At what stages would a minor be considered to be competent to enter into a binding contract?

In some cases, a legal contract age is the same as the state's age of majority and indicates whether an individual is deemed by the law to enter into contracts.3 min read

1. Age of Majority
2. Sufficient Mental Capacity
3. Void and Voidable
4. Guardian's Consent
5. Enforcement of Contractual Obligations

In some cases, a legal contract age is the same as the state's age of majority and indicates whether an individual is deemed mentally competent by the law to enter into contracts.

By law, individuals are able to enter into contracts when they become mentally competent adults. In most cases, this means that the individual must reach the age of majority before they can enter into contracts. However, all states have laws that set the age at which individuals reach legal capacity and the age at which they may undertake certain legal actions.

Age of Majority

In most states, the age of majority is 18 years. Individuals who reach this age are considered adults. Other states, like Alabama, stipulate 19 years as the age of majority.

Even if a contracting party has reached the age of majority, it doesn't automatically make the contract legally binding. The legal contract age may be stipulated by the type of contract—for instance, car rentals require renters to be at least 21 years old. In cases where the individual is not deemed competent to contract—due to impairment or mental illness—it no longer matters whether said individual has reached the age of majority or not.

Sufficient Mental Capacity

Generally, minors are presumed not to have sufficient mental capacity to understand contractual rights. Therefore, they are not competent to contract. The terms “infant” and “minor” are used in legal circles to describe persons who have not reached their age of majority.

Void and Voidable

A contract entered into with a minor is generally voidable. However, there are contractual obligations that remain binding, even if the contracting party is an infant. Contracts for necessities such as housing, food, or medical care are not voidable, and the infant is liable for any and all contractual obligations.

The minor's economic status or that of his/her parents may be considered when determining whether the item is necessary or not. As such, automobiles could be considered as necessary.

Once a guardian or parent consents to a contract involving a minor, it becomes legally binding. If such consent is not obtained, guardians or parents can contact the other contracting party and request that the contract is destroyed.

Enforcement of Contractual Obligations

Depending on extenuating circumstances, the court may enforce contractual obligations as is or require that the minor pay fair market prices for the goods/services contracted for.

For instance, when a minor leaves the interstate during a downpour and books a hotel room for $150 a night. If the fair market price for the room is $100, some courts may require the minor to pay $100 while others would impose the original contracting price of $150.

Contracts with minors are not automatically void. In states like Illinois, however, they are considered voidable. This means that minors can force the other contracting party to provide the benefits to be received under the contract. However, if the other party wants to enforce such a contract, the minor could declare the contract void—except if the benefits are for necessary items indicated above.

If a minor wishes to void a contract, he/she must still pay restitution for benefits received when the contract was in effect.

Although 18 years is the legal contract age in most states, there are several exceptions—such as the case of emancipation. If the minor hasn't reached the legal contract age but is granted legal status by a court of law, he/she may enter into contracts. Such a grant is made after careful review and analysis of relevant laws as well as the specific circumstances and facts.

To determine if an individual is legally competent to contract, it's best to seek expert legal advice. Courts usually require a minor to comply with terms of banking agreements. They are subject to the same penalties and fees as other consumers. Some states allow minors to work as long as they can obtain work permits.

Case and state laws could list other kinds of contracts that a minor cannot void. For instance, most states hold a minor to entertainment or sports contracts. In New York, minors can be recipients or purchasers of life insurance policies. Such policies are not considered voidable.

If you need help with legal contract age, you can post your legal need on the UpCounsel marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5% of attorneys/lawyers on its site. Attorneys on UpCounsel come from prestigious law schools like Yale Law and Harvard Law and usually have 14 years of legal experience, including work on behalf of or with companies like Airbnb, Menlo Ventures, and Google.

Can a minor enter into a binding contract?

A child under the age of 18 is considered a minor and can only sign a contract if it is essential items. Essential goods include medicines, food and medical services. Otherwise, the minor child must have the consent of a parent or guardian to the contract for it to be legally binding.

When can a minor enter into a binding contract quizlet?

In most states, however, a person is given full legal capacity to enter into contracts when he or she becomes emancipated before the age of the majority. Because their contracts are voidable, minors have the right, until a reasonable time after reaching the age of majority, to disaffirm or void their contract.

Under which of the following does a minor enter into a binding contract?

However, under Family Code section 6700, a minor is permitted to enter into certain types of contracts.

What is the status of a contract entered into by a minor?

Minors (those under the age of 18, in most states) lack the capacity to make a contract. So a minor who signs a contract can either honor the deal or void the contract. There are a few exceptions, however. For example, in most states, a minor cannot void a contract for necessities like food, clothing, and lodging.