Among accidental deaths in the United States in 2014 the leading cause of death was Quizlet

Accident Statistics

Injuries are a major source of childhood emergency department and hospital admissions. The most recent accident statistics from the National Safety Council, the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, and other sources tell us that:

  • Injury is the leading cause of death in children and young adults. According to the CDC, approximately 12,000 children and young adults, ages 1 to 19 years, die from unintentional injuries each year.

  • Falls are the leading cause of nonfatal injury for children. Children ages 19 and under account for about 8,000 fall-related visits to hospital emergency rooms every day.

  • Each year about 100 children are killed and 254,000 are injured as a result of bicycle-related accidents. 

  • Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury-related death among children ages 1 to 4. The majority of drownings and near-drownings occur in residential swimming pools and in open water sites.  However, children can drown in as little as one inch of water.

  • Airway obstruction injury (suffocation) is the leading cause of unintentional injury-related death among infants under age 1.

  • Each year, about 2,000 children ages 14 and under die as a result of a home injury. Unintentional home injury deaths to children are caused primarily by fire and burns, suffocation, drowning, firearms, falls, choking, and poisoning.

  • Journal List
  • Am J Lifestyle Med
  • v.13(1); Jan-Feb 2019
  • PMC5568777

Am J Lifestyle Med. 2019 Jan-Feb; 13(1): 7–21.


About 1 in 5 child deaths is a result of unintentional injury. The leading causes of unintentional injury death vary by age. This report provides national fatal and nonfatal data for children and teens by age, sex, and race/ethnicity. Prevention strategies for the most common causes are highlighted. Opportunities for lifestyle clinicians to effectively guide their patients and their parents are discussed.

Keywords: injury, children, adolescents

‘Teens, although at a much higher level of development, may still have a limited ability to recognize hazards and limited experience with consequences . . .’


Every hour a child in the United States dies from an unintentional injury. For each death, there are 29 hospitalizations and nearly 1000 emergency department (ED) visits. In total, about 1 in 5 child deaths is a result of an unintentional injury.1 Fortunately, these deaths and injuries are largely preventable.

The data show progress. In just a 5-year period from 2010 to 2014, there was a 13% decline in the number of unintentional injury deaths among children and teens; the previous decade saw a 36% decline. For nonfatal injury, there was a similar 13% decline from 2010 to 2014, with an 11% decline over the previous decade.1

This information indicates 2 important points; first, the public health burden of unintentional injury among children and teens remains unacceptably high, and second, significant improvements are possible. How to sustain and exceed these gains requires an understanding of what puts children and teens at risk, what evidence-based strategies are available to address these risks, and how to improve implementation of effective strategies. Child development and behavior are 2 essential contributors to injury risk.

Clinicians have a keen understanding of child development and developmental milestones. These milestones are noted, for example, at well-child visits and help guide the type of anticipatory guidance given to parents. Young children have a limited ability to recognize hazards, an attraction to potential hazards, a limited ability to escape danger (both cognitive and mobility challenges), limited experience with consequences, and a lack of fear.2,3 Teens, although at a much higher level of development, may still have a limited ability to recognize hazards and limited experience with consequences (new drivers come to mind).4 Behavioral risks for young children include curiosity and an urge to explore, increased level of activity/energy, and mouthing objects as a way of exploring their environment. For older children and teens, decisions are influenced by a variety of factors, including emotions, complex cognitive processes, culture, peers, parents, and other influences.4-7

This article provides an epidemiological assessment of unintentional deaths and nonfatal injury among children and teens with the aim to provide the following: (1) detailed, up-to-date information about unintentional injury among children and teens; (2) disparities by age, sex, and race/ethnicity; and (3) effective injury prevention strategies for clinicians that address high-risk groups.


Injuries are commonly categorized by mechanism (eg, suffocation, drowning, falls, fires and burns, poisoning, transport) and intent (eg, unintentional, suicide, and homicide). This article provides an in-depth look at the leading causes of fatal and nonfatal unintentional injury (ie, no intent to cause harm) among children and teens in the United States through age 19 years from 2010 to 2014. Priority was given to presenting the most common causes and those that are amenable to intervention. For example, within unintentional injury, the largest number of deaths among children and teens was the result of transport. There are also many known effective prevention strategies that address these transportation-related injuries.

The numbers of unintentional deaths and nonfatal injuries in 2014 are provided by year of age. This enables a closer look at the ages where different causes of death and injury are concentrated. In addition, it removes any differences masked by reporting by age group.8 For instance, the leading cause of unintentional injury death among 1- to 4-year-olds was drowning; however, the leading cause of unintentional injury death among 4-year-olds was transport. This result was masked by the excessive rates of drowning among those aged 2 and 3 years.

Presentation of nonfatal injury and death rates from 2010 to 2014 allows comparisons across different demographic groups and across mechanisms of injury. For instance, infants die by suffocation at higher rates than teens die in transportation-related events. Luckily, both are preventable. These comparisons can identify at-risk groups and help focus interventions.


Data describing deaths come from a national mortality database compiled by CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics. This database contains information from death certificates filed in state vital statistics offices and includes causes of death reported by attending physicians, medical examiners, and coroners. It also includes demographic information about decedents reported by funeral directors, who obtain that information from family members and other informants. The mortality data has been coded using the International Classification of Diseases-10th Revision (ICD-10). Mechanism and cause of injury are based on ICD-10 external cause of injury codes ( CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) uses these data to build the online query system WISQARS. CDC’s WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System) is an interactive, online database that provides data related to fatal and nonfatal injury, violent death, and cost of injury from a variety of sources. The most recent data available were for the year 2014.1

Deaths are described by year of age, sex, and race/ethnicity. The racial and ethnic categories include the following: non-Hispanic white, black, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, and a separate category for Hispanics of all races. When death rates are reported, they are calculated per age group and 100 000 population.

