Employees who are paid for learning specialized skills are participants in a ____ skill plan.


I/O Psychology is a branch of psychology that _____ in the workplace.

applies the principles of psychology

The _____ were a husband and wife team who were among the first scientists to improve productivity and reduce fatigue by studying the motions used by workers.

Changes in employee behavior that result from an employee being studied or receiving increased attention from mangers is called the:

Which of the following research methods can determine a cause and effect relationship?

If a researcher calculated a correlation coefficient of r = 1.27 between two variables, you would conclude that there is a(n):

A researcher finds a strong correlation between job satisfaction and performance. What can he conclude from this correlation?

Satisfaction and performance are related

I/O Psychology first started about:

A(n) _______ is an educated prediction about the answer to our research question

Which of the following research methods uses previously collected company records?

According to your text, the most important reason for the reliance on research is that it ultimately:

saves an organization money

Researchers at IBM think that employees who get to choose their own working hours will be more satisfied than those who do not. To test this idea, IBM employees at the Dallas facility are told that they can chose their own hours. Six months later, the sat

previous research
ANSWER: all three of these

_______ is a method of reaching conclusions based on the statistical combination of several previous research studies.

Job analysis can serve as a foundation for:

selecting employees
training employees
evaluating employees' performance
ANSWER: all of these and more

The _______ is the process of determining the work activities and requirements, and the _______ is the written result.

job analysis / job description

Even though the _______ are not law, courts have granted them "great deference.

A job analysis is typically conducted by:

the human resource department

Which of the following is a proper task statement?

After conducting a job evaluation we find that Bob is underpaid by $2,000 and Bill is overpaid by $2,000. We would probably:

give Bob a raise and leave Bill's salary alone

_______ was the first real court case that addressed the issue of job relatedness.

Which of the following sections in a thorough job description contains what is commonly called job specifications?

Which of the following is the most common method of conducting a job analysis?

The issue of comparable worth is often less an issue of pay discrimination than one of ________ discrimination.

Salary surveys are used to determine:

Knowledge, skill, ability, and personality are types of

Creating a list of tasks that are thought to be involved with a job, and having job incumbents rate the tasks on scales such as frequency of occurrence and importance, best defines which job analysis method?

The first step in the legal process is for some legislative body to

With, ______, employees and the organization meet with a neutral third party who tries to help the two sides reach a mutually agreed-upon solution.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects against discrimination for five classes. Which of the following is NOT one of these five protected classes?

The _______ is thought to be the most important piece of employment legislation since the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Americans with Disabilities Act

For adverse impact to have practical significance, the minority selection ratio must be less than ____ percent of the majority selection ratio.

Which of the following would be considered sexual harassment? _______ asking a(n) ______ coworker for a date.

Repeatedly / disinterested

A test asking questions about sexual orientation or belief in God might be illegal due to

AT&G does not have any female employees. Ann Smith applied for a job as a machine operator. Though she did not obtain the minimum score of 40 on the machine operator test, AT&G plans to hire her as part of their new affirmative action plan. There are 10 m

No, an applicant must be qualified to be given preference based on gender or race

A supervisor offering a promotion in exchange for sex would fall under the ______ form of sexual harassment.

In the 1989 case of Walker v. Secretary of the Treasury, a district court found that a darker skinned black illegally fired a lighter skinned black employee. Which of the following protected classes were at issue in this case?

Nagy Industries is considering reserving the best parking spots for employees who are 7 months pregnant. Is this legal?

Yes, pregnancy can be treated better than other short term disabilities

It is illegal to use an individual's religion in an employment decision unless the nature of the job involves

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) forbids an employer from discriminating against an individual over the age of:

Help-wanted signs, job fairs, and direct mailings are all examples of

external recruitment methods

Based on the available research, which of the following recruitment strategies may enhance employee morale and motivation?

Research indicates that recruitment advertisements which display the company emblem and use creative illustrations attract ____ applicants , whereas ads including salary ranges and a company phone number attract ______ applicants.

Which of the following is NOT part of a highly structured interview?

Applicants attempting to be interviewed immediately after a poor applicant are demonstrating their understanding of the:

Which of the following factors would suggest emphasizing your strengths and concealing your weaknesses in an interview?

