During which of the following stages of the product life cycle is promotion least importance?

In a feedback loop, a response refers to

the positive or negative feedback that a consumer expresses immediately after exposure to a company's message.

the impact, either positive or negative, that occurs when one consumer interprets a firm's message through word of mouth to another potential consumer using his or her own words.

the length of time required for a typical customer to associate a specific slogan, theme, melody, or logo with a specific product brand.

the impact the message had on the receiver's knowledge, attitude, or behaviors during the communications process.

the number of times a consumer must hear a message before it can be accurately decoded.

During which stage of the product life cycle does the marketer spend little money in the promotional mix quizlet?

phase out. During which stage of the product life cycle does the marketer spend little money in the promotional mix? direct marketing.

What are the three steps in the promotional decision process?

The promotional decision process consists of three steps: planning, implementation, and evaluation.

What is the promotional objective of the introduction stage of the product life cycle?

Your marketing goal in the introduction stage is to get out of the introduction stage. When sales increase and your marketing objectives shift towards creating a preference for your brand over the competition, you're heading toward the growth stage of product lifecycle marketing.

Which of the following are methods of setting a budget for promotion?

Methods for Setting Advertising Budget (6 Methods).
Percentage of Sales Method: It is a commonly used method to set advertising budget. ... .
Objectives and Task Method: ... .
Competitive Parity Method: ... .
Affordable or Fund Available Method: ... .
Expert Opinion Method: ... .
Other Methods:.