Nonfatal Injuries

Data describing nonfatal injury were obtained from the same source, the WISQARS query system; however, these data originated from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). The nonfatal data were obtained from CPSC’s National Electronic Injury Surveillance System–All Injury Program (NEISS-AIP), a collaborative effort by the NCIPC and CPSC, which collects data about all types and external causes of nonfatal injuries and poisonings treated in US hospital EDs, whether or not they were associated with consumer products. The NEISS-AIP data are collected at 66 hospitals, which represent the nation’s range of hospital settings, including very large inner-city hospitals with trauma centers as well as large urban, suburban, rural, and children’s hospitals ( Data from approximately 500 000 injury-related ED cases are collected each year, providing nationally representative estimates of nonfatal injury by cause. Cause of injury is coded from the narrative provided in the medical record. The most recent data available were for the year 2014.1

The 2 most common causes of nonfatal unintentional injury were falls and struck by/against. Fall injury was defined as “injury received when a person descends abruptly due to the force of gravity and strikes a surface at the same or lower level.” For example, the injury sustained by a child who rolled off a couch onto the floor and was injured would be an unintentional fall injury. Struck by/against injury was defined as “injury resulting from being struck by (hit) or crushed by a human, animal, or inanimate object or force other than a vehicle or machinery; injury caused by striking (hitting) against a human, animal, or inanimate object or force other than a vehicle or machinery.” For example, the injury sustained by a child who was hit by a baseball and injured would be a struck by/against injury. More information on unintentional injury definitions can be found here:


Deaths by Age

Table 1 displays the top 10 leading causes of all deaths by each year of age from 0 to 19 years in 2014. Most of the deaths among children and teens in the United States are the result of unintentional injury and violence (suicide and homicide), cancer (malignant neoplasms in the tables), birth defects (congenital anomalies in the tables), and heart disease. Unintentional injury was the number one cause of death at every year of age except in infants (<1 year old), where it was the fifth leading cause. Generally, among those 1 to 19 years old, unintentional injury was responsible for more deaths than the 2 or 3 next most common causes combined. Overall, unintentional injury represented 5% (1161/23 215) of all deaths among infants, and 34.5% (6432/18 666) of all deaths among 1- to 19-year-olds.

Table 1.

Top 10 Leading Causes of Deatha for Children and Teens by Year of Age, United States, 2014.b

