According to the text, the marketing research problem is information-oriented.

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Essentials of Marketing Research Global 1st Edition Malhotra Test Bank

Published on Apr 5, 2019

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Joel Carson



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exam 1

1. A type of research design that has its primary objective as the provision of insight into and comprehension of the problem situation confronting the researcher is called ________. exploratory research
1. Every step in the marketing research project is important, but ______ is the most important step. problem definition
1. Companies that collect and sell common pools of data designed to serve information needs that a number of data share is called _________. syndicated services
1. ______ is an unstructured exploratory research methodology based on small samples which provide insights and understanding of the problem setting. qualitative research
1. A type of research design involving the one-time collection of information from any given sample of population elements is called ______. cross sectional research
1. According to the text, a basic rule of research is to _______. examine secondary data first
1. Qualitative research procedures are classified as either ____ or ____. indirect or direct
1. A projected technique in which respondents are presented with a list of words is _______. word association
______________ is particularly useful whenever research questions relate to describing a market phenomenon, such as frequency of purchase, identifying relationships, or making predictions. descriptive research
According to the text, most commercial market research is ______________ in nature. descriptive
____________ assumes that the researcher has prior knowledge about the problem situation. descriptive
All of the following are elements that describe descriptive research EXCEPT: it is based on data that is collected using small, nonrepresentative samples.
Which of the following is NOT one of the major types of descriptive studies? C. Cause and effect qualItative Studies
Which of the following is an example of a longitudinal design in a descriptive research project? a panel that consists of households that provide purchasing information at specified intervals over an extended period
A broad statement of the general problem and identification of the specific components of the marketing research problem is called ______________. problem definition
Michael Dell wants his company to take market share from Hewlett-Packard As his marketing research director, which of the following would NOT be part of the tasks involved in formulating the marketing research problem - Composing the research design
The ______________ asks what information is needed and how it can best be obtained. - Marketing research problem
According to the text, the ______________ is information oriented. - Marketing research problem
All of the following are characteristics of a marketing research problem EXCEPT: Asks what the decision maker needs to do (management decision proble,)
While every step in a marketing research project is important, ______________ is the most important step. problem definition
A broad statement of the general problem and identification of the specific components of the marketing research problem is called ______________. problem definition 
______________ is a comprehensive examination of a marketing problem to understand its origin and nature. - Problem audit
The problem audit involves discussions with the decision maker on all of the following issues EXCEPT: e. the national culture as it's related to a country's trade barriers.
The problem confronting the decision maker is typically referred to as the ______________. management decision problem 
The ______________ asks what information is needed and how it can best be obtained. marketing research problem
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a management decision problem? focused on the underlying causes 
Which of the following is NOT an issue that would be addressed in a management decision problem? Determine the impact on sales and profits of various levels of price changes. 
An unproved statement or proposition about a factor or phenomenon that is of interest to the researcher is called a(n) ______________. hypothesis 
Which of the following is a characteristic of descriptive research designs? marked by the prior formulation of specific hypothesis 
The ______________ is a framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing research project that specifies the procedures necessary to obtain the information needed to structure and/or solve the marketing research problem. research design
Which of the following types of research design should be used when management realizes a problem exists but does not yet understand why? exploratory research 
Research designed to assist the decision maker in determining, evaluating, and selecting the best course of action in a given situation is called ______________. conclusive research 
Large, representative samples are used to collect data that are analyzed with statistical techniques for which of the following types of research designs? conclusive research 
Which of the following is a characteristic of descriptive research designs? marked by the prior formulation of specific hypothesis 
The manipulation of one or more independent variables is a characteristic of which of the following types of research designs? causal research 
______________ is a type of research design involving a fixed sample of population elements that is measured repeatedly. Longitudinal design 
When little is known about the problem situation, it is desirable to begin with exploratory research
Exploratory research is suitable for generating all of the following EXCEPT: cause-and-effect relationships. 
______________ is very versatile and can be used at any point in a study. Exploratory research
______________ is based on the assumption that the researcher has an accurate understanding of the problem at hand. Conclusive research 
According to the text, the objective of ______________ is to test specific hypotheses and examine specific relationships. conclusive research 
______________ research is typically more formal and structured than ______________ research. Conclusive; exploratory
Descriptive research is a type of ______________ that has as its major objective the description of something—usually market characteristics or functions. conclusive research 
All of the following represent examples of sources of secondary data EXCEPT: survey data
Which sources of secondary data would be helpful in defining the problem of Wendy's increasing its share of the fast food market. b and c
When conducting exploratory research overseas in a country such as Saudi Arabia on the topic of attitudes toward household appliances, it would be most effective to conduct ______________. one-on-one depth interviews matching respondents and interviewers by gender
task involved in problem definition discuss with decision maker, interview with industry experts, secondary data analysis, qualitative research
focus of the decision maker symptoms
focus of the researcher underlying causes
management decision problem is _______ oriented and marketing research problem is _______ oriented action oriented, information
common errors of marketing research problem defintion is too broad or too narrow
are refined statements of the specific components of the problem. research questions
research process is flexible and unstructured exploratory
research process is formal and structured conclusive
research in which Sample is small and nonrepresentative. exploratory
To describe the characteristics of relevant groups, such as consumers, salespeople, organizations, or market areas descriptive research
A longitudinal design differs from a cross-sectional design in that the sample or samples ______________ remain the same over time
provide integrated information on household variables, including media consumption and purchases, and marketing variables, such as product sales, price, advertising, promotion, and in-store marketing effort. single source data
an unstructured and direct way of obtaining information. are conducted on a one on one basis depth interviews
Substantial probing is done to surface underlying motives, beliefs, and attitudes. depth interviews

Is the marketing research problem action or information driven?

According to the text, the marketing research problem is information-oriented. Focusing on the underlying causes of a problem is a characteristic of a management decision problem. Focusing on the underlying causes of a problem is a characteristic of the marketing research problem.

Is a comprehensive examination of a marketing problem to understand its origin and nature?

The problem audit is a comprehensive examination of a marketing problem with the purpose of understanding its origin and nature.

Which of the following is an issue that would be addressed in a management decision problem?

Determining the impact on sales and profits of various levels of price changes is an issue that would be addressed in a management decision problem.

Which is the best way to describe marketing research quizlet?

Marketing research is the process of designing, gathering, analyzing, and reporting information that may be used to solve a specific marketing problem.


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