Analyze possible actions an auditor might take if a clients financial statements depart from GAAP

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On February​ 17, 2017, a CPA completed all the evidence gathering procedures on the audit of the financial statements for the Buckheizer Technology Corporation for the year ended December​ 31, 2016. The audit is satisfactory in all respects except for the existence of a change in accounting principles from FIFO to LIFO inventory​ valuation, which results in an explanatory paragraph on consistency. On February​ 26, the auditor completed the tax return and the draft of the audit report. The final audit report was​ completed, attached to the financial​ statements, and delivered to the client on March 7. What is the appropriate date on the​ auditor's report?

December​ 31, 2016
February​ 17, 2017
Your answer is correct.C.
February​ 26, 2017
March​ 7, 2017

Explain how materiality differs for failure to follow GAAP and for lack of independence.
Materiality for lack of independence in audit reporting is easiest to define. If the auditor lacks independence as defined by the Code of Professional Conduct​, it is always considered highly material and therefore a disclaimer of opinion is always necessary. That​ is, either the CPA is independent or not independent. For failure to follow​ GAAP, there are three levels of​ materiality: immaterial,​ material, and highly material.
Materiality for lack of independence in audit reporting is hardest to define. If the auditor lacks independence as defined by the Code of Professional Conduct​, there are three levels of​ materiality: immaterial,​ material, and highly material. For failure to follow​ GAAP, the level of materiality does not matter and therefore a disclaimer of opinion is always necessary.
For materiality for lack of​ independence, if the auditor lacks independence as defined by the Code of Professional Conduct​, it is always considered highly material and therefore a disclaimer of opinion is always necessary. For failure to follow​ GAAP, there are two levels of​ materiality: material and highly material. Therefore only a qualified opinion is necessary.
None of the above.

Sets with similar terms

The five different opinions in an independent auditor's report

What are the Types of Audit Opinions?

In the independent auditor’s report, an auditor can issue one of five different opinions:

  • Clean (unqualified) opinion;
  • Qualified opinion due to a GAAP departure;
  • Qualified opinion due to a scope limitation;
  • Adverse opinion due to a GAAP departure; and
  • Disclaimer of opinion due to a scope limitation.

A clean (unqualified) opinion refers to financial statements that are “presented fairly, in all material respects…”. Deviations from a clean opinion (where the financial statements are not presented fairly) result in a reservation (modification) in the independent auditor’s report.

Analyze possible actions an auditor might take if a clients financial statements depart from GAAP


  • In the independent auditor’s report, an auditor can issue one of five different opinions.
  • There are two types of reservations that can be made: a GAAP departure or a scope limitation.
  • The opinion issued depends on the type of reservation, which depends upon (1) materiality, and (2) pervasiveness.

Understanding Reservations in an Independent Auditor’s Report

There are two types of reservations:

1. GAAP departure

Situations where the financial statements deviate from the established accounting criteria. For example, a company that uses an incorrect accounting method faces a GAAP departure.

2. Scope limitation

Situations where the auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to base the audit on. This presents a scope limitation.

In addition, the type of opinion, based on the reservation made, depends on two factors:

1. Materiality

Misstatements to the financial statements are considered material if the misstatements (individually or in aggregate), are expected to influence the decisions made by users who rely on the financial statements.

2. Pervasiveness

Misstatements to the financial statements are considered pervasive if the misstatements affect a substantial portion of the financial statements.

Analyze possible actions an auditor might take if a clients financial statements depart from GAAP

What is a Qualified Opinion?

A qualified opinion can be issued due to a GAAP departure or a scope limitation. In both cases, the misstatements are material but not pervasive. In other words, there is a material impact on the financial statements, but the misstatements are not widespread (do not affect a large number of accounts).

Example 1: Qualified opinion due to a GAAP departure

The auditor noticed that the inventory of ABC Company faces a write-down due to obsolescence. However, the company refuses to write down the inventory. In such a scenario, a GAAP departure reservation is made. Since only the inventory and cost of goods sold accounts are wrong, a qualified opinion due to a GAAP departure would be issued.

Example 2: Qualified opinion due to a scope limitation

The auditor wants to send out confirmation letters to customers for the accounts receivable balance as audit evidence. However, ABC Company does not want the auditor to do so. In such a scenario, a scope limitation reservation is made. Since the auditor has been unable to verify the accounts receivable, a qualified opinion due to a scope limitation would be issued.

What is an Adverse Opinion?

An adverse opinion can only be issued due to a GAAP departure. In such a case, the misstatements are both material and pervasive. In other words, there is a material impact on the financial statements, and the misstatements affect a large number of accounts.

Example: Adverse opinion due to a GAAP departure

The auditor believes ABC Company faces a going concern issue and is unable to survive another year. The company disagrees and prepares its financial statements on a historical cost basis instead of on a liquidation basis. In such a scenario, a GAAP departure reservation is made. Since ABC Company prepared its financial statements on a historical cost basis, the majority of the company’s accounts are incorrect. An adverse opinion due to a GAAP departure would be issued.

What is a Disclaimer of Opinion?

A disclaimer of opinion can only be issued due to a scope limitation. In this case, the misstatements are material and pervasive. In other words, the auditor is unable to collect sufficient appropriate audit evidence to base its audit on and, as a result, a large number of accounts are not verifiable.

Example: Disclaimer of opinion due to a scope limitation

The auditor is looking to review the company’s minutes book, which contains important information regarding the board of directors meeting and the audit committee. ABC Company does not permit the auditor to review the minutes book. In such a scenario, a disclaimer of opinion reservation is made. Since the auditor is unable to access the minutes book, a majority of the company’s accounts cannot be verified. A disclaimer of opinion due to a scope limitation would be issued.

Thank you for reading CFI’s guide to Auditor Opinions. To keep learning and advancing your career, the following CFI resources will be helpful:

  • Forensic Accounting
  • IFRS vs. US GAAP
  • Threats to Auditor Independence
  • Top Accounting Scandals

What should the auditor do when faced with a material departure from GAAP on the financial statements?

b. If there is a material departure from GAAP in the financial statements, the auditor should explicitly state the nature of the departure and the dollar effects where determinable.

When financial statements contain a departure from GAAP because?

d. When financial statements contain a departure from GAAP because, due to unusual circumstances, the statements would otherwise be misleading, the auditors should explain the unusual circumstances in a separate paragraph and express an opinion that is...

What type of audit opinion would be issued to reflect a material departure from GAAP?

An adverse opinion can only be issued due to a GAAP departure. In such a case, the misstatements are both material and pervasive.

What types of actions may an auditor be liable to a client under common law?

 Under the common law, the auditor may liable to clients for breach of contract, negligence and fraud.