23 215c
1 Congenital anomalies 4746 Unintentional injury, 345 (23.7%) Unintentional injury, 346 (34.9%) Unintentional injury, 251 (33.9%) Unintentional injury, 274 (42.7%) Unintentional injury, 175 (32.8%) Unintentional injury, 146 (30.9%) Unintentional injury, 151 (32.8%) Unintentional injury, 111 (25.1%) Unintentional injury, 147 (32.8%)
2 Short gestation, 4173 Congenital anomalies, 198 Homicide, 103 Homicide, 82 Malignant neoplasms, 96 Malignant neoplasms, 100 Malignant neoplasms, 84 Malignant neoplasms, 76 Malignant neoplasms, 89 Malignant neoplasms, 87
3 Maternal complications 1574 Homicide, 148 Congenital anomalies, 97 Malignant neoplasms, 79 Congenital anomalies, 38 Congenital anomalies, 55 Homicide, 29 Congenital anomalies, 37 Congenital anomalies, 43 Congenital anomalies, 31
4 SIDS, 1545 Heart disease, 73 Malignant neoplasms, 74 Congenital anomalies, 66 Homicide, 37 Homicide, 31 Congenital anomalies, 26 Homicide, 24 Chronic lower-respiratory disease 18 Homicide, 22
5 Unintentional Injury, 1161 (5.0%) Malignant neoplasms, 72 Heart disease, 35 Heart disease, 19 Heart disease, 22 Cerebrovascular disease, 12 Heart disease, 24 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 15 Homicide, 17 Heart disease, 17
6 Placenta cord membranes, 965 Influenza and pneumonia, 58 Influenza and pneumonia, 21 Influenza and pneumonia, 17 Influenza and pneumonia, 13 Influenza and pneumonia, 12 Influenza and pneumonia, 17 Cerebrovascular, disease 11 Influenza and pneumonia, 11 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 12
7 Bacterial sepsis, 544 Perinatal period, 26 Cerebrovascular, disease 13 Septicemia, 13 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 12 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 9 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 14 Heart disease, 11 Cerebrovascular, disease, 9 Benign neoplasms, 8
8 Respiratory diseases, 460 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 23 Septicemia, 13 Benign neoplasms, 9 Septicemia, 9 Heart disease, 9 Benign neoplasms, 8 Septicemia, 11 Heart disease 8 Cerebrovascular, disease 7
9 Circulatory system disease, 444 Septicemia, 18 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 12 Cerebrovascular disease, 7 Anemias, 3 Septicemia, 7 Cerebrovascular disease, 6 Influenza and pneumonia, 10 Septicemia, 7 Influenza and pneumonia, 7
10 Neonatal hemorrhage, 441 Benign neoplasms, 17 Benign neoplasms, 10 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 6; meningitis, 6 Perinatal period, 3 Benign neoplasms, 6 Septicemia, 5 Benign neoplasms, 9 Benign neoplasms, 5 Anemias, 5
1 Unintentional injury, 101 (24.0%) Unintentional injury, 132 (28.2%) Unintentional injury, 136 (25.6%) Unintentional injury, 173 (25.4%) Unintentional injury, 208 (26.3%) Unintentional injury, 288 (28.2%) Unintentional injury, 509 (35.5%) Unintentional injury, 676 (37.5%) Unintentional injury, 1017 (41.6%) Unintentional injury, 1246 (43.2%)
2 Malignant neoplasms, 72 Malignant neoplasms, 64 Malignant neoplasms, 90 Suicide, 132 Suicide, 179 Suicide, 244 Suicide, 313 Suicide, 359 Suicide, 441 Homicide, 482
3 Congenital anomalies, 42 Suicide, 37 Suicide, 68 Malignant neoplasms, 96 Malignant neoplasms, 94 Homicide, 101 Homicide, 179 Homicide, 263 Homicide, 372 Suicide, 477
4 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 20 Homicide, 21 Congenital anomalies, 32 Congenital anomalies, 36 Homicide, 60 Malignant neoplasms, 100 Malignant neoplasms, 100 Malignant neoplasms, 124 Malignant neoplasms, 146 Malignant neoplasms, 142
5 Heart disease, 19 Congenital anomalies, 20 Homicide, 22 Homicide, 34 Heart disease, 34 Heart disease, 48 Congenital anomalies, 42 Heart disease, 60 Heart disease, 66 Heart disease, 90
6 Homicide, 19 Heart disease, 18 Heart disease, 21 Heart disease, 30 Congenital anomalies, 26 Congenital anomalies, 21 Heart disease, 35 Congenital anomalies, 45 Congenital anomalies, 35 Congenital anomalies, 36
7 Suicide, 9 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 15 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 10 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 13 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 13 Benign neoplasms, 11 Influenza and pneumonia, 16 Cerebrovascular, disease, 10 Influenza and pneumonia, 19 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 15
8 Influenza and pneumonia, 7 Benign neoplasms, 10 Four causes at 7 deaths each:
Benign neoplasms
Influenza and pneumonia
Cerebrovascular disease
Cerebrovascular disease, 12 Benign neoplasms, 11 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 11 Cerebrovascular, disease 10 Influenza and pneumonia, 9 Cerebrovascular, disease 18 Cerebrovascular, disease 13
9 Cerebrovascular disease, 6 Septicemia, 10 Influenza and pneumonia, 9 Influenza and pneumonia, 11 Influenza and pneumonia, 8 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 9 Septicemia, 9 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 13 Influenza and pneumonia, 13
10 Benign neoplasms, 5 Cerebrovascular disease, 8 Benign neoplasms, 5; diabetes, 5 Cerebrovascular disease, 10 Cerebrovascular disease, 7 Anemias, 7; septicemia, 7 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 7; diabetes, 7 Diabetes, 10 Septicemia, 12; complicated pregnancy, 12

The number of deaths among children and adolescents from unintentional injuries ranged from a low of 101 at age 10 to a high of 1246 at age 19 (Table 1). The largest numbers corresponded with the youngest (infants 1161 deaths) and oldest ages (18 years 1017 deaths; 19 years 1246 deaths), for a U-shaped distribution. Unintentional injury consists of a variety of injury mechanisms. Table 2 lists 4 of the most common mechanisms of unintentional injury death in this category: drowning, poisoning, suffocation, and transport. The proportion of unintentional deaths is provided for each of these 4 mechanisms by year of age.

Table 2.

Proportion of Unintentional Injury Deaths Caused by Drowning, Poisoning, Suffocation, and Transporta for Children and Teens by Year of Age, United States, 2014.

AgeDrowningPoisoningSuffocationTransportTotal Number of Unintentional Deaths
<1 2.5 0.8 85.4 6.0 1161
1 31.9 2.9 16.8 33.7 345
2 39.0 2.3 7.8 28.6 346
3 29.5 2.0 6.0 35.9 251
4 25.2 1.8 7.3 39.0 274
5 19.4 0.0 5.1 53.1 175
6 13.7 1.4 4.8 61.0 146
7 19.9 1.3 3.3 56.4 151
8 14.4 1.8 2.7 60.4 111
9 17.0 2.0 6.8 53.8 147
10 16.8 2.0 3.0 60.4 101
11 14.4 3.0 6.8 59.9 132
12 14.0 2.2 4.4 60.3 136
13 15.6 2.9 2.9 60.1 173
14 11.1 3.8 4.8 67.8 208
15 11.1 5.6 2.1 70.8 288
16 6.1 7.9 1.6 76.3 509
17 7.8 12.6 0.6 73.6 676
18 5.8 16.0 1.3 69.4 1017
19 5.6 21.1 0.9 64.7 1246


Drowning represented 2.5% of unintentional injury deaths among infants, and 31.9% among 1-year-olds, a 12-fold increase. Among 2-year-olds, there were more drowning deaths than transport deaths; this was reversed for 3-year-olds. Drowning represented between 25% and 39% of unintentional injury deaths for ages 1 to 4 years.


