A variable or flexible budget is so named because it only focuses on variable costs.

journal article

Flexible Budgets and the Analysis of Overhead Variances

Management International

Vol. 1, No. 1 (Jan. - Feb., 1961)

, pp. 84-93 (10 pages)

Published By: Springer


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16.Another name for a static budget is a variable budget.True False

17.Fixed budgets are also known as flexible budgets.

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18.The amounts in a flexible budget are based on one expected level of sales or production.

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19.A variable or flexible budget is so named because it only focuses on variable costs.

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20.A fixed budget performance report never provides useful information for evaluating variances.True False

21.Sales variances allow managers to focus on sales mix as well as sales quantities.

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22.Sales variances may be computed in a manner similar to cost variances-that is, computing both price andvolume variances.

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23.A flexible budget expresses all costs on a per unit basis.

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24.Although a fixed budget is only useful over the relevant range of operations, a flexible budget is usefulover all possible production levels.True False

CHAPTER 21FLEXIBLE BUDGETS AND STANDARD COSTSTrue / False QuestionsTF1. Standard costs can serve as a basis for evaluating actual performance.

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TF2. Standard material, labor, and overhead costs can be obtained from standard cost tables published bythe Institute of Management Accountants.

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TF3. Standard costs provide a basis for assessing the reasonableness of actual costs incurred for producing aproduct or service.

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TF4. When standard costs are used, factory overhead is assigned to products with a predetermined standardoverhead rate.

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TF5. Companies promoting continuous improvement strive to achieve practical standards rather than idealstandards.Answer: FalseTF6. A cost variance is the difference between actual cost and standard cost.

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TF7. Within the same budget performance report, it is impossible to have both favorable and unfavorablevariances.

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TF8. A budget performance report that includes variances can have variances caused by both pricedifferences and quantity differences.9. A cost variance equals the sum of the quantity variance and the price variance.

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TF10. Cost variances are ignored under management by exception.

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TF11. Management by exception allows managers to focus on the most significant variances in performance.

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TF12. An overhead cost variance is the difference between the actual overhead incurred for the period andthe standard overhead applied.13. Variable budget is another name for a flexible budget.

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TF14. Fixed budget performance reports compare actual results with the expected amounts in the fixedbudget.15. Another name for a static budget is a variable budget.

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What is a variable budget?

variable budget. noun [ C ] ACCOUNTING, FINANCE. a budget that can be made larger or smaller.

What is another name for a variable budget?

Definition: A flexible budget, also called a variable budget, is financial plan of estimated revenues and expenses based on the current actual amount of output.

What is flexible budget in management accounting?

A flexible budget is a budget that adjusts to the activity or volume levels of a company. Unlike a static budget, which does not change from the amounts established when the budget was created, a flexible budget continuously "flexes" with a business's variations in costs.

What is another name for static budget?

Static Budget - the budget is prepared for only one level of production volume. Also called a Master budget.