According to maslow, which of the following is not true about a self-actualized person?

Multiple Choice Questions:

1.According to Maslow, the self-actualized person:

a.              is viewed as successful by society.

b.              has not satisfied physiological needs.

c.              is seeking love and affection.

d.              has fulfilled innate potentials.

2.According to Maslow’s hierarchy, the needs for stability and order in life are classified as:            

a.physiological needs. needs.

c.belongingness and love needs.

d.esteem needs.

3.According to Maslow, a person who has satisfied esteem needs will next seek to satisfy:      needs. needs.

c.self-actualization needs.

d.physiological needs.

4.Self-actualization may be defined as a need to express one’s inner nature and talents.              



5.Deprivation of these needs is likely to trigger an emergency reaction: 

a.physiological needs needs

c.belongingness needs

d.esteem needs

6.Which of the following assumptions of Maslow’s theory of motivation has been questioned by critics?             

a.Physiological needs must be satisfied before the individual seeks intimacy.

b.We should eliminate Social Security and Welfare.

c.Social programs should not weaken the initiative of the recipient.

d.The federal government, rather than the states, should have more control over social programs.

7.Research in work settings has shown that workers rank their needs in the same order of importance proposed by Maslow.            



8.The idea that moderate levels of deprivation of needs may stimulate positive motivational strivings:             

a.supports Maslow’s theory of motivation. not consistent with Maslow’s theory is completely irrelevant to Maslow’s theory. true only of esteem needs.

9.A person who lacks primary social supports runs a relatively high risk of:

a.physical illness.

b.mental illness.

c.being unable to counteract difficult situations.

d.all of the above

e.none of the above

10.Self-help groups:

a.are generally sponsored by the government.

b.are examples of traditional social supports.

c.are led by highly trained professionals.

d.occupy a position between traditional social supports and professional service agencies.

vanguardias online review programRationale:A,B and D are all qualities of a self actualized person. A self actualized person do not follow the decision of majority butis self directed and can make decisions contrary to a popular opinion.59. According to Maslow, which of the following is TRUE about a self actualized person?

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Rationale: Refer to question # 58.60. This is the essence of mental health

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61. Florence nightingale is born inA. GermanyB. BritainC. FranceD. ItalyRationale: Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy, May 12, 1820. Studied in Germany and Practiced in England.

62. Which is unlikely of Florence Nightingale?

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63. What country did Florence Nightingale train in nursing?

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64. Which of the following is recognized for developing the concept of HIGH LEVEL WELLNESS?

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63. What country did Florence Nightingale train in nursing?A. BelgiumB. USC. GermanyD. England

64. Which of the following is recognized for developing the concept of HIGH LEVELWELLNESS?

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65. One of the expectations is for nurses to join professional association primarily becauseof

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67. Which of the following provides that nurses must be a member of a national nurseorganization?A. R.A 877B. 1981 Code of ethics approved by the house of delegates and the PNAC. Board resolution No. 1955 Promulgated by the BOND. RA 7164* This is an old board resolution. The new Board resolution is No. 220 series of 2004 alsoknown as the Nursing Code Of ethics which states that [ SECTION 17, A ] A nurse should bea member of an accredited professional organization which is the PNA.

68. Which of the following best describes the action of a nurse who documents her nursingdiagnosis?

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What is self

Maslow's quote refers to self-actualization, which is the highest level or stage in his model of human motivation: the 'Hierarchy of Needs'. According to the hierarchy of needs, self-actualization represents the highest-order motivations, which drive us to realize our true potential and achieve our 'ideal self'.

Which of the following is listed by Maslow as a characteristic of self

Maslow's self-actualizing characteristics are: Efficient perceptions of reality. Self-actualizers are able to judge situations correctly and honestly. They are very sensitive to the superficial and dishonest.

Which of the following is not true for Maslow's need hierarchy?

Maslow has given a sequence or hierarchy of five needs. These needs includes physiological needs, safety and security needs, social needs, esteem needs and self actualization needs. He did not give any type of economic need in his theory.

What does a self

Self-actualized people don't fool themselves into believing things that are not true. Self actualized people are honest with themselves and they accept reality. These individuals view the world as it truly is and do not come up with excuses or fantasies to make themselves, others, or the world seem better or different.