Negative information bias

The resume that most takes advantage of such principles as primacy, priming, and short-term memory limits is the ______ resume.

Suppose that an angry customer started yelling at you in front of other customers. What would you do?" This type of interview question is an example of a:

future-focused (situational) question

An applicant who looks around the interviewer's office and pays close attention to such items as pictures and plaques probably has a good understanding of the role ________ plays in their interview score.

interviewer-interviewee similarity

Applicants are asked to _______ when an organization either wants to quickly screen applicants or hear an applicant's phone voice.

If you don't know the name of the person to whom you are sending your resume, use

Dear human resource director

Perhaps the best way to ensure that interviewers base their decisions on relevant information is to

use the structured interview

Realistic job previews involve telling potential applicants the ____ a job with an objective of increasing _____.

What is the first step in constructing a structured interview?

Conducting a job analysis

Because it is not uncommon for applicants to engage in resume fraud, references and letters of recommendation are used to:

confirm details on a resume

If an employer does not check an applicant's references and the applicant molests a child after being hired, the employer could be charged with

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the use of grade point average for employee selection?

GPA has low adverse impact

Which of the following selection methods uses multiple techniques and multiple observers to evaluate applicants as they perform different job-related tasks?

Which of the Big 5 personality dimensions is the best predictor of employee performance?

Cognitive ability tests are excellent predictors of employee performance, but because they almost always result in _______, they should be used with caution.

Color discrimination, glare sensitivity, and speech recognition are examples of ______ abilities

In psychology, it is commonly believed that the best predictor of future performance is

Of the four choices below, which is the worst predictor of employee performance?

_______ are based on the premise that peoples' attitudes about theft as well as their previous theft behavior will accurately predict their future honesty.

Which of the following is good advice in asking for a letter of recommendation?

Provide your reference with a copy of your resume
Give your reference plenty of advance notice before the letter is due
Choose references who can provide information from multiple perspectives
ANSWER: All three are good advice

When personnel professionals are concerned with adverse impact or invasion of privacy associated with a test, they are assessing the:

potential for legal problems

What are the Big 5 personality dimensions?

Openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism (emotional stability)

A student takes the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) as a requirement to get into college. Her score on the test is 1020. Three weeks later, she is asked to take the identical test again. This time she scores 900. This inconsistency in scores is an issue of

An industrial/organizational psychologist correlates the responses to the even numbered items on a selection test with the responses to the odd-numbered items from the same test. Which of the following answers BEST describes the concern of the psychologis

_______ validity is a measure which refers to the extent to which a test score is related to some measure of job performance.

If a small police department uses a cognitive ability test because a meta-analysis indicated cognitive ability is the best predictor of performance in the police academy, it is:

using validity generalization

Even though a test is both reliable and valid, it is not necessarily useful. The _______ were created to determine the probability that a particular applicant will be successful.

Even though a test is both reliable and valid, it is not necessarily useful. The _______ were/was developed to determine the amount of money that an organization would save if it used a particular test to select employees.

Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser utility formula

In constructing a band, how many standard errors are normally used?

When the criterion validity coefficient is ____, and the selection ratio is ____, a test will have the most utility in selecting successful employees.

The extent to which a test found valid for a job in one location is valid for the same job in another location refers to the concept of _______.

Test-retest reliability taps ____ stability.

If we use the weight of an infant to predict the subsequent performance of the infant in college, the weight measure is probably:

If the selection rate for any of the protected groups is less than 80% of the selection rate for either white applicants or males, the test is considered to have _______.

San Antonio, Texas, has a system in which the names of the top three applicants for promotion are submitted to the Chief of Police who then selects one of the three to be the new Captain. This system uses:

Which of the following is the most important use of performance evaluation results?

Employee training and feedback

Which of the following is an area of potential use for performance appraisals?

a. Validation of employment testing
b. Training needs assessment
c. Employee training and feedback
ANSWER. All of these

Self-appraisals of performance appear to be most accurate when the purpose of the self-appraisal is for:

Which of the following performance appraisal approaches would have dimensions such as "prevent crimes from occurring" and "minimize citizen complaints"?

