During which stage of the drawing-in phase should the trainer discuss the clients goals?

Unit 12: Drawing in phaseThe drawing-in process is comprised of five stages:1.Establishing yourself as a professionala.Developing client rapport: This is an essential first step in gaining trust andconfidence from your client.Rapport implies a relationship based on commonexperiences, interests or outlook. Avoid judging your clients or setting yourself upas better than them because you are more fit then them. You need to focus ontheir strengths and get them to feel good about themselves.b.Knowing your craft: Knowing your craft projects an authoritative aura which willinspire confidence in your clients. A good trainer inspires his or her clients intoaction. Also you are a walking billboard for your level of expertise; Your level offitness will make you seem more creditable to your clients and you will gain theirtrust if you look the part.c.Demonstrating sincerity: Sincerity demonstrates that you have a genuine interestin your clients progress.You should also show interest in other aspects of yourclients’ lives.Get to know them as an individual; who they are, what they like,what they do. There is a fine line which you must not cross in terms of gettingtoo personal with clients. You must always remain professional and come back tothe task at hand; which is your clients’ fitness goals.d.Leading with integrity: Integrity reflects a committed, sincere, and consistent setof principles and practices. It enables your clients to practice both what youteach and what you do. Your actions and what you say should reflect your totalcommitment to the progress of your clients. ALWAYS CONDUST YOURSELF AS APROFESSIONAL!e.Showing enthusiasm: Enthusiasm is the by-product of expertise and sincerity, aswell as your genuine excitement about the results you know you can obtain foryour clients. You can use your own anecdotal experiences to help provide yourclients with many “shortcuts.” Since you have already experienced the samechallenges your clients will soon experience, you can share tips, tricks, advice andgeneral knowledge that helped you In the past. You can also share success storiesof other clients to help get them fired up about their own results.

  • School Internation Sports Sciences Association
  • Course Title PTR 251
  • Type

    Homework Help

  • Pages 17
  • Ratings 100% (1) 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful

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UNIT 12DRAWING-IN PHASETOPICS COVERED IN THIS UNITIntroductionStage 1: Establishing Yourself As a ProfessionalDeveloping Client RapportKnowing Your CraftDemonstrating SincerityLeading With IntegrityShowing EnthusiasmWorking With Sound EthicsStage 2: Data CollectionStage 3: Guided DiscoveryStage 4: Feeling the Water Before Jumping InStage 5: Establishing an Integrated Fitness LifestyleGoals and ObjectivesGoal OrientationClient MotivationUnit OutlineI. IntroductionII. Stage 1: Establishing Yourself as a Professional

A. Developing Client RapportB. Knowing Your CraftC. Demonstrating SincerityD. Leading With IntegrityE. Showing EnthusiasmF. Working With Sound EthicsIII. Stage 2: Data CollectionIV. Stage 3: Guided DiscoveryV. Stage 4: Feeling the Water Before Jumping InVI. Stage 5: Establishing an Integrated Fitness LifestyleA. Goals and ObjectivesB. Goal OrientationC. Client MotivationLearning ObjectivesAfter completing this unit, you will be able to do the following:Understand the five stages of the drawing-in phase.Know how to incorporate the drawing-in phase into yourfitness business.INTRODUCTIONAs a future ISSA fitness professional, you must first seek tounderstand before you make recommendations. This criticalthinking is the mark of all true professionals, whether they arephysicians, lawyers, chiropractors, or personal trainers. You would

not have confidence in a doctor’s prescription unless you hadconfidence in the critical thinking behind the diagnosis. The samewill hold true with regard to your clients’ confidence in yourrecommendations. Consider the following:Imagine you are having problems with your feet and decide to visita podiatrist. After she briefly listens to your complaint, she takesoff her shoes and takes out her insoles and hands them to you. Shetells you to put her insoles on because they have worked great forher and they should work great for you. You put them on and walkaround, but it simply makes your problem worse. She tells you thatthey work for her, so try harder to make them work for you. You tryagain with no success. She tells you that your attitude is theproblem and that you need to be positive, but still no success. Thepodiatrist becomes angry and says that she has done so much tohelp you but you simply cannot be helped. What are the chances inanother visit?We do not have confidence in someone who does not properlydiagnose before prescribing. The same is true for your futureclients. As an ISSA trainer, you must listen first, then makerecommendations.What fitness means for one person is not necessarily the same foranother. If you try to force a certain program on your client ratherthan develop a program that is commensurate with his or herpersonal preferences, current schedule, and available resources,you will usually be unsuccessful in drawing that client into a fitnesslifestyle.

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Which stage should a trainer discuss a clients goals?

Stage 3: Commitment to action or goal-setting The client's focus is going to be on the problem, but the counselor needs to be focused on the problem, the client, the counseling process, and the overall goal. Goals help to give direction during each session.

What are the stages of the drawing

1: What are the 5 stages of the drawing-in process?.
Establishing professionalism..
Data collection..
Guided Discovery..
Feeling the water before jumping..
Establishing an integrated fitness lifestyle..

What is Stage 1 of the drawing

Explanation: Stage one of the drawing-in is Establishing Yourself as a Professional. To help establish yourself as a professional, use the following guidelines for successfully developing positive, productive relationships with your clients.

What is Stage 2 of the drawing

DRAWING-IN PHASE: Unit Summary: Stage 2: Collect data.


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