For what reasons did the farmers Alliance proceed in the direction of forming a third party in the late nineteenth century?


The agrarian populist movement of the late nineteenth century remains among the largest social movement and third-party revolts in American history. It embodied a full-scale critique and mobilization against the inequities of the Gilded Age, and its influence stretched well into the Progressive and New Deal eras. While most accounts of the movement and party’s emergence and rapid demise have centered on economic conditions and interests, we link movement and third-party emergence and failure to the institutional arena second only to partisan politics in its impact on southern society at large, namely organized religion, particularly evangelical Protestantism. This article offers the first systematic analysis of the extent to which organized religion in the South channeled the mobilization of agrarian populism. The results both support and contradict the argument that agrarian populism was rooted in organized southern religion by suggesting that evangelical Protestantism channeled the mobilization of the Farmers’ Alliance movement but not the People’s Party. While white southern evangelical religion served as a potent cultural resource and mobilizing structure for the movement, the move to partisan politics helped create a disjuncture between movement and party from which Populism never recovered.


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Why did the Farmers Alliance decide to form a third party in the late 19th century?

Initially, the Alliance tried pressuring political candidates to endorse measures that it believed would benefit farmers. When politicians proved more willing to make promises than to enact legislation, Alliance leaders began to consider forming a third political party rather than relying on the existing parties.

What caused the Farmers Alliance?

The roots of the National Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Union, commonly known as the "Southern Alliance," dated back to approximately 1875, when a group of ranchers in Lampasas County, Texas organized as a Texas Alliance as a means of cooperating to apprehend horse thieves, round up stray animals, and cooperatively ...

When did the farmers alliances form the Populist Party?

In 1889 the alliance was organized by "outlanders," or non–American Indian farmers who had moved into the territory.

How did the Southern Alliance assist farmers during the late nineteenth century?

How did the Southern Alliance assist farmers during the late nineteenth century? Assistance in getting reduced prices on farm equipment and providing less expensive facilities for grain storage.