An annuity in which the periodic payment does not begin until a given time interval has passed

30.It is an annuity that does not begin until a given time interval has passed.a. ordinary annuityb. deferred annuityc. general annuityd. simple annuity

____31. On his 40th birthday, Mr. Ramos decided to buy a pension plan for himself. This plan will allowhim to claim P10,000 quarterly for 5 years starting 3 months after his 60th birthday. How manyartificial payments are there, if the interest rate is 8% compounded quarterly?

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____32.It is the per share amount as stated on the company certificate and can be determined by thecompany and remains stable over time.

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____33.He developed the theory of efficient markets.

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____34.Mr. Garcia borrowed P1,000,000 for the expansion of his business. The effective rate of interestis 7%. The loan is to be repaid in full after one year. How much is to be paid after one year?a. P1,070,00.00b. P70,000.00c. P100,000.00d. P107,000.00

____35. It is a declarative sentence that is either true or false, but not both.

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____36.Let p and q be the propositions; p: Angels exist; q:π>3. What is “Angels do not exist andπ ≤3” in symbols?(

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____37. Which of the following is/are example/s of logical connectors involving propositions?

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____38.What is the negation of the proposition “ Mary received a text message from her friend”?a. Mary received a text message from her friendc. Mary did not receive a text message fromher friendb. Mary will receive a text message from her friendd. Mary receives a text messagesfrom her friend

____39.Given a compound proposition, “You went to the rock concert and your ears hurt”, what is thelogical connector?

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____40.What is the truth value of the proposition “ f(x) =xx+1is a rational function”?

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1. It is an annuity that does not begin until a given time interval has passed.A. Contingent Annuity C. General AnnuityB. Deferred Annuity D. Simple Annuity

2. It is a time between the purchase of an annuity and the start of the payments for thedeferred annuity.

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3. It is a type of annuity whose compounding period is not equal to its payment period.

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4. Annual payments of P2,500 for 24 years that will start 12 years from now. What is theperiod of deferral in the deferred annuity?

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5. Semi-annual payments of P6,000 for 13 years that will start 4 years from now. What isthe period of deferral in the deferred annuity?A. 8 semi-annual intervals C. 6 semi-annual intervals B. 7 semi-annualintervals D. 5 semi-annual intervals

6. A credit card company offers a deferred payment option for the purchase of anyappliance. Rose plans to buy a smart television set with monthly payment of4,000.00for two years. The payment will start at the end of 3 months. If it is 10% compoundedmonthly, what is the period of deferral?A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 7. What are the actual number of payments in problemnumber 6?

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28. What is the present value in problem number 6?

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9. What is the period of deferral if monthly payment of 2,000 for 8 years will start 6 monthsfrom now?

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10. A new debt is to be paid by regular payments of25,000.00 paid at the end of every 3months for 8 years for his products. The first payment will be done after 3 years. Howmay periods of deferral are there?A. 5 B. 7 C. 11 D. 12

What annuity does not begin until a given time interval has passed?

It is an ordinary annuity where the first payment starts at the end of the payment interval. However, the payments do not begin until a certain time interval has passed.

In which the periodic payment does not begin until a given time interval has passed?

It is an annuity that does not begin until a given time interval has passed. A businessman's debt is to be paid by regular payments of ₱ 35,000.00 paid at the end of every 3 months for 8 years for his products.

What is the type of annuity in which the payment interval is not the same as the interest period?

The main difference is that in a simple annuity the payment interval is the same as the interest period while in a general annuity the payment interval is not the same as the interest period.

Which annuity is made when the periodic payment is not made at the beginning or at the end of each payment interval but at some later date?

When the period of payment is not made at the beginning nor the end of each payment interval, but at some later date, the annuity is called​ perpetuities. Perpetuity is a form of annuity wherein month-to-month bills start on a positive date and keep indefinitely.