An EKG technician is performing an exercise stress test for a patient who exhibits

During an exercise stress test, and EKG technician notices that the patient appears tobe hyperventilating. What action should the technician take first?An EKG technician is providing instructions to a patient who is to wear a cardiac event

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monitor at home. What statement by the patient indicates an understanding of theinstructions?

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An EKG technician is performing a standard 12-lead EKG for a patient who isexperiencing accelerated junctional rhythm. Which of the following speed settingsshould the technician use?

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Which of the following EKG machine functions should an EKG technician use to controland regulate the height of EKG waveforms on the tracing?Which of the following positions is appropriate for a patient during a nuclear stress test

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while the camera is scanning?

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The technician should recognize that electrical activity of the septal wall is recorded bywhich of the following leads?In a healthy adult patient, which of the following is the expected shape and direction of

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the P wave in lead II?An EKG technician is performing an exercise stress test for a patient who exhibits

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ventricular fibrillation on the EKG tracing. Which of the following actions should thetechnician take first?An EKG technician should recognize that which of the following signs are often present

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when a patient is experiencing ventricular tachycardia?

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Which of the following EKG findings differentiates accelerated idioventricular rhythmfrom junctional rhythm?An EKG technician should recognize that a rhythm strip should be at least how many

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seconds long to accurately identify rate and rhythm?An EKG technician obtains a pulse oximetry reading of 88% from a patient. Which of the

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following terms should the technician use to describe the patients condition?

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An EKG technician should recognize that the smallest box on EKG graph paperrepresents which of the following lengths of time?

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An EKG technician should recognize that which of the following blood pressure readings is within the expected reference range for an adolescent patient?

an EKG technician is reviewing the EKG tracing for a patient who has a pacemaker. The technician should recognize that which of the following alterations is being recorded on the patient’s rhythm strip.

[insert image of pacemaker providing AV pacing]

which of the following actions should the EKG technician take to resolve the artifact in the EKG tracing below?

[somatic errors]

have the patient placed her hands under their out tricks palms down

while performing an exercise stress test on a patient, a technician observes elevated ST segments. The technician should identify these findings as which of the following?

signs of acute myocardial injury

which of the following statements should an EKG technician make when preparing an eight-year-old patient for standard 12 lead EKG?

“I am going to apply some stickers to your belly, arms, and legs for the test.”

an EKG technician is preparing to obtain a patient’s blood pressure reading. The patient reports jogging to the facility to get some exercise. Which of the following actions should the technician take?

have the patient rest before taking the blood pressure reading and document it in the H.E.R.

an EKG technician is entering information about a patient’s lifestyle and occupation into the electronic health record. The technician should enter this information into which of the following sections of the H.E.R.?

which of the following EKG findings differentiates accelerated idioventricular rhythm and junctional rhythm?

accelerated idioventricular rhythm has wide QRS complexes

Which of the following are a fox can appear as drifting away from the center on an EKG tracing

an EKG technician is providing instructions to a patient who is to wear a cardiac event monitor at home. Which of the following statements by the patient indicates an understanding of the instruction?

“If the batteries fail, I will replace them myself.”

into which of the following positions should the EKG technician assist a patient to undergo a standard 12 lead EKG

when an EKG technician is obtaining a pulse from a patient, which of the following terms sure the technician used to document the rhythm of the pulse

an EKG technician is providing instructions for a patient who is going home with a halter monitor for 48 hours. which of the following statements indicates the patient understands instructions

“ I should activate the event marker if I have chest pain”

an EKG technician is preparing to use an automatic external defibrillator for a patient. After turning on and attaching the AED to the patient, which of the following actions should the technician take next

stand clear from the patient and allow the AED to analyze

an EKG technician notes that the QRS complex is too tall to fit on the EKG paper. which of the following actions should the technician take

change the gain control to 5MM/MV

which of the following terms describes an EKG technician writing the defamatory comments in a patient’s chart

which of the following electrodes is used to create leads I, II, and AVR

During an exercise stress test, and EKG technician notices at the patient appears to be hyperventilating. Which of the following actions should the technician take first

check the patient’s respiratory rate

which of the following describes electrode placement for lead V5

anterior axillary line, fifth intercostal space

an EKG technician is preparing a patient for the application of a Holter monitor. The patient tells the technician that she runs about 5 miles each day. Which of the following responses should the technician make

“You should continue exercising as usual while wearing the monitor“

an EKG technician obtains a pulse oximetry reading of 88% from a patient. Which of the following terms should the technician used to describe the patient’s condition

need to know what atrial fibrillation looks like

and EKG technician is preparing a patient for a transtelephonic ambulatory monitor. Which of the following monitors can the patient wear for 30 days or longer and can record cardiac event information from before, during, and after an episode

And EKG technician obtained the below tracing on a patient. Which of the following dysrhythmias should the technician recognize?