Poisoning accounted for less than 5% of unintentional injury deaths from infancy to age 14; for 16- and 17-year-olds, poisoning was less than 10%. However, 18- and 19-year-olds had considerably more unintentional poisoning deaths: 16% (163 deaths) and 21.1% (263 deaths), respectively. Among 18-year-olds, 148 of the 163 poisoning deaths were drug related; among the 19-year-olds, 246 of the 263 poisoning deaths were drug related. Of the 394 drug-related deaths (148 + 246) among 18- and 19-year-olds, 111 or 28% were related to prescription opioids.


For infants, 85.4% (991 deaths) of unintentional injury deaths were a result of suffocation. There was no other instance in which a single cause represented such a large proportion of the unintentional injury deaths. At 1 year of age, this proportion had dropped to 16.8%, and by 12 years and older, less than 5% of unintentional injury deaths were caused by suffocation.


At 1 year of age and above, transport-related deaths represented between 28.6% and 76.3% of all unintentional injury deaths. Beginning at age 5 years, transport accounted for at least half of these deaths. At licensure age (15-16 years), 7 out of 10 unintentional injury deaths were transport related. For 18- and 19-year-olds, transport accounted for more than 1500 deaths in 2014.

Figure 1 displays the leading causes of unintentional injury death by age group and cause in a different way; this figure shows the rise in importance of transport deaths with age, the appearance of poisoning in the 15- to 19-year-old age group, the declining proportion of drowning deaths with age, and the significant problem of suffocation among infants.

Among accidental deaths in the United States in 2014 the leading cause of death was Quizlet

Leading Causes of Unintentional Injury Death by Age Group, 2014.

Unintentional death rates by age group are shown in Figure 2 for the years 2010 through 2014. The highest death rates were found in the youngest (<1 year) and oldest (15-19 years) age groups. The lowest death rates were found in the 5 to 9 and 10 to 14 age groups. Over the 5-year period, these positions remained constant.

Among accidental deaths in the United States in 2014 the leading cause of death was Quizlet

Unintentional Injury Death Rates for Children and Teens by Age Group, 2010-2014.

Deaths by Sex

Tables 3 and 4 provide the leading causes of death for males and females by year of age in 2014. Only the top 5 leading causes are shown because of the small numbers of deaths beyond that point. For male infants, unintentional injury represented 5.1% (663/12 886) of all deaths, and for male children aged 1 to 19 years, unintentional injury represented 36.4% (4409/12 128) of all deaths. For female infants, unintentional injury represented 4.8% (498/10 329) of all deaths, and for female children aged 1 to 19 years, unintentional injury represented 30.9% (2023/6538) of all deaths. Unintentional injury was the leading cause for all ages except those <1 year old, 8-year-old girls (40 deaths caused by malignant neoplasms, 39 deaths caused by unintentional injury), and 13-year-old girls (59 deaths by suicide, 47 deaths caused by unintentional injury). The tables indicate that at each year of age, males have more deaths than females, and at age 14 years and older, males have more than double the deaths of females. This relationship holds for the largest types of unintentional injury too; males have more drowning, poisoning, suffocation, and transport deaths.

Table 3.

Top 5 Leading Causes of Deatha for Males by Year of Age, United States, 2014.b

12 886c
1 Congenital anomalies, 2444 Unintentional injury, 195 (24.6%) Unintentional injury, 214 (37.8%) Unintentional injury, 159 (37.1%) Unintentional injury, 176 (45.8%) Unintentional injury, 109 (37.3%) Unintentional injury, 91 (33.6%) Unintentional injury, 93 (34.1%) Unintentional injury, 72 (28.3%) Unintentional injury, 99 (37.1%)
2 Short gestation, 2370 Congenital anomalies, 106 Homicide, 56 Malignant neoplasms, 48 Malignant neoplasms, 48 Malignant neoplasms, 53 Malignant neoplasms, 53 Malignant neoplasms, 45 Malignant neoplasms, 49 Malignant neoplasms, 42
3 SIDS, 924 Homicide, 81 Congenital anomalies, 48 Homicide, 42 Congenital anomalies, 25 Congenital anomalies, 30 Heart disease, 13 Homicide, 18 Congenital anomalies, 25 Congenital anomalies, 11
4 Maternal pregnancy complication 916 Malignant neoplasms, 44 Malignant neoplasms, 42 Congenital anomalies, 40 Homicide, 17 Homicide, 11 Homicide, 12 Congenital anomalies, 14 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 12 Heart disease, 11
5 Unintentional injury, 663 (5.1%) Heart disease, 34 Heart disease, 20 Heart disease, 10 Heart disease, 12 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 7 Influenza and pneumonia, 11 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 10 Homicide, 9 Homicide, 11
1 Unintentional injury, 62 (24.2%) Unintentional injury, 87 (31.2%) Unintentional injury, 78 (25.2%) Unintentional injury, 126 (29.9%) Unintentional injury, 151 (29.9%) Unintentional injury, 200 (30.6%) Unintentional injury, 360 (36.2%) Unintentional injury, 473 (37.6%) Unintentional injury, 747 (41.5%) Unintentional injury, 917 (43.2%)
2 Malignant neoplasms, 45 Malignant neoplasms, 34 Malignant neoplasms, 52 Suicide, 73 Suicide, 124 Suicide, 159 Suicide, 225 Suicide, 280 Suicide, 352 Homicide, 418
3 Congenital anomalies, 27 Suicide, 27 Suicide, 42 Malignant neoplasms, 57 Malignant neoplasms, 58 Homicide, 81 Homicide, 151 Homicide, 219 Homicide, 332 Suicide, 388
4 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 12 Congenital anomalies, 12 Congenital anomalies, 23 Homicide, 26 Homicide, 43 Malignant neoplasms, 53 Malignant neoplasms, 64 Malignant neoplasms, 59 Malignant neoplasms, 95 Malignant neoplasms, 87
5 Heart disease, 11 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 11 Homicide, 15 Heart disease, 20 Congenital anomalies, 16 Heart disease, 28 Congenital anomalies, 21 Heart disease, 35 Heart disease, 43 Heart disease, 62

Table 4.

