Both the buyer and the seller can have an insurable interest in identical goods at the same time.


Both the buyer and the seller can have an insurable interest in identical goods at the same time.

a. True

b. False

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(1) The buyer obtains a special property and an insurable interest in goods by identification of existing goods as goods to which the contract refers even though the goods so identified are non-conforming and he has an option to return or reject them. Such identification can be made at any time and in any manner explicitly agreed to by the parties. In the absence of explicit agreementidentification occurs

  • (a) when the contract is made if it is for the sale of goodsalready existing and identified;
  • (b) if the contract is for the sale of future goods other than those described in paragraph (c), when goods are shipped, marked or otherwise designated by the seller as goods to which the contractrefers;
  • (c) when the crops are planted or otherwise become growing crops or the young are conceived if the contract is for the sale of unborn young to be born within twelve months after contracting or for the sale of crops to be harvested within twelve months or the next normal harvest reason after contracting whichever is longer.

(2) The seller retains an insurable interest in goods so long as title to or any security interest in the goods remains in him and where the identification is by the seller alone he may until default or insolvency or notification to the buyerthat the identification is final substitute other goods for those identified.

(3)Nothing in this section impairs any insurable interest recognized under any other statute or rule of law.

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