[insert strip of bundle branch block]

In which of the following locations should an EKG technician placed the leads for a resting EKG tracing for a patient who is in an immobile fetal position

an EKG technician is preparing a patient for an exercise stress test. Which of the following statements should the technician make before the test

“This procedure requires informed consent”

and EKG technician is monitoring the pulse of a 50-year-old patient during an exercise test. The provider uses an 85% multiplier for this patient. Which of the following is the target heart rate for submaximal exercise for this patient

A patient tells the EKG technician that she does not understand why she needs an ambulatory monitor after having a standard 12 lead EKG two days ago. Which of the following responses should the technician make

“Your provider wants to study your heart over a longer period of time”

and EKG technician is preparing a patient for an exercise stress test. Which of the following leads should the technician place on the lower right side of the anterior torso

and EKG technician is performing a standard 12 lead EKG for a patient who has a below the knee amputation of the left leg. The technician should modify and document the lead placement for this patient in which of the following ways

place the lower left extremity lead on the left groin

in which of the following locations shouldn’t EKG technician placed the electrodes for leads V7, V8, and V9

evenly spaced on the back between the axillary line and the vertebral column at the fifth intercostal space

an EKG technician is providing instructions for a patient who is scheduled for an exercise stress test. Which of the following instructions should the technician include

“You should avoid wearing shoes with high heels for this test”

which of the following waves should an EKG technician measure to you to evaluate for atrial polarization

Which of the following is the electric charge combination for the limb leads for a standard 12 lead EKG

right arm negative pole, left arm positive pole, and left leg positive pole

and EKG technician notes that a patient is experiencing a variation in respirations that correlates with the EKG tracing. Which of the following irregularities does this indicate

an EKG technician should identify that which of the following is the expected reference range for the body temperature of an adult patient

Which of the following sites is the most appropriate for an EKG technician to use when taking the pulse of an infant

an EKG technician is instructing a patient about a transtelephonic event monitor using a heart card monitor Device. To which of the following sites should the patient apply the card to activate it during an event

over the middle to lower part of the sternum

an EKG technician should recognize that the smallest box on EKG graph paper represents which of the following lengths of time

Which of the following waves is absent from the tracing below. Insert photo here

in which of the following locations should the EKG technician placed the electrodes for a three lead ambulatory monitor

on the right shoulder, the left shoulder, and the left abdomen

Which of the following is used to ensure the EKG machine is working properly

and EKG technician is preparing to apply electrodes for a standard 12 lead EKG to a patient who needs hair removal. Once the hair removal is complete, which of the following methods should be used to remove the loose hairs prior to electrode placement

Use tape to remove the loose hairs

what is the EKG gain of the tracing below. Insert picture here

And EKG technician is performing a posterior 12 lead EKG for a patient. which of the following leads should the technician place along the paraspinous border

an EKG technician is reviewing the EKG tracing of a patient who has ventricular hypertrophy. Which of the following findings should the technician expect

an ST segment depression of 2MM

and EKG technician notices an accelerated idioventricular rhythm on a tracing. Which of the following actions should the technician take next

Call for help and stay with the patient

Which of the following can cause sinus arrhythmia

The patients respirations

and EKG technician is administering an exercise stress test to an adult patient. Which of the following should the technician identify as an indication of the patient is experiencing an adverse reaction to the stress test

an increase in respiratory rate from 16/min to 30/min

an EKG technician observed ST depression and T-wave inversion in multiple leads on the patient’s EKG tracing which of the following should the technician expect

an EKG technician is preparing a patient for a standard 12 lead EKG. Which of the following is the correct placement for lead V4

The fifth intercostal space at the midclavicular line

an EKG technician recognize that a rhythm strip should be at least how many seconds long to accurately identify rate and rhythm

A patient loses consciousness. The EKG tracing reveals ventricular fibrillations. Which of the following actions should the EKG technician take first

Call for help and begin CPR

And EKG technician is preparing a five-year-old child for a standard 12 lead EKG. which of the following actions should the technician take

Allow the child to apply the electrodes on a doll before the procedure

Measure the QT interval in the tracing below. Insert picture here

an EKG technician is preparing a patient for cardiac monitoring and notices that the patient’s skin is diaphoretic which of the following actions should the technician take

Prepare the site with anti-perspirant

an EKG technician is preparing for an exercise stress test. In which of the following locations should the technician place the RL electrode

an EKG technician detects a P wave and the patient reports chest pain and discomfort. Which of the following actions should the technician take

Notify the patient provider

an EKG technician is preparing to perform a 12 lead EKG for a patient who has dextrocardia. In which of the following locations sure the technician placed the electrodes for the V1

Left sternal border, fourth intercostal space

which of the following actions by the EKG technician demonstrates compliance with HIPAA regulations

The technician uses a privacy screen on the computer to prevent others from viewing the monitor

an EKG technician is performing an exercise stress test for a patient. Which of the following findings should the technician report to the provider

calculate the ventricular rate in the tracing below using the 1500 method

an EKG technician is educating a patient on when to push the event button while wearing a Holter monitor. Which of the following statements indicates patient understanding

“I will push the event button if I am experiencing dizziness“

Which of the following actions should an EKG technician take when a patient who is unable to read is scheduled for a stress test and must sign an informed consent form

Verify the patients understanding of the procedure

Which of the following actions should an EKG technician take before storing EKG cables to prevent the transmission of microorganisms

Wipe the cables with disinfectant

an EKG technician is evaluating a standard 12 lead EKG tracing during a recording. The technician should recognize that electrical activity of the septal wall is recorded by which of the following leads

an EKG technician in an outpatient facility is observing the patients vital signs and is having trouble visualizing the patient’s chest movement. Which of the following actions should the technician take to obtain an accurate respiratory rate for the patient

Place a hand on the middle of the patient’s back to count the respirations

know how to calculate heart rate, know how to identify a pacemaker

an EKG technician is observing a patient during an exercise stress test. Which of the following symptoms sure the technician immediately report to the provider

Which of the following intervals should be used to determine the regularity of ventricular depolarization


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