According to the functional theory of attitudes, attitudes exist because they are hereditary.



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Terms in this set (50)

According to the definition given in the text, the object of an attitude (Ao) can be an object, but not a person.


According to the functional theory of attitudes, attitudes exist because they are hereditary.


In the standard learning hierarchy model, attitude is based on behavioral learning processes.


Considering the effects of cognitive dissonance, supplying customers with additional reinforcement after a purchase can be a good marketing strategy.


Latitudes of acceptance and rejection are important aspects of social judgment theory.


Balance theory helps explain why consumers like being linked to positively valued objects.


According to the Fishbein model, salient beliefs are those beliefs about an object that are considered during evaluation.


The psychological principle of reciprocity is at work when we take into account what others do before we decide what to do.


The communications model requires a source and a message, but receivers of the message are not part of the model.


The traditional communication model that regards a broadcast message as perishable doesn't work as well with narrowcasting as it does with broadcasting.


In general, when the source of a message is perceived as attractive, the message will be more effectively communicated.


The elaboration likelihood model assumes that under conditions of high-involvement processing, the consumer normally takes what is called the peripheral route to persuasion.


Jason believes that dressing formally (e.g., a coat and tie) marks him as a man who is "dressed for success"; therefore Jason dresses formally even in class or for casual occasions. Jason is basing this decision on the cognition part of the ABC model of attitudes.


Andy Wilcox was running for mayor. His campaign manager asked people to put a small pro-Wilcox sign in their yards. Later, the manager called the same people and asked if a larger sign could be placed in their yards. He was rarely turned down. This is an example of the foot-in-the-door technique.


65) The Smith Company uses after-sale interviews with its customers to examine how well the customers were served by the sales and service staff of the company. When the Smith Company follows this procedure, the company is attempting to use feedback as a means to improve communications.


66) Tyler told a local reporter about an upcoming astrological event, and the reporter printed the information in the newspaper the next day. A local college professor who specialized in astrophysics said the newspaper story had numerous inaccuracies and was "penned by an amateur." In this case, Tyler and the reporter created a situation in which reporting bias has occurred.


67) Roxanne is one of Canada's top female models. Because of her beauty, most of her admirers also assume that she is intelligent, wealthy, and happy with her life. This is an example of what is called the social adaptation perspective.


68) Justin is in charge of promoting a product that most of his customers perceive as a low-involvement product. He created a TV ad and aired it over and over. His colleague Beth questioned his strategy, saying that the repetition would create a negative reaction to the product. According to the mere exposure phenomenon, Beth is likely to be proven wrong.


69) Double-Dip makes ice cream. The only advantage Double-Dip has over its competitors is taste. Double-Dip costs more and has more calories per unit weight. Promotions for Double-Dip should emphasize the experiential hierarchy of the ABC model of attitudes.


70) Humorous ads get attention, but many times the humor distracts from the promotional message.


71) The two-factor theory suggests that there is no limit to the optimal number of repetitions for a message.


72) According to the elaboration likelihood model, marketers of a low-involvement product must first change attitudes before customers are likely to purchase their product.


73) A cola drink is preferred by a segment of cola drinkers, but the same segment almost always picks another cola brand in blind taste tests. The attitude formation for this product reflects the value-expressive function more than the utilitarian function.


74) Gasoline is the only commonly purchased product that is priced down to a fraction of a cent. This is the case because buying gasoline is a low-involvement activity, which makes point-of-purchase factors more important.


75) It is impossible for a person to hold two contradictory attitudes toward the same object.


49) Western cultures tend to subscribe to an independent understanding of the self, which emphasizes the inherent separateness of each individual.


50) Social comparison is a basic human tendency.


51) Men and women who are exposed to beautiful models in advertisements and commercials are likely to alter their perceptions of their own body shapes.


52) It is unusual for consumers to have multiple role identities.


53) People tend to pattern their behavior on the perceived expectations of others, which is a form of a self-fulfilling prophecy.


54) The looking-glass self is molded by elements of the pop culture, such as comic book heroes.


55) When the Casa Sanchez restaurant in San Francisco gives free lunches for life to anyone who gets its logo tattooed on his or her body, the restaurant is using identity marketing.


56) A consumer is attached to an object to the extent that she relies upon it to maintain her self-concept.


57) The concept of the self-image congruence model helps to explain why it is a deal killer in the Japanese business culture to mishandle a business card from a prospective client.


58) It is common for consumers to describe themselves in terms of the neighborhood or town from which they come. This is an illustration of the community level of the extended self.


59) Personality refers to a person's unique psychological makeup and how it consistently influences the way a person responds to his or her environment.


60) According to a Freudian system of analysis, the superego is the counterweight to the ego.


61) The ego is the referee in the fight between temptation and virtue.


62) The reality principle, according to Freudian psychology, is behavior guided by the primary desire to maximize pleasure and avoid pain.


63) Motivational research is based on the trait theory of personality.


64) Conducting motivational research tends to be less expensive than conducting a large-scale, quantitative survey because interviewing and data-processing costs are relatively minimal.


65) Alfred Adler suggested that many actions that people take are motivated by their desire to overcome feelings of inferiority.


66) An individual with the personality trait of extroversion tends to be quiet and reserved.


67) Marketing research has indicated that consumers have difficulty assigning personality qualities to most mundane, functional products.


68) It is common for companies to divide up their consumers along lifestyle dimensions and label these groups with terms such as "Geek Chic Guy" or "Whole Foods Woman."


69) Consumers who are more satisfied with their bodies are more frequent users of such "preening" products as hair conditioners, blow dryers, cologne, facial bronzer, tooth polish, and pumice soap.


70) The growing number of Web sites and blogs devoted to excessive weight loss illustrates the problem of body image distortion.


71) Every time Tim goes to bat, he rubs the charm on the necklace that his girlfriend gave him. This charm has never failed to help him get a good hit. The charm has become part of Tim's extended self.


72) Lars has developed an online, multiplayer game that he thinks could be the next big hit in computer-mediated environments. Lars is in the process of looking for financial backers as he moves from the prototype of his game to the finished product. To encourage financial backers, Lars should explain that for most people interested in playing online games, the gap between their online and offline selves is narrowing.


73) Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty features women with imperfect bodies modeling in advertisements for skin and hair care products. The nature of the social comparison that occurs when a consumer uses these marketing images as a benchmark is likely different than the social comparison that occurs when a consumer sees advertisements for other skin and hair care products.


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