A(n) ____ virus changes its characteristics every time it is transferred to a new system.

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Protection against harmful code involves more than just installing anti-malware software.



When implementing anti-malware software on a network, one of your most important decisions is where to install the software.



An anti-malware policy is meant to protect the network from damage and downtime.



The goal of fault-tolerant systems is to prevent failures from progressing to faults.



Generators provide surge protection.



____ is intended to eliminate single points of failure.

a. Availability
b. Redundancy
c. Contingency
d. Integrity

b) redundancy

A program that disguises itself as something useful but actually harms your system is called a ____.

a. virus
b. worm
c. bot
d. Trojan horse

d) trojan horse

____ are programs that run independently and travel between computers and across networks.

a. Viruses
b. Worms
c. Bots
d. Trojan horses

b) worms

A ____ is a program that runs automatically, without requiring a person to start or stop it.

a. virus
b. worm
c. bot
d. Trojan horse

c) bot

A(n) ____ virus disguises itself as a legitimate program to prevent detection.

a. stealth
b. encrypted
c. time dependent
d. polymorphic

a) stealth

A(n) ____ virus changes its characteristics every time it is transferred to a new system.

a. stealth
b. encrypted
c. time dependent
d. polymorphic

d) polymorphic

____ scanning detects malware by comparing a file’s content with known malware signatures in a signature database.

a. Integrity checking
b. Polymorphic
c. Signature
d. Heuristic

c) signature

____ detects malware by comparing current characteristics of files and disks against an archived version of these characteristics to discover any changes.

a. Integrity checking
b. Polymorphic
c. Signature
d. Heuristic

a) integrity checking

____ scanning techniques attempt to identify malware by discovering “malware-like” behavior.

a. Integrity checking
b. Polymorphic
c. Signature
d. Heuristic

d) heuristic

A(n) ____ is a deviation from a specified level of system performance for a given period of time.
Choose one answer.
a. fault
b. failure
c. error
d. hoax

b) failure

Power that is free from noise is called “____” power.

a. clear
b. clean
c. filtered
d. white

b) clean

A(n) ____ UPS uses the A/C power from the wall outlet to continuously charge its battery, while providing power to a network device through its battery.

a. standby
b. offline
c. offsite
d. online

d) online

Mesh topologies and ____ topologies are good choices for highly available enterprise networks.

a. star
b. SONET ring
c. bus
d. ring

b) SONET ring

____ is an automatic distribution of traffic over multiple links or processors is used to optimize response.

a. Redundancy
b. Failover
d. Load balancing

d) load balancing

____ is a fault-tolerance technique that links multiple servers together to act as a single server.

a. Clustering
b. Grouping
c. Mirroring
d. Duplicating

a) clustering

Which virus disguises itself as a legitimate prevention?

A Trojan (or Trojan Horse) disguises itself as legitimate software with the purpose of tricking you into executing malicious software on your computer.

What is a distinct network of storage devices that communicate directly with each other and with other networks?

A storage area network (SAN) is a dedicated high-speed network or subnetwork that interconnects and presents shared pools of storage devices to multiple servers.

What is a specialized storage device or group of storage devices that provides centralized fault tolerant data storage for a network?

Definition A(n) ____ virus changes its characteristics every time it is transferred to a new system.
Term NAS
Definition ____ is a specialized storage device or group of storage devices that provides centralized fault-tolerant data storage for a network.
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What is a graphical representation of network devices and connections known as?

A network topology diagram is a visual representation of a network's devices, connections, and paths, allowing you to picture how devices are interconnected and how they communicate with one another.


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