Top 5 Leading Causes of Deatha for Females by Year of Age, United States, 2014.b

10 329c
1 Congenital anomalies, 2302 Unintentional injury, 150 (22.6%) Unintentional injury, 132 (31.1%) Unintentional injury, 92 (29.5%) Unintentional injury, 98 (38.0%) Unintentional injury, 66 (27.4%) Unintentional injury, 55 (27.2%) Unintentional injury, 58 (30.9%) Malignant neoplasms, 40 Unintentional injury, 48 (26.5%)
2 Short gestation, 1803 Congenital anomalies, 92 Congenital anomalies, 49 Homicide, 40 Malignant neoplasms, 48 Malignant neoplasms, 47 Malignant neoplasms, 31 Malignant neoplasms, 31 Unintentional injury, 39 (20.7%) Malignant neoplasms, 45
3 Maternal pregnancy complications, 658 Homicide, 61 Homicide, 47 Malignant neoplasms, 31 Homicide, 20 Congenital anomalies, 25 Congenital anomalies, 17 Congenital anomalies, 23 Congenital anomalies, 18 Congenital anomalies, 20
4 SIDS, 621 Heart disease, 39 Malignant neoplasms, 32 Congenital anomalies, 26 Congenital anomalies, 13 Homicide, 20 Homicide, 17 Cerebrovascular disease, 7 Homicide, 8 Homicide, 11
5 Unintentional injury, 498 (4.8%) Influenza and pneumonia, 28 Heart disease, 15 Heart disease, 9 Heart disease, 10 Cerebrovascular Disease 8 Heart disease, 11 Homicide, 6 Influenza and pneumonia, 7 Heart disease, 6
1 Unintentional injury, 39 (23.6%) Unintentional injury, 45 (23.8%) Unintentional injury, 58 (26.1%) Suicide, 59 Unintentional injury, 57 (19.9%) Unintentional injury, 88 (24.0%) Unintentional injury, 149 (33.9%) Unintentional injury, 203 (37.3%) Unintentional injury, 270 (41.9%) Unintentional injury, 329 (43.1%)
Malignant neoplasms, 27 Malignant neoplasms, 30 Malignant neoplasms, 38 Unintentional injury, 47 (18.1%) Suicide, 55 Suicide, 85 Suicide, 88 Suicide, 79 Suicide, 89 Suicide, 89
3 Congenital anomalies, 15 Homicide, 10 Suicide, 26 Malignant neoplasms, 39 Malignant neoplasms, 36 Malignant neoplasms, 47 Malignant neoplasms, 36 Malignant neoplasms, 65 Malignant neoplasms, 51 Homicide, 64
4 Homicide, 9 Suicide, 10 Congenital anomalies, 9 Congenital anomalies, 18 Heart, disease, 19 Heart disease, 20 Homicide, 28 Homicide, 44 Homicide, 40 Malignant neoplasms, 55
5 Chronic lower-respiratory disease, 8 Heart disease, 9 Heart disease, 8 Heart disease, 10 Homicide, 17 Homicide, 20 Congenital anomalies, 21 Heart disease, 25 Heart disease, 23 Heart disease, 28

Figure 3 provides unintentional death rates by sex from 2010 through 2014. Death rates for males were consistently twice as high as those for females; the solid line represents males and females combined.

Among accidental deaths in the United States in 2014 the leading cause of death was Quizlet

Unintentional Injury Death Rates for Children and Teens by Sex, Ages 0 to 19, 2010 to 2014.

Deaths by Race/Ethnicity

The highest unintentional injury death rates were found among the American Indian/Alaska Native population; their death rate was double the rate for whites and blacks, and more than 4 times higher than Asian/Pacific Islanders, who had the lowest death rates. Death rates for whites and Asian/Pacific Islanders declined modestly, and rates for blacks rose between 2010 and 2014; rates for American Indian/Alaska Natives declined, and then began to rise in 2013; Figure 4. Results by race and sex were similar to the all-race results; for each race, there were more deaths among males than females.

Among accidental deaths in the United States in 2014 the leading cause of death was Quizlet

Unintentional Injury Death Rates for Children and Teens by Race/Ethnicity, Ages 0 to 19, 2010 to 2014.

Abbreviations: AI/AN, American Indian/Alaska Native; A/PI, Asian/Pacific Islander.

Nonfatal Injuries

The leading causes of ED-treated nonfatal injury differed from the leading causes of injury deaths. Table 5 provides the top 5 causes of nonfatal injury by year of age. Unintentional falls ranked first from infants through 10 years, then unintentional “struck by/against” was first for 11 to 16 years, and age 19 years. Transport injury was responsible for about half of all deaths among children and teens. However, it did not emerge as one of the 5 leading causes of nonfatal injury until age 3 years and was the leading cause of nonfatal injury only among 17- and 18-year-olds.

Table 5.

