A waterfall approach to entering foreign markets is described as entering countries simultaneously.

A waterfall approach to entering foreign markets is described as entering countries simultaneously.

Marketing Management, 14e (Kotler/Keller)

Chapter 21 Tapping into Global Markets

1) What is a global firm?

A) A firm that operates in one country and exports its goods and services to foreign countries.

B) A firm that operates in more than one country and has a sales and marketing staff in those


C) A firm that operates in more than one country and captures R&D, production, logistical,

marketing, and financial advantages not available to purely domestic competitors.

D) A firm that sells its products and services across the world but restricts manufacturing to the

home country.

E) A firm that operates in more than one country but restricts the sale of its products to the home


Answer: C

Page Ref: 598

Objective: 1

AACSB: Analytic skills

Difficulty: Easy

2) Which of the following can induce a firm to expand into the international arena?

A) Consumer preferences in the domestic market vary widely.

B) Average income level of domestic consumers is high.

C) The firm operates in an industry that caters to the mass market.

D) The firm finds that the domestic market is almost saturated.

E) The firm is yet to achieve economies of scale even though the domestic market has potential.

Answer: D

Page Ref: 599

Objective: 1

AACSB: Analytic skills

Difficulty: Moderate

3) Zodiac Inc. is one of the leading producers of designer bags in its country. The company is

considering shifting some of its production to India. Which of the following could have

prompted this move?

A) People in India prefer imported designer bags.

B) Zodiac can target a niche market of high-profile consumers who have a high income.

C) Zodiac can improve its market share if it can offer better prices than its competitors.

D) People in the home country have an ethnocentric approach.

E) Market research indicates that Indian consumers have a low per-capita income.

Answer: C

Page Ref: 599

Objective: 1

AACSB: Analytic skills

Difficulty: Moderate


Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

In deciding to go abroad, the company needs to define its marketing objectives and policies. What proportion of international to total sales will it seek? Most companies start small when they venture abroad. Some plan to stay small; others have bigger plans. Typical entry strategies are the waterfall approach, gradually entering countries in sequence, and the sprinkler approach, entering many countries simultaneously. Increasingly, firms—especially technology-intensive firms or online ventures—are born global and market to the entire world from the outset.

The company must also choose the countries to enter based on the product and on factors such as geography, income, population, and political climate. Competitive considerations come into play too. It may make sense to go into markets where competitors have already entered to force them to defend their market share as well as to learn from them how they are marketing in that environment. Getting a toehold in a fast-growing market can be a very attractive option even if that market is likely to soon be crowded with more competitors.3

Many companies prefer to sell to neighboring countries because they understand them better and can control their entry costs more effectively. Also, given more familiar language, laws, and culture, many U.S. firms prefer to sell in Canada, England, and Australia rather than in larger markets such as Germany and France. Companies should be careful, however, in choosing markets according to cultural distance. Besides overlooking potentially better markets, they may only superficially analyze real differences that put them at a disadvantage.4

In general, a company prefers to enter countries that have high market attractiveness and low market risk and in which it possesses a competitive advantage. Also, regional economic integration—the creation of trading agreements between blocs of countries—has intensified in recent years. This means companies are more likely to enter entire regions at the same time.

Which of the following modes of entry into a foreign market involves the most commitment?

Direct investment-Foreign Direct Investment (FDI's) risk and profit potential are the highest in the foreign markets.

What are the three approaches to entering an international market?

Choose your mode of entry. opening a physical presence. selling through online marketplaces. offering direct e-commerce sales. selling indirectly through another company that exports to the target market.

Which is a method of entry in the foreign market?

As revealed in the study there are three main modes of entry into foreign market namely: Trade mode, investment mode and contractual entry mode. In trade route, the entry in foreign market is made through exports. In investment mode, the subsidiary units are set up in the foreign market.

What is shower approach in international marketing?

Waterfall market entry strategy. Waterfall market entry strategy is sequential business expansion to foreign markets. Its main characteristic is the use of clearly defined entry stages and the sequential use of experience: the knowledge obtained during one stage is used to enact the next one.