Amy works at a bank that is trying to get customers to apply for vehicle loans. As hard as Amy tries, she is unsuccessful because the bank's loan rates are not very competitive. When evaluating Amy's performance, her supervisor must consider the loan rate

Janet is perceived by her dining room manager, Sarah, as the best waitress who ever worked for her. Naturally, Janet's ratings on her performance appraisal are all high. Tom, on the other hand, is an average waiter; yet, after evaluating Janet, Sarah's ra

When peer ratings are used, research has found that high performers evaluate their peers _______ low performers.

To get better customer feedback on employee performance, _______ are used.

Though commonly used, trait-focused performance appraisal instruments are not a good idea for several reasons. Which of the following is the main reason outlined in your text?

They provide poor feedback

Whereas trait-focused instruments concentrate on who an employee _______, task-focused instruments focus on what an employee _______.

Which of the following criteria is a subjective measure of performance for a waitress?

A supervisor's rating of dependability

Which of the following employee comparison methods involves comparing each possible pair of employees and choosing which one of each pair is the better employee?

Which of the following methods is an employee comparison method?

. Rank order
b. Paired-comparison
c. Forced distribution
ANSWER. All of these methods

_______ is the systematic acquisition of skills, rules, concepts, or attitudes that result in improved performance.

On average, organizations annually spend about _____ per employee on training.

Which of the following training methods requires trainees to discuss appropriate and inappropriate employee behaviors, watch the appropriate behavior being performed and role play the appropriate behavior?

Which of the following is most true about the use of humor during training presentations?

The humor should serve a purpose

Which of the following training methods has an employee perform several different jobs within an organization?

A Solomon Four Groups Design attempts to do all of the following except:

be more practical than other designs

An organization decides to send cashiers who have a high incidence of shortages on the job to a retraining program in order to correct this problem. This practice demonstrates which type of needs analysis?

Which training needs assessment technique is concerned with an individual employee's training needs?

_______ exercises allow the trainee to work with equipment and in an environment like that found in the actual job.

Giving employees a 100-item test after they complete a training program is an example of which of the following training evaluation criteria?

Employees who are paid for learning specialized skills are participants in a ____ skill plan.

A training program that has experienced workers temporarily assigned to the training department is called a(n) _______.

A task analysis conducted as part of a training needs assessment is made easier if:

job descriptions are available

The personality dimension of _____ is the best predictor of performance whereas _____ is the best predictor of promotions.

conscientiousness / extraversion

An employee's supervisor places full confidence in the employee and believes that the employee can handle a fairly difficult task. This boosts the employee's self-esteem which in turn increases her performance. This phenomena is known as:

Employees with a high need for _______ are motivated by jobs that are challenging and over which they have some control.

______ theory states that individuals have five major types of hierarchical needs is:

Matt constantly posts charts and graphs indicating the latest production statistics. Matt seems to believe in:

An individual does not like to do laundry but prefers to do laundry over studying for exams. Because doing laundry is liked more than studying, _______ predicts that the opportunity to do laundry will motivate a person to study.

According to _______, an employee's motivation is related to how fairly she believes she is being treated compared to other employees.

Employees who work with highly motivated employees are likely to be _______ than employees who work with unmotivated coworkers.

_____ determines whether a person can do the job properly and ____ determines whether that person will do it properly.

_______ incentive plans often result in social loafing.

_______ plans are also called earnings-at-risk plans.

In expectancy theory, _____ is the perceived relationship between the amount of effort an employee puts in and the resulting outcome, and ______ is the extent to which the outcome of a worker's performance will result in a particular consequence.

expectancy / instrumentality

If an employee feels she is underpaid for the effort she exerts, she will probably:

______ is the attitude one has toward her job and ______ is the extent to which an employee identifies with and is involved with an organization.

Job satisfaction / organizational commitment

Job satisfaction is most related to performance in:

Job satisfaction is most related to:

organizational commitment

People prone to be satisfied with their jobs have:

Clay is very intelligent and Joshua is not very bright. On the basis of the meta-analysis by Griffeth, Hom, and Gaertner (2000), we would expect Clay to be _________ with his job and Joshua to be ______ satisfied with his job.

intelligence is not related to job satisfaction

Wai Lik is normally a very satisfied employee. However, all the other employees at Surrette Manufacturing constantly complain. After a month, Wai Lik starts to complain. What theory would explain this change?

