Anything that provides direction, intensity, and persistence to behavior refers to

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  • School University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
  • Course Title NAV 4401W
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  • Pages 2
  • Ratings 100% (1) 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful

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Leadership: Chapter 9Motivation:anything that provides direction, intensity, and persistence to behaviorPerformance:concerns behaviors directed toward the organization’s mission or goalsor the products and services resulting from those behaviorsEffectiveness:involves making judgments about the adequacy of behavior with respectto certain criteriaJob satisfaction:is not how hard one works or how well one works, but rather howmuch one likes a specific kind of job or work activityOrganizational citizenship behaviors:behaviors not directly related to one’s job buthelpful to others at work; organizational citizenship behaviors create a more supportiveworkplaceNeeds:refer to internal states of tension or arousal, or uncomfortable states ofdeficiency people are motivated to changeHierarchy of needs:developed by Maslow; any person’s behavior can beunderstood primarily as the effort directed to satisfy a particular level of needin the hierarchy; which level happens to be motivating a person’s behavior atany time depends on whether lower needs in the hierarchy have beensatisfied; lower-level needs must be satisfied before the next higher levelbecomes salient in motivating behavior; physiological needs → security needs→ belongingness needs → esteem needs → self-actualization needs

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Organizational Citizenship Behaviors

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Chapter9Motivation, Performance, and EffectivenessGroup member: Keting Pan, Jiahui Wang, Wenjing Gao and ???

Defining Motivation, Satisfaction, Engagement,Effectiveness and PerformanceMotivation is anything that provides direction, intensity, &persistence to behavior.Performance concerns behaviors directed toward the firm’smission/goals or the products or services resulting from thosebehaviors.Performance differs from effectiveness, which generally involvesmaking judgments about the adequacy of behavior with respectto certain criteria such as work group or organizational goals.Job satisfaction is how much one likes a specific kind of job orwork activity.Satisfied workers engage in organizational citizenshipbehaviors.employee engagement is the extent to which people areabsorbed with, committed to, and enthusiastic about theirassigned work tasks.

Relationships among Leadership, Satisfaction,Engagement, Performance and Effectiveness

Understandingand InfluencingFollowerMotivationLeaders who know about differentmotivational theories are more likely tochoose the right theory for a particularfollower and situation, and often havehigher-performing and more satisfiedemployees as a result.Most performance problems can beattributed to unclear expectations, skilldeficits, resource shortages, or a lack ofmotivation.Motivational theories are useful in certainsituations but not as applicable in others.

Five MotivationalApproaches

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: HowDoes Context Affect Motivation?Maslow posited that people were motivated by five basic needs,which include the need to survive physiologically, the need forsecurity, the need for affiliation, the need for self-esteem, and theneed for self-actualization.And when needs are not being met, people engage in certainbehaviors to satisfy them.To motivate employees to work harder, leaders must determinewhere their followers are on the needs hierarchy and ensure that alllower-order needs are satisfied before appealing to their higher-order needs.

Maslow’sHierarchyof Needs

Achievement Orientation: HowDoes Personality Affect Motivation?Atkinson has proposed that an individual’s tendency to exert efforttoward task accomplishment depends partly on the strength of his orher motivation to achieve success, or as Atkinson called it,achievement orientation.Achievement orientation is also a component of the Five FactorModel or OCEAN model of personality dimension ofconscientiousness.McClelland maintained that differences in achievement orientationare a primary reason why people differ in the levels of effort theyexert to accomplish assignments, objectives, or goals.

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What refers to the influences that govern the initiation direction intensity and persistence of behavior is?

According to Geen (1995), motivation refers to the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of human behavior. In psychology, motivation has been defined as the sum of separate motives that arouse, sustain and regulate certain behavior in an individual.

Is define as the processes that account for an individual's intensity direction and persistence to effect toward attaining a goal?

Motivation is defined as the processes that account for an individual's intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal.

What are three macro psychological components?

Motivation, learning, and stress are the three macro psychological components of empowerment.

What is the forces either within or external to a person that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action?

Motivation refers to the forces either within or external to a person that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action.