Followers of charismatic leaders assume greater risk than they would under other types of leaders.

transformational leadership- is effective in motivating followers in innovative behavior, is about changing the status quo. Vision-oriented, value change, manage, enduring.

transactional leadership-involves an exchange of valued benefits, based on expectations and motivations of both leaders and followers, leaders and followers are in a specific contractual arrangement, leader provides benefits that satisfy the followers' needs and expectations and punishes behavior or performance that doesn't. task and reward-oriented, value stability, transitory.

Do charismatic leaders take risks?

Charismatic leaders are not afraid to take risks. They use their personality and communication to gain admiration from their followers.

What do followers of a charismatic leaders influence?

Charismatic leaders transform their followers to make personal sacrifices for the sake of the collective and to become involved in the leader's vision and mission. The majority of studies in the field have demonstrated the positive impact of charismatic leadership on organizational effectiveness.

How do followers perceive charismatic leaders?

Studies suggest that followers embrace a charismatic leader and his or her mission because of the leader's self-confidence, exceptional persona, extraordinary vision, ideology, and motivation to maximize his or her subordinates' potential.

How do followers perceive charismatic leaders quizlet?

Follower attribution of charismatic qualities to a leader is jointly determined by the leader's behavior, expertise, and aspects of the situation. Charismatic leaders are likely to have a strong need for power, high self-confidence, and a strong conviction in their own beliefs and ideals.