Two employees are performing the same job and are required to meet the same standards; however, one employee makes $2 per hour more for the job. According to which theory will the lower paid employee be unsatisfied because he feels he is being treated unf

Realistic job previews might reduce turnover that is caused by:

Which of the following types of "fit" is NOT related to increased job satisfaction?

a. needs-supplies
b. person-organization
c. demands-abilities
ANSWER. All three result in increased job satisfaction

Which of the following is the biggest reason that employees miss work?

Social information processing theory focuses on:

Sally is angry about a promotion decision. Though she is not sure that she was the best candidate, she feels that she never really got the chance to demonstrate her skills. Sally's dissatisfaction is consistent with research on:

If you were to develop a test to determine who would be most satisfied with their jobs, you would probably develop a test that would identify people with a high level of:

internal locus of control

A top executive never receives negative information from her staff. This is known
as _______ and is a disadvantage of _____ communication.

A communication method that facilitates upward communication by asking employees to rate their opinions on such things as pay or working conditions is known as the ______.

When one employee passes information to another, who passes the information to another, they are using what type of grapevine pattern?

A breakdown at any point in the interpersonal communication process can affect the accuracy of information being communicated. What is the sequence for communicating a message from the sender to the receiver?

Encode, transmit, receive, decode

An administrative assistant who screens an executive's phone calls, opens his mail, and keeps rack of his appointments, exemplifies which approach to handling communication overload?

Which of the following is NOT important for readability?

r______ listeners listen for the main ideas in communication whereas ______ listeners listen to the way communication is spoken.

_______ communication flows directly from a supervisor to employee.

______ is an easily employed method which allows employees to communicate their opinions, complaints, suggestions, etc., to management at virtually any time.

______ is a conscious decision not to process certain information whereas ____ is an attempt to deal with every message received.

______ are employees who receive most of the information through a grapevine and, in turn,
pass it on to others.

_____ are employees who receive less than half of the information through a grapevine, whereas
_____ hear most of the grapevine information but don't pass it on.

____ refers to an informal communication process in which one individual in the grapevine passes on information to a select group of people, with not everyone receiving the information.

Research has identified certain traits that differentiate leaders from non-leaders (leader emergence). Which of the following traits is NOT one of these differentiating traits?

Meta-analyses indicate that several traits differentiate excellent leaders from poor leaders. Intelligence is one of the traits and _______ is another.

Examples of ______ include setting goals, making decisions, and rewarding and punishing subordinates.

Leaders who are high in task orientation and low in person orientation will have:

Insecure leaders who are outwardly charming but resent successful people are known as _____whereas leaders who overcome their insecurity by being overconfident are known as _____.

paranoids-passive aggressive / narcissists

A leader with a _______ style leads through the use of strategy and is most effective in a situation of disorganization.

A new manager is assigned staff who are unsure about a task but are willing to do it. She should use a ______ approach.

The Vroom-Yetton Model of Leadership focuses on_______.

______ leaders are insecure and seldom rock the boat or cause trouble.

Which of the following theories uses the Least-Preferred Coworker scale to help a person understand their leadership style?

Fiedler's contingency model

Under Situational Leadership Theory, a leader uses one of these four behavioral styles:


Sam Walton's strong emphasis on customer service at Walmart demonstrates the importance of ____ in being a great leader.

Research by McClelland and Burnham (1976) and McClelland and Boyatzis (1982) has demonstrated that high performance managers have a "leadership motive pattern." This pattern is characterized by a high need for ____ and a low need for ______.

When something affects one member of the group, it affects all members. This is known as ______ and is a criterion for being considered a group.

Employees on the 7th floor go to lunch together and employees on the 2nd floor play together in a city basketball league. These examples demonstrate the importance of ____ in forming groups.

According to your text, if you are interested in improving group performance, what should the group's composition be in terms of the homogeneity of its members?