Top 5 Leading Causes of Nonfatal Injury for Children and Teens by Year of Age, United States, 2014.a

234 572#
526 980b
523 696b
450 616b
378 853b
361 127b
340 168b
334 605b
318 006b
314 313b
1 Unintentional fall, 129 404 Unintentional fall, 246 553 Unintentional fall, 224 028 Unintentional fall, 190 198 Unintentional fall, 158 070 Unintentional fall, 152 032 Unintentional fall, 130 874 Unintentional fall, 125 481 Unintentional fall, 108 051 Unintentional fall, 105 788
2 Unintentional struck by/against, 28 577 Unintentional struck by/against, 77 537 Unintentional struck by/against, 77 678 Unintentional struck by/against, 86 832 Unintentional struck by/against, 75 602 Unintentional struck by/against, 77 599 Unintentional struck by/against, 77 938 Unintentional struck by/against, 75 709 Unintentional struck by/against, 75 812 Unintentional struck by/against, 79 693
3 Unintentional other bite/sting, 12 042 Unintentional other bite/sting, 44 948 Unintentional other bite/sting, 47 813 Unintentional other bite/sting, 38 403 Unintentional other bite/sting, 34 372 Unintentional other bite/sting, 31 507 Unintentional transport, 35 880 Unintentional transport, 35 384 Unintentional transport, 36 466 Unintentional transport, 38 950
4 Unintentional foreign body, 10 891 Unintentional overexertion, 26 882 Unintentional foreign body, 38 247 Unintentional foreign body, 33 501 Unintentional foreign body, 29 209 Unintentional transport, 26 009 Unintentional other bite/sting, 25 092 Unintentional other bite/sting, 24 478 Unintentional cut/pierce, 25 257 Unintentional overexertion, 26 843
5 Unintentional inhalation/suffocation, 10 441 Unintentional other specified, 22 459 Unintentional overexertion, 28 520 Unintentional transport, 20 924 Unintentional transport, 24 397 Unintentional foreign body, 20 356 Unintentional cut/pierce, 16 804 Unintentional cut/pierce, 20 910 Unintentional other bite/sting, 21 231 Unintentional cut/pierce, 18 975
344 496b
369 590b
377 989b
414 134b
419 580b
418 212b
438 437b
445 077b
467 257b
482 414b
1 Unintentional fall, 110 168 Unintentional struck by/against, 106 351 Unintentional struck by/against, 112 415 Unintentional struck by/against, 123 311 Unintentional struck by/against, 114 258 Unintentional struck by/against, 117 061 Unintentional struck by/against, 104 420 Unintentional transport, 92 459 Unintentional transport, 102 423 Unintentional struck by/against, 106 351
2 Unintentional struck by/against, 88 402 Unintentional fall, 105 617 Unintentional fall, 110 474 Unintentional fall, 97 587 Unintentional fall, 91 224 Unintentional fall, 89 346 Unintentional fall, 82 835 Unintentional struck by/against, 88 416 Unintentional fall, 86 542 Unintentional fall, 105 617
3 Unintentional transport, 41 921 Unintentional overexertion, 56 403 Unintentional overexertion, 69 558 Unintentional overexertion, 74 698 Unintentional overexertion, 72 373 Unintentional overexertion, 74 535 Unintentional overexertion, 75 510 Unintentional fall, 79 667 Unintentional struck by/against, 78 125 Unintentional overexertion, 56 403
4 Unintentional overexertion, 35 180 Unintentional transport, 40 513 Unintentional transport, 47 531 Unintentional transport, 44 108 Unintentional transport, 52 003 Unintentional transport, 62 443 Unintentional transport, 76 831 Unintentional overexertion, 60 732 Unintentional overexertion, 57 570 Unintentional transport, 40 513
5 Unintentional cut/pierce, 21 862 Unintentional cut/pierce, 20 470 Unintentional cut/pierce, 25 246 Unintentional cut/pierce, 21 834 Unintentional cut/pierce, 24 450 Other assaultc struck by/against, 27 840 Unintentional cut/pierce, 28 878 Unintentional cut/pierce, 39 142 Unintentional cut/pierce, 42 120 Unintentional cut/pierce, 20 470

The size of the nonfatal unintentional injury problem was substantial. For falls alone, there were an estimated 129 404 injuries among infants, 246 553 injuries among 1-year-olds, and 224 028 injuries among 2-year-olds. In total, for all ages, 0 to 19 years, there were an estimated 7 960 123 unintentional injuries seen in EDs in 2014—that is, nearly 22 000 each day.


A staggering 40 000 children and teens lost their lives to unintentional injury from 2010 to 2014. Among those 1 to 19 years of age, unintentional injury was the leading cause of death for every year of age and was responsible for more than one-third of all deaths. The largest contributor to these deaths was transport, which resulted in about half of all unintentional injury deaths. However, the leading causes varied by age.

For infants, health conditions arising during pregnancy or present at birth ranked higher than injury as a cause of death; yet nearly 1000 infants died of suffocation a year. For children ages 1 to 4 years, drowning and transport were the most common causes of unintentional injury deaths. As children aged, transport became a larger contributor peaking at 70% of all unintentional injury deaths among those 15 to 19 years old. Between ages 15 and 16 years, when teens typically begin to drive, there was a 90% increase in the number of unintentional injury deaths; predictably, this was a result of an increase in the number deaths associated with transport.

