback loop.

Complete, comprehensive stress management includes intervention at all phases of the stress theory model and several means of intervening at each of these locations.

An intrapersonal matter is between:

Which of the following is a reason for being malnourished?

medical illness, not eating enough, bulimia

Which of the following foods is high in saturated fats?

cheese, whole milk, butter, candy, unhealthy things

Which of the following is an eating disorder that involves self-imposed starvation?

Which of the following conditions can result from a deficiency of the vitamin B complex and vitamin C?

A condition in which bones become weak and brittle and the sufferer is at an increased risk for fractures is known as:

All of the following can be effects of unpleasant noise EXCEPT:

A. headaches.

B. anxiety.

C. muscle tension.

D. sleepiness.

Noise that helps you relax and also drowns out other sounds that may interfere with relaxation is called:

A word used for focusing in some forms of meditation is called a _____.

The presence of significant others with whom one can discuss stressors is called _____.

Daily interactions with the environment that are essentially negative are known as _____.

Positive events that make us feel good are known as _____.

According to Lazarus:

A. significant life changes are more harmful than daily hassles.

B daily hassles are more harmful than significant life changes.

C. absence of uplifts is related to ill health.

D. hassles are not harmful.

daily hassles are more harmful than significant life changes

Which of the following has been found to be associated with depression and a three times greater chance of dying in older men?

Which of the following is an example of bulimic behavior?

Diets high in saturated fats increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Although it is desirable to control body weight, an overemphasis on dieting can itself be unhealthy

Diet books conform to our desire to lose weight. However, some diets are unhealthy and can lead to even more stress.

Chronic stress can deplete the vitamins we take into our bodies.

Stress can interfere with calcium absorption in the intestines.

Waist-hip ratio has been linked to the development of hypertension.

Success does not lead to improved self-esteem.

Healthy foods are low in saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium, and added sugar.

Expressing yourself and satisfying your own needs, feeling good about this, and not hurting others in the process is known as _____.

Seeking to dominate or to get your own way at the expense of others is known as _____.

Sacrificing your own needs or wants to meet someone else's needs or wants is known as _____.

Which of the following would aggressive nonverbal communication include?

A. Leaning forward with glaring eyes

B. Clenching fists

C. Hands placed on hips and wagging the head

D. All of these

The acronym DESC includes all the following terms EXCEPT _____.

Which component of the DESC form refers to relating your feelings regarding another person's behavior?

Paraphrasing a speaker's words and feelings is known as _____.

A time management technique in which tasks are prioritized is known as _____.

Which of the following is an important feature of a good message in the context of communication process

David, a sales manager at Texel Inc., is known for his dominant behavior. He often disregards his sales team's suggestions and gets his own way at their expense. David's demeanor is an example of _____.

The assertion theory is based on the premise that every person has certain basic rights

Communication by body posture often says as much as the spoken word.

As a first step in managing time better, you might want to analyze how you are currently spending your time.

Assertiveness is not only a matter of what you say but also of how you say it.

When resolving a conflict, the more you agree, the more passive you appear.

If you are so pressed for time that you believe you don't even have time to organize, you are in need of time management skills.

Social support can help prevent stressors from occurring in the first place, but it cannot help once a stressor has been encountered.

Emotional intelligence involves understanding one's own emotional reactions and those of others and using this understanding to make good decisions.

Polyphasic behavior is a good way to battle technostress.

The first step of selective awareness is to _____.

recognize positive and negative elements

Humor has been shown to _____.

improve tolerance of pain, reduce stress, improve immune system

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Type A behavior pattern?

anything that is not goal oriented, time focused etc

A behavior pattern that is not excessively competitive and has no free-floating hostility or sense of time urgency is called _____.

Researchers have identified two components of Type A behavior that appear to operate in opposing directions. These two components are _____.

_____ refers to how highly you regard yourself.

The perception that one has little control over the events that affect one's life is known as _____.

an external locus of control

The perception that one has a good deal of control over the events that affect one's life is known as _____.

internal locus of control

An unrealistic fear that manifests itself in physiological arousal and is accompanied by the behavioral signs of escape or avoidance of stimulus that provokes unpleasant emotions is called _____.

_____ refers to a condition in which people experience feelings of terror that strike suddenly and repeatedly with no warning.

_____ involves overwhelming anxiety and excessive self-consciousness in everyday social situations.

A state of mind and body that includes three factors—commitment, control, and challenge—is known as _____.

Studies have shown that self-efficacy plays a role in _____.

academic success, life satisfaction, occupational stress

People with Type C behavior tend to exhibit all of the following traits EXCEPT _____.

an unusual ability to cope with high levels of stress.

Which of the following is the belief that you have a good deal of control over the events that shape your life?

Locus of control refers to the extent to which people feel that they have control over the events that influence their lives.

What is the first step of selective awareness?

The first step of selective awareness is to. Recognize positive and negative elements.

What is an intrapersonal matter?

Intrapersonal (“within the self”) skills are the internal abilities and behaviors that help you manage emotions, cope with challenges, and learn new information.

Which of the following types of love is playful and flirtatious involving no long term commitment?

Ludus (playful love) Ludus is very flirtatious and fun, without the strings that come with eros or pragma.


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