According to your textbook, all of the following factors affect muscular flexibility except

A college basketball coach would like to know which one of her players has the most muscular power. Which of the following is the MOST valid test for measuring muscular power?

when measuring maximal strength of an american football lineman, which of the following could potentially adversely affect the test-retest reliability of the results

- using multiple testers

- retesting at a different time of day

- and athletes inexperience with the tested exercise

all of the following procedures should be followed when testing an athletes cardiovascular fitness in the heat EXCEPT

use salt tablets to retain water

the bench press, vertical jump, and 11 yard sprint are the most valid tests for which of the following american football positions?

Which of the following sequences will produce the MOST reliable results?

T-Test, 1RM power clean, 1RM bench press, 1-min sit-up test

Anaerobic capacity is quantified as the maximal power output achieved during activity lasting

all of the following tests are used to measure maximum muscular power EXCEPT the 

flexibility of which of these muscle groups or body areas is assessed during the sit-and-reach test

- hamstrings

- erector spinae

- lumbar spine

What is a reason for a trial of the T-test to be disqualified?

Crossing the feet from cone B to C

which of the following is the correct arm position when measuring the girth of the upper arm

shoulder abducted to 90 degrees with elbow extended

of the locations measured in the 3-site skinfold protocols, which of the following are only measured on women

when compiling results from the volleyball teams vertical jump testing, the professional notices that most scores are similar, but there are three scores that are much higher than the rest. Which of the following measures of central tendency is most appropriate for this group?

When stimulated during PNF stretching, Golgi tendon organs allow the relaxation of the

Stretched muscle by its own contraction

Which of the following stretching techniques decreases muscle spindle stimulation?

Dynamic stretching is the most similar to which for of flexibility training?

stimulation of muscle spindles includes

contraction of stretched muscle

after performing the "hold-relax with agonist contraction" PNF stretch for the hamstrings, which of the following explains the resulting increase in flexibility? 

autogenic inhabitation and reciprocal inhibition 

all of the following exercise require a spotter EXCEPT

During which exercises should a spotter's hands be placed on the athlete's wrists?

incline dumbell bench press

which of the following grips should be used during the deadlift exercises

Correct foot pattern in the step-up exercise

Step up R foot, step up L foot, step down L foot, step down R foot

the primary movement during the second pull phase of the power clean exercise is

when determining a baseball players resistance training program needs, all of the following factors should be considered EXCEPT

programs of other players

The basketball coach says his starting center needs to jump higher. In addition to brining a plyo program what resistance exercise will help this goal?

the soccer team is transitioning from off-season to preseason training. how should the teams resistance training frequency be altered

decrease frequency to allow increased sport skill practice

an american football lineman has difficulty driving into defensive linemen and beleives he has lost his explosive ability. Which of the following is the best exercise order to help this athlete improve his performance?

power clean, back squat, hip sled, leg (knee) curl

What percentage of the 1RM typically allows an individual to perform 6 reps with that load?

which of the following volumes has the potential to increase muscular strength the most?

a female triathlete needs to improve the muscular endurance of her upper body. using 3 sets of 15 reps which rest period will maximize her goal?

during which stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome does the body physiologically adapt to heavier training loads

for a basketball guard, which of the following BEST describes the relationship between resistance exercise volume and resistance exercise intensity at the beginning of the preparatory period

high volume, low intensity

during which of the following periods are sport-specific activities performed in the greatest volume

which of the following BEST describes appropriate activity during the second transition period for a college soccer player

low-intensity recreational exercise

Which of the following phases are commonly used to vary workouts during the preparatory period? 

Hypertrophy & basic strength 

Flexibility is extremely important for physical fitness. Poor flexibility decreases your body's ability to maintain proper posture, limits proper joint motion increasing the risk for low-back pain, joint pain, and injury during everyday activities.
There are six skill-related fitness components: agility, balance, coordination, speed, power, and reaction time. Skilled athletes typically excel in all six areas.

What are some of the key factors that influence one's health and level of fitness Choose all that apply?

10 Physical Fitness Factors to Assess How Fit Are You.
Body composition..
Cardiovascular fitness levels..

How many sets of each exercise with lighter resistance should a beginner do on the first day?

You want to start with a weight that you can lift 10 to 15 times with proper form. Begin with 1 or 2 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions, and slowly progress to 3 sets or more.