A different picture emerged when assessing nonfatal injury. The leading causes of nonfatal unintentional injury were falls, being struck by/against, overexertion, and transport. The 2 most common causes—falls and struck by/against—accounted for more than 4.3 million ED-treated injuries in 2014; transport accounted for an additional 843 000 injuries. At much greater than 5 million unintentional injuries for just these 3 causes, we are undercounting burden. These numbers reflect ED-treated injuries only, and injuries treated in other settings such as urgent care or doctors’ offices would substantially increase this estimate.

What keeps these numbers from being overwhelming is our capacity for prevention. There are many known effective strategies that may be implemented to protect children and teens.9-11 Moreover, differences in deaths and injuries among demographic subgroups and causes of unintentional injury not only demonstrate that more is possible, but also signal where to focus our efforts for greater efficiency. Clinicians are trusted advisers with a significant role to play in child injury prevention.12-14 Clinicians provide anticipatory guidance regarding a host of issues, so that parents are aware of risks and prevention strategies.15 A significant challenge for clinicians is the ability to provide resources and guidance during a busy patient encounter. Ready tools for parents that can be given out in the clinical setting can help. Modifications to the electronic health record can deliver prompts to action that are appropriate for the age of the patient. Clinicians may also have the opportunity to participate in direct risk reduction through programs that provide bike helmets, car seats, bassinets, cribs, and smoke/carbon monoxide alarms or even working with Child Passenger Safety Technicians through their practices or affiliated hospitals. Finally, as trusted health experts, clinicians can educate decision makers at all levels to support child injury prevention interventions.

To assist clinicians in targeting their injury prevention efforts for maximal impact, we provide information about robust injury prevention strategies related to infant suffocation, drowning, and transportation safety for children and teen drivers. Finally, we note recent findings surrounding the issue of prescription opioid use among adolescents. Lifestyle medicine clinicians are poised to play important roles in these areas.

We all recognize that infants are demanding on caregivers. The need to eat frequently and the inability to clearly communicate their needs are disruptive to normal adult sleeping patterns and can lead to exhaustion. In 2014, 855 of the 991 infant suffocation deaths were a result of accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed. Clinicians can help reduce the tragic loss of life to infant suffocation by helping parents and caregivers understand the need for a safe sleep environment.16 Key recommendations include putting the baby on his or her back to sleep at all naps and bedtime, using a firm sleep surface, room sharing without bed sharing, avoiding soft objects and loose bedding, and preventing overheating.17 Clinicians working with birthing hospitals or Neonatal Intensive Care Units should model these recommendations from birth or as soon as the infant is medically stable. Well-care providers should ask about safe infant sleep behaviors at well-child visits until the first birthday and help those families without a safe sleep environment connect with programs providing low- or no-cost cribs or play yards.16 Providers can point parents to helpful resources from the National Institutes of Health’s Safe to Sleep educational campaign at or to the Healthy Children site developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics at

As children age and become mobile, the risk of suffocation decreases and the risk of drowning increases. Drowning death rates are highest among toddlers 1 and 2 years of age.18 Swim skill has been shown to reduce drowning risk.19-21 Swim lessons to teach water competency are recommended for all children and may begin as young as 1 year of age.22 However, wide racial disparities in drowning deaths, especially in swimming pools, suggests that many minority children may lack basic swim skills well into their teens.18 Clinicians have a role in drowning prevention beginning in infancy by educating parents and caregivers of the varying drowning risks as children grow and effective age-appropriate prevention strategies.23,24 Infants most commonly drown in bathtubs where constant supervision is the primary prevention goal. Toddlers and preschool children drown in water hazards in their home environment such as backyard pools, hot tubs, and even buckets. At this age, barriers such as 4-sided pool fencing to prevent unsupervised access and, when they are supposed to be in the water, constant supervision and swim skill attainment reduce risk. As children age, natural water hazards become more common drowning locations. Additional strategies in this setting may include encouraging lifejacket use, avoiding alcohol, increasing water competency, and swimming in lifeguarded settings.4 Clinicians’ efforts to raise awareness of this commonly overlooked threat can improve safety behaviors and reduce drowning risks.25

Children are also at risk on the road. Before they were old enough to drive, nearly 1300 children lost their lives in transport incidents in 2014.1 For child passengers, child safety seats and booster seats are effective interventions. Child safety seats reduce the risk of fatal injury by 71% for infants and 54% for toddlers 1 to 4 years old.26,27 Booster seats for children 4 to 8 years old reduced the risk of serious injury by 45% compared with seat belts alone.28 Unfortunately, not all children are able to take advantage of this protection. Sauber-Schatz et al29 reported that more black and Hispanic children who died in car crashes were not buckled up compared with white children, and crash death rates were higher for black children than white children, 0 to 12 years old. Recent data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicated that when drivers were unrestrained, 70% of children were unrestrained.27 One strategy shown time and again to increase restraint use is state policy.

