Branchcache configuration does not rely on windows active directory and group policy.


The Branch offices have unique management challenges. The BranchCache is a WAN optimization technology that is built into Server 2016. It enables remote offices to access centralized file-shares, over the wide area network at faster speeds and using less bandwidth. This type of solution to remote office WAN optimization is collectivity known as “wide area files services” or WAFS solutions. They are traditionally expensive. so, it is great to have a solution included in the box with Windows Server. Therefore, the challenge is to provide efficient access to network resources for users in branch offices. BranchCache helps you overcome these problems by caching files so they do not have to be transferred repeatedly over the network. BranchCache improves the responsiveness of common network applications that access intranet servers across slow WAN links.

In the following illustration, BranchCache is deployed in both modes

For this demo, I will be using 02 Server and 01 client PC, which is 01 Domain Server, 01 Member Server and 01 Windows 10 PC.

Step 01 – Configure Domain Server to use Windows BranchCache

1 – On the DC_SERVER01 server, open Server Manager, click Add roles and features and proceed installation until you reach Select server roles interface, click File and Storage Services and click File and iSCSI Services then select BranchCache for Network File, then proceed with Next

2 – On the Select features interface, click Next

3 – On the Confirm installation selections interface, click Install

4 – Once the installation complete, click Close

5 – Next, on the Domain Server open Gpedit.msc

#_# In the Local Group Policy Editor console, under Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, expand Network, and then click Lanman Server.

#_# On the Lanman Server result pane, double-click Hash Publication for BranchCache

6 – In the Hash Publication for BranchCache box, click Enabled, in the Hash publication actions list, select the Allow hash publication only for shared folders on which BranchCache is enabled, and then click OK

Step – 02 Simulate a slow link to the branch office

1 – Still in the Local Group Policy Editor console in Domain Server, in the navigation pane, under Computer Configuration, expand Windows Settings, right-click Policy-based QoS, and then click Create new policy

2 – In the Policy-based QoS Wizard, on the Create a QoS policy interface, in the Policy name text box, type Limit to 100 Kbps, and then select the Specify Outbound Throttle Rate check box. In the Specify Outbound Throttle Rate text box, type 100, and then click Next

3 – On the This QoS policy applies to interface, click Next

4 – On the Specify the source and destination IP addresses interface, click Next

5 – On the Specify the protocol and port numbers interface, click Finish and close Local Group Policy Editor console

Step – 03 Enable a File Share for BranchCache

1 – On the Domain Server DC_Server01, create 01 folder called BC Head_Share, and then share this folder

2 – On the BC Head_Share properties, click Advanced Sharing

3 – Click Share this folder box, and click Caching

4 – In the Offline Settings box, click Enable BranchCache box, and then click OK

5 – Next, just simply copy any file and paste into the BC Head_Share (for this demo I copy WordPad.exe)

Step – 04 Configure client firewall rules for BranchCache

1 – In the Domain Server DC_Server01, open Group Policy Management, then right-click Default Domain Policy, and then click Edit

2 – In the Group Policy Management Editor, under Computer Configuration, expand Policies, expand Windows Settings, expand Security Settings, and then expand Windows Firewall with Advanced Security

#_# extend Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, right-click Inbound Rules, and then click New Rule

3 – In the New Inbound Rule Wizard, on the Rule Type page, click Predefined, click BranchCache – Content Retrieval (Uses HTTP), and then click Next and Predefined Rules interface, click Next

4 – On the Action page, click Finish to create the firewall inbound rule

5 – Repeat the same step, and this time click Predefined, click BranchCache – Peer Discovery (Uses WSD), and then click Next and proceed to Finish

6 – Next, run gpupdate /force command to activate the policy

Step – 05 Install BranchCache for Network Files role and the BranchCache feature on Member Server

1 – On the SUB_SERVER02 server, open Server Manager, click Add roles and features and proceed installation until you reach Select server roles interface, click File and Storage Services and click File and iSCSI Services then select BranchCache for Network File, then proceed with Next

2 – On the Select features interface, click BranchCache, and then click Next

3 – On the Confirm installation selections interface, click Install, and then click Close

4 – Next, we need to start the BranchCache host server, in the SUB_SERVER02 server open Windows PowerShell and type:

Enable-BCHostedServer -RegisterSCP

#_# verify that BranchCache is enabled and running

5 – Scroll down to the DataCache section, notice the current active cache size is zero

6 – Lastly run the gpupdate /force

Step – 06 Configure client PC to use BranchCache in hosted cache mode

1 – On Domain Server DC_SERVER01 open Group Policy Management, then right-click, and then click New Organizational Unit

2 – In the New Organizational Unit box, type HelpTech Branch and then click OK

3 – Right-click the HelpTech Branch OU and click Create a GPO in this domain, and link it here

4 – In the New GPO box, type BranchCache, and then click OK

5 – Next, right-click the BranchCache GPO and click Edit

6 – In the Group Policy Management Editor, under Computer Configuration, expand Policies, expand Administrative Templates, expand Network, and then click BranchCache

#_# in the Setting list, double click BranchCache

7 – In the Turn on BranchCache box, click Enabled, and then click OK

8 – In the BranchCache results pane, double-click Enable Automatic Hosted Cache Discovery by Service Connection and then click Edit

9 – In the Enable Automatic Hosted Cache Discovery by Service Connection Point box, click Enabled and then click OK

10 – In the BranchCache results pane, double-click Configure BranchCache for network files, and then click Edit

11 – In the Configure BranchCache for network files box, click Enabled, in the Type the maximum round-trip network latency (milliseconds) after which caching begins text box, type 0, and then click OK

“This setting is required to simulate access from a branch office and is not typically required”

12 – Next, open Active Directory Users and Computers, and move any clients PC that you have in Computer OU to HelpTech Branch OU

13 – Next, switch to Client PC, open CMD, and type

netsh branchcache show status all

#_# Verify that the BranchCache Current Status is Running. If the status is Stopped, restart the client machines.

14 – Now lets the BranchCache, on the client PC, access to \\DC_SERVER01\BC Head_Share folder

15 – Copy the whole file in the BC Head_Share folder and then paste to your client PC desktop

Step – 07 Monitoring BranchCache

1 – Switch to SUB_SERVER02 Server and open Performance Monitor

#_# under Monitoring Tools, click Performance Monitor, then click the Add icon

#_# In the Add Counters box, under Select counters from computer, click BranchCache, click Add

2 – and then click OK

3 – On the Change Graph type button, select Report

4 – Switch to Client PC, and repeat the step previously for Performance Monitor & add BranchCache

Good luck! Just give it try – I’m sure you’ll love it as well. If you have any comments or questions on feel free to contact me.

That’s all for now. 🙂

Which Windows operating system allows you to use BranchCache?

BranchCache is a wide area network (WAN) bandwidth optimization technology that is included in some editions of the Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 operating systems, as well as in some editions of Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7.

How do I setup and configure BranchCache?

To install and enable the BranchCache feature In Server Manager, click Manage, and then click Add Roles and Features. The Add Roles and Features wizard opens. Click Next. In Select installation type, ensure that Role-based or feature-based installation is selected, and then click Next.

Is BranchCache enabled by default?

BranchCache is enabled by default. When the requirements for BranchCache are met, this feature enables clients in remote locations to obtain content from local clients that have a current cache of the content.

How do I enable BranchCache in Windows 10?

In the Properties dialog box, on the General tab, click Offline Settings. The Offline Settings dialog box opens. Ensure that Only the files and programs that users specify are available offline is selected, and then click Enable BranchCache. Click OK twice.


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