Claims made by telephone or e-mail are just as effective as claims made in writing

  • 1. 

    Most e-mails and memos should be written indirectly to show respect for readers.

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 2. 

    You are setting up a system for your tech support employees to communicate with customers to solve problems they are experiencing. What is the best electronic communication channel for this purpose.

    • A. 


    • B. 

      Instant message (IM)

    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 3. 

    Typing your name at the bottom of an e-mail message is unnecessary. 

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 4. 

    Because e-mail is the preferred communication channel in most businesses today, most people know how to use it smartly, safely, and professionally.

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 5. 

    Although you may exchange very short instant messages, most of your writing tasks on the job will probably involve preparing e-mail messages and interoffice memos.

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 6. 

    Which of the following situations is most appropriate for sending an e-mail message?

    • A. 

      Ashley found a great political joke she wants to share with he colleagues.

    • B. 

      Melissa must send the monthly sales data to her department.

    • C. 

      Aidan needs to vent his frustrations about working conditions to his shift supervisor.

    • D. 

      Matthew is angry with one of his colleagues and wants to let her know exactly how he feels.

  • 7. 

    What is the best advice for formatting hard-copy memos?

    • A. 

      Use even(justified) right and left margins for a neater look

    • B. 

      Double-space memos to make them easier to read

    • C. 

      Key the guide words in bold at the left margin.

    • D. 

      Leave five blank lines between the lest line of the heading and the first line of the memo.

  • 8. 

    Effective e-mail messages and memos generally discuss only one topic. 

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 9. 

    Kevin wants to make sure that he is demonstrating good netiquette when using e-mail. What should he do?

    • A. 

      Ask permission before forwarding messages

    • B. 

      Write his messages in all capital letters to make them look important and professional.

    • C. 

      He should do all of these.

    • D. 

      Document every business decision and action with an electronic paper trail.

  • 10. 

    Your e-mail messages and memos should have high skim value, which means

    • A. 

      You write the message quickly and efficiently

    • B. 

      All paragraphs contain 5 or fewer lines

    • C. 

      Information presented is easy to read and comprehend.

    • D. 

      All sentences contain 10 or fewer words.

  • 11. 

    E-mail messages and memos should use bullets, lists, headings, and white space to improve readability.

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 12. 

    Which of the following is the most appropriate closing for an e-mail message or memo?

    • A. 

      It's been great talking with you.

    • B. 

      Please let me know if I may be of further assistance.

    • C. 

      Please submit your report by August 1st so that the information can be presented at the seminar.

    • D. 

      Thank you in advance for answering my questions.

  • 13. 

    Brianna's company has decided to let employees use instant messaging(IM) as an internal communication tool, and she wants to make sure that she's using it professionally. What should she do?

    • A. 

      Brianna should do all of these things.

    • B. 

      Respect her receivers by using proper grammar, spelling, and proofreading in her instant messages.

    • C. 

      Make sure she's available via IM at all times so t hat he colleagues can always reach her.

    • D. 

      Include both professional and personal contacts on the same IM contact list for efficiency.

  • 14. 

    To be safe in writing a direct reply letter on company stationary, you should

    • A. 

      Have your legal staff check every letter before you send it.

    • B. 

      Wait at least ten business days to allow any problem to subside.

    • C. 

      Gather facts, check figures, and receive any needed approvals.

    • D. 

      Develop a plan to reduce the benefits offered for any claim resolution.

  • 15. 

    Although e-mail is increibly seccessful for both internal and external communication, you should still use letters when

    • A. 

      Formality and sensitivity are essential

    • B. 

      You need immediate feedback.

    • C. 

      You have too little time to proofread

    • D. 

      The message must reach your reader very quickly

  • 16. 

    When explaining compliance in the body of an adjustment letter, you should avoid words such as regret, misunderstanding, and unfortunately.

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 17. 

    Which of the following is not a goal when writing adjustment letters

    • A. 

      To promote future business and goodwill

    • B. 

      To gain additional customers through the claim

    • C. 

      To gain the confidence of the customer

    • D. 

      To gain thorough documentation to prove that the customer has presented an honest claim.

  • 18. 

    Shannon is writing a direct reply letter to a potential client. In the body of the letter, she will be answering several questions and wants her responses to be logical and readable. What should she do?

    • A. 

      Place the answers in a numbered list

    • B. 

      Avoid clarifying statements, which could create legal trouble.

    • C. 

      Place her answers in complete sentences in paragraph form.

    • D. 

      Place the answers on a separate page and attach it to the letter.

  • 19. 

    Writing letters of appreciation to customers who complain can be a smart business strategy.

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 20. 

    For which of the following situations should a letter be sent instead of an e-mail message.

    • A. 

      You are asking members of the community to contribute to a fundraising effort for a local charity.

    • B. 

      You are reminding employees about an upcoming holiday

    • C. 

      You are scheduling a task force meeting.

    • D. 

      You are letting employees know about a training opportunity.

  • 21. 

    Claims made by telephone or e-mail are just as effective as claims made in writing.

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 22. 

    Although companies send routine letters to suppliers, government agencies, and other businesses, the most important letters go to customers

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 23. 

    A personally written message will have much more impact on  your reader than a ready-made card.

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 24. 

    When writing a direct reply letter to a customer, refer only to the product the customer asked about. Mentioning other products would be considered rude and presumptious. 

    • A. 


    • B. 


  • 25. 

    Which of the following is the best opening for a note expressing thanks for a gift?

    • A. 

      Thanks for the gift!

    • B. 

      Thanks, William, for the lovely watch you and your staff gave to me to commemorate my twentieth anniversary with the company.

    • C. 

      I can't believe I've been with the company for twenty years.

    • D. 

      A lot has changes over the past twenty years.

Which of the following is the best advice for writing a goodwill message?

What is the best advice for writing goodwill messages? Send a goodwill message to show appreciation only for a gift or monetary award. Send a goodwill message promptly. Make a good impression by giving a ready-made card instead of writing your own message.

Which of the following are characteristics of effective goodwill messages quizlet?

Which of the following are characteristics of effective goodwill messages? Check all that apply. Close Explanation Explanation: Goodwill messages are most effective when they are selfless, specific, sincere, spontaneous, and short.

Which of the following are characteristics of effective thank you notes?

5 Characteristics of an Outstanding “Thank You” Note.
Timely. After you've interviewed for a job, finished a summer/semester job/internship, or conducted a job-shadow or an informational interview, don't dilly-dally. ... .
Specific. ... .
Simple. ... .
Heartfelt. ... .

Which of the following is the best advice for writing the body of a routine request message?

what is the best advice for writing the body of a routine request message? remember that the quality of the information obtained from the request depends on the clarity of your inquiry.