Child passenger safety legislation has a long history in the United States. Tennessee was the first state to pass a child passenger safety law, which took effect in 1979. It took until 1986 for all 50 states to adopt a requirement for some type of child restraint device. Later, with improvements in science and technology, states have modified their laws on average 6 times. The laws were adopted and modified at different speeds and with different features. For example, states had a variety of exemptions that could apply such as out-of-state vehicles, out-of-state drivers, rental vehicle drivers, and many others.30 In 2014, the policy landscape remains diverse. One state requires a child restraint for children aged 4 years and younger; several states require age 5 years and younger and several 6 years and younger; most states require age 7 years and younger, and 2 states (Tennessee and Wyoming) require child restraints for children 8 years and younger.31 Because adult seat belts generally do not fit properly until most children are older than 8 years, parents and caregivers may restrain their children in age- and size-appropriate car seats and booster seats for maximal protection; this may exceed the requirements of their state law, which parents may assume is adequate protection.29 Current information about each state law can be found at Clinicians can become familiar with their state law and include child safety seat education for new parents at all pediatric visits. Parent Central is a NHTSA site that provides useful information for parents on the right child safety seat fit and how to install and register seats, and keeps up to date on seat recalls ( If parents are interested in a hands-on inspection of their seat and its installation, they can visit the Safe Kids Worldwide site to find an event near them (

The issues around teen safety on the road are quite different from those of children; the risks include being a young (new) driver, being the passenger of a young driver, and being in another vehicle in a crash with a young driver; 40% of the deaths in fatal young driver crashes are among the young drivers themselves and 60% among others. Fatal crashes involving young drivers declined by 48% between 2005 and 2014; however, in 2014, young drivers remained overrepresented in crashes, they made up 6% of all licensed drivers, 9% of all drivers involved in fatal crashes, and 12% of all drivers involved in police-reported crashes.32 In addition to the risks from inexperience, young drivers also engage in behaviors that make crashes more likely. For example, a survey of high school students found that 1 in 10 students aged 16 years and older reported drinking and driving in the previous 30 days; for the United States as a whole, that translates to about 2.4 million episodes of drinking and driving a month—and among students too young to legally purchase alcohol.33 Furthermore, drivers are less likely to buckle up when they have been drinking, which increases the risk of injury given that a crash has occurred.32 Other special risks for young drivers are nighttime driving and carrying passengers. These 2 risks in particular are addressed by state graduated driver licensing (GDL) requirements.

GDL encourages young drivers to gain experience driving in lower-risk conditions prior to obtaining an unrestricted license. Lower-risk conditions include limited unsupervised nighttime driving; limited passengers, specifically teen passengers; and providing for adequate supervised practice on the road. Current best practice includes nighttime restrictions beginning at or before 10:00 pm and a limit of no more than 1 passenger (several states allow zero passengers).34,35 Research has indicated a 10% reduction in fatal nighttime crashes for 16- and 17-year-old drivers, and a 13% reduction in their fatal nighttime drinking driver crashes as a result of nighttime driving restrictions. Passenger restrictions were estimated to reduce 16- and 17-year-old driver involvements in fatal crashes with teen passengers by 9%.36

These statistics are sobering, yet point the way to effective safety strategies that lifestyle clinicians can support. First, parallel to child passenger safety, clinicians can become familiar with their state GDL law and include teen driver safety advice for parents and their teens. Current information about each state law can be found at Due to differences in state provisions, parents may wish to go beyond their state requirements. For example, because 57% of the fatal nighttime crashes of 16- and 17-year-old drivers happen before midnight, parents may choose to enforce an earlier curfew.37 Several organizations have produced parent-teen driver agreements, which have been shown to decrease high-risk driving and increase limits on new drivers.38,39 A study of health care providers who saw patients at or near driving age found that less than 10% reported that they used these agreements.40 The CDC has an agreement adapted from the American Academy of Pediatrics for download at This agreement customizes the rules of the road for each teen, and parents pledge to drive safely and be excellent role models. Other tools useful for clinicians interested in teen driver safety can be found at

The emerging issue of prescription opioid use and misuse among adolescents is of concern. Mazer-Amirshahi et al41 found that between 2001 and 2010, opioid use for pain-related pediatric ED visits increased, particularly among the adolescent group, and a recent study by Gaither et al42 showed a nearly 2-fold increase in hospitalizations for opioid poisonings among children and adolescents. These results, coupled with the findings from Miech et al,43 which indicated that opioid use as prescribed before high school graduation was independently associated with a 33% increase in the risk of opioid misuse after high school, point to the need to carefully consider the clinical benefits of opioid versus nonopioid pain relief for adolescents.


The frequency and preventability of unintentional injury underscores the importance of child and teen injury as a public health problem. We know what works, but there are a variety of challenges to overcome. Because injuries are common, they may be thought of as inevitable and “just part of growing up.” Many injuries are relatively minor, and so parents may not feel compelled to prevent them. There are many causes of injury, and each poses different risks and has different prevention strategies that change as children grow and develop. Safety behaviors can be difficult to maintain for the child (eg, wearing a bike helmet every ride) and for the supervising parent or caregiver (eg, never taking your eyes off your swimming child). Finally, risk taking can be a healthy part of growing up; healthy development requires that the child or teen be physically, mentally, and emotionally challenged. We cannot and should not aim to prevent every bump and bruise. However, we can identify the behaviors and environments most likely to contribute to severe, devastating, or fatal injuries and teach children, teens, and parents how to avoid them. Similar to other issues in public health, clinicians play a central role in influencing the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that will keep their patients safe.


Authors’ Note: The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Declaration of Conflicting Interests: The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.


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What was the leading cause of death in 2014?

In 2014, the 10 leading causes of death—heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, unintentional injuries, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, influenza and pneumonia, kidney disease, and suicide—remained the same as in 2013 (Figure 3).

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Poisoning fatalities were the leading cause of preventable injury-related deaths in age groups from 25 to 34 through 55 to 64. Falls dropped to the second leading cause of preventable injury-related death in 2020, behind motor vehicle.

What are the 2 leading causes of death the USA excluding accidents?

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The leading cause of accidental deaths in the US is motor vehicle accidents.