Increasing the perception that a group is difficult to obtain membership in helps to increase:

Mary notices that none of the other members of her group are working hard so she decides to lower her effort. Her behavior support the _____ theory of social loafing.

A group member who coordinates the group's activities and finds new information is _____ oriented whereas one who's main role is encouraging and supporting others is ____ oriented.

Which of the following characteristics suggests that a collection of five employees is a team rather than a "group" or a "committee?

The members use casual language

Which source of conflict results when geographical boundaries or lines of authority are unclear?

A difficult worker obsessed with completing a task quickly is classified as a _____, whereas one who dominates conversations and does not listen to other's ideas is a _____.

A conflict resolution strategy in which a neutral third party listens to all parties involved in a conflict and then makes a decision is called:

A _____ conflict style handles conflict in a win-lose fashion whereas a _____ style adopts give and take tactics.

A group comprised of 12 members will be _____ cohesive and have ____ morale than one comprised of five members.

A manager wants to increase the quality of his employee's decisions. He should have:

A manager who asks such questions as "Why are we doing this?" and "How and when did we start doing this?" is:

conducting a sacred cow hunt

When organizations undergo change, the final stage employees go through is called:

When organizations undergo change, the first stage employees go through is called:

Which of the following would most likely say "If it ain't broke, break it"?

Which of the following would most likely say If it's broke, I'll help fix it?

To create a good atmosphere for change, it is important for an organization to create:

dissatisfaction with the current system

Leaders can make decisions without consulting others unless:

the problem is unstructured

Raja has been working for Shahidi Enterprises for five years. She works by herself in a building sorting mail. She is allowed two 20-minutes breaks each day and can take them whenever she wants. In an empowerment chart, at what level would she be at regar

An example of a compressed work week involves:

working 4 days a week, 10 hours a day

A manager asks an employee to study an issue and report back with recommendations on how the issue can be resolved. In this example, the employee is at the _____ level of input and control.

A local grocery store has identified hours that everyone must work. These hours are known as:

A company gets a huge, one-time order. It needs an additional 40 employees to complete the job but will not need them once the job is done. The best strategy is for the company to:

According to Denton (1996), what is the first step in implementing change?

Creating an atmosphere for change

After organizational change has occurred, what is the first step in assessing the new culture?

An employee who ______ might be vulnerable to being downsized.

Every memo that Cheryl receives indicates that an immediate response is required. Cheryl thinks these timelines are unnecessary are nothing more than a:

Bad, or negative stress is called:

Darnell was hired as a cook's assistant but all he has been doing for the past five months is clean tables and take out the trash. Darnell's stress level can probably be explained by:

Which of the following aspects of noise would most reduce employee performance?

Noise that is high pitched

Larry is a junior at Raynes College and has trouble sleeping. He keeps worrying about not getting a job when he graduates and never finding the right person to marry. Larry's stress might be the result of:

When employees feel stressed and take a "mental health day," they:

have a short-term decrease in stress

Most incidents of workplace violence are the result of:

another crime being committed

Which of the following does not fit the profile of the typical perpetrator of workplace violence?

Which of the following would be least likely to react negatively to stressors?

Because ____ of employees in the labor force have a child under the age of 18, approximately _____ of organizations have an on-site child care center.

give indications about future violence

Clarence has been under a great deal of stress at work. His wife told him that they should watch some sitcoms on TV. Her advice is sound because laughter can:

laughter does all of these

Continued exposure to high levels of noise is associated with:

a. hearing loss and high blood pressure
b. increased levels of employee aggressiveness
c. increased incidents of worker illness
ANSWER. all of these

Compared to employees with only one job, moonlighting employees:

are no different in terms of performance

Akira closes his eyes and engages in several minutes of slow, rhythmic breathing. He is trying to reduce stress through:

Which of the following terms is defined as the process in which participants learn through experience and application?

Which of the following terms is defined as the process in which participants learn through experience and application? Action learning.

What is the highest level of employee input and control also called empowerment?

Organization Development.

When organizations undergo change the first stage employees go through is called?


What are characteristics of effective training objectives quizlet?

quality or level of acceptable performace..
conditions under which the employee is to apply what he or she learned..
measurable performance standards..
resources needed to carry out desired performance or outcome..