Game sherkas wer ist babe

(this ask is for Shift and Vary)

3. What is their worst memory?

Mmm definitively that day where Vary was quite sick before they became friends with Jar.

Shift was really worried about Vary and was scared to be left alone.

Vary hated seeing her bro like that and was getting anxious at the idea of leaving Shift in an unsafe place even for one second.

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You know, I think Lucius might be the most badass character in the entire series so far? I mean:

1. Jim is about to stab him in the face, so he distracts them long enough to whack them on head and escape

2. Convinces Jim to stop trying to kill him by stealing a dagger from a vicious pirate who keeps a jar of severed noses

3. Izzy Hands *tries* to put the fear of god into him and he responds with ‘you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid’ and outwits him by being nice to Fang and learning Izzy’s secrets

4. *Cuts off his own goddamned finger* in a delirious haze, winning the game of fuckery

5. Tells motherfucking Blackbeard to stop being a dick

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you know what? im high and watching hunger games and annoyed enough to make a vent post. i hate that cato’s care for clove was entirely erased in the film. and not for some lovey dovey ship nonsense (but i did ship clato as a teen and assumed they were collins’s sneaky way of saying ‘hey while u were focusing on that fake star crossed lovers tragedy, you missed the actual romance over here because it wasnt sparkly enough you for to even notice let alone care about at all) NO my issue with it was the fact that it was one of the SMALLEST glimpses into the realization that “hey, these blood thirsty careers are just kids too. theyre just like peeta and i. if our positions were reversed and i screamed for peeta he would come for me like cato for clove. he would cry for me like that, hed beg me to stay. this kid is a human after all. just like me.” and it STINGS! its SHOCKING! because before this moment katniss hated and feared cato and clove and the rest of the careers. they were not scared children like the rest of the tributes, they were vicious they were frightening and eager to kill. they were not worthy of pity. she sure didnt feel any pity for glimmer or the district four girl when they died via tracker jackers or whatever the district boys name was when she killed him. she was shaken to have killed or to have witnessed their deaths, but overall she didnt feel bad for them. they were evil, they’re from districts that allegedly support the games and pledge allegiance capitol, they train career tributes to slaughter the poorer district children, they make peace keepers, theyre richer, they’re not human.

but here. clove is a frightened little girl screaming for not her partner, but her friend. shes crying and begging and its ugly and its scary to watch and something in katniss clicks. this girl who was pinning her down a second ago and taunting about killing her and rue and peeta. who seemed to be enjoying her time in the games. shes screaming out for help. its jarring to see such a sudden transition, katniss doesn’t know what to make of it.

and then comes cato, running, screaming back for her! he could leave her for dead, there was only ever meant to be one victor anyway right? whats the point in saving her? even if the game makers changed the rules, does cato really care enough about his district partner he was planning on killing anyway? is he really wasting effort trying to save her? why would a career do that, how could he be so human? sure she and peeta were trying to stay alive so they could both go home, but neither of them planned to kill each other. neither of them wanted to kill or trained to kill. they were here by accident, they didn’t choose it.

except… katniss had, hadnt she? she volunteered just like careers do. she volunteered to save her family, who knows why the careers volunteer? she always assumed it was for the glory and the chance to participate in the games right? but who can say? what makes it unique for her to save her sister and mother, when these tributes could be doing the same fucking thing? these career kids could just be scared daughters and sons and children of scared fathers and mothers and parents who just want their kids to have the best chance of fighting in case they do get pulled. and maybe the kids that volunteer have siblings theyre trying to protect and families theyre trying to feed. they have a good shot at winning with that training, if they lose their familys removed from the tribute bowl forever, if they win they get money and shelter and safety for the rest of their family to live with.

and right there as catos crying over the body of his district partner, of someone he couldve grown up with and loved just like peeta and katniss and every other tribute in the game, katniss understands. katniss gets it. its why she mercy kills him at the end, its why she has nightmares of cloves death and not just rues. its because theyre just like her. the district borders dont fucking matter. they are human, they are just trying to get each other home. they care for each other, they dont want the other to die. these career districts arent any better or worse than katniss just because theyre in a higher social class with a bullshit allegiance to the capitol that enslaves them and kills their children every year just as much as districts 5-12. catos human. cloves human. katniss only registers this after the scene where she listens to cato crying as cloves canon booms in the background. suzanne collins put that scene in there for a REASON. to humanize EVERYONE! (like she humanizes the average, working class capitol citizens) cato isnt just an antagonist because hes evil, hes no villain. he and katniss are not enemies. theyre the same. the districts are the same. the capitol citizens are the same. everyone is just… the same.

by cutting this out of the film it diminishes the truth of war like the original novel is saying. that soldier youre fighting is not the enemy. the enemy are the people at the head of the state, seated at soft chairs in billion dollar offices set in mansions moving around armies of thousands like chess pieces on a board. this war is not between you and that soldier. this war is using you like pawn while the real enemies fight with you as their weapons. youre expendable. that soldier is expendable. you are both human, neither of you want to kill each other or watch your comrades die.

THIS is the theme of the hunger games. that war is tragic and unethical and abhorrent. war is fought between those in power and use their citizens as carelessly as bait for fishing. these borders, these stereotypes types, this propaganda you are force fed by the elite is all made up to keep you from banding together. they breed hate within you on arbitrary measures and keep you divided because together you’re strong, but individuals are weak. so they draw up these lines in the sand to make you hate each other because you’re from another district, because you’re from another country, another social class, another bracket, another nothing.

its all made up. its all fake.

cato cries when clove dies. cinna apologizes to katniss for being put into the games. plutarch joins haymatch and other tributes to end the games. ALL the victors join hands at the quarter quell. they are all human. they all care for each other. they join together and overtake the tyrants.

THATS why catos scene over clove is important and why its meaningful that he doesnt go after katniss when it happens even though he could because hes too overwhelmed by his grief. its not something the movie just gets to erase because “its such a short scene, it doesnt matter, we can save time by cutting it even though we literally keep clove shouting for cato in the film and it wouldve taken two more seconds just to show him running to her and crying when her canon goes off.”

the film makes him seem heartless. he doesnt care about anyone, his breakdown at the cornucopia is because he’s gone mad over his instinct to survive and his rationality telling him he’s dead no matter what. thats true in both the film and the book, and while the film has him finally realize hes a pawn, it still strips him of his empathy and humanity and capacity for compassion and love. it revokes katniss’s understanding for ALL the districts, something she doesn’t get until the second film. UGH. its been a decade and im still mad over this.

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rough night

jake lockley x reader


synopsis: fucking a cabbie after a night out


“rough night?“ the cab you had waved down had pulled over and the words seemed to just come out of you as you stepped into the back seat.

the cabbie gave a weak chuckle, a deep laugh that gave you chills, “why don’t i go back there and show you just how rough my night has been.” it didn’t even seem like a question, a warning more like. and even though you had more than your fill of weird men hitting on you for wearing your skimpy clothing, you kind of liked this attitude from the cabbie. and if your eyes hadn’t deceived you, the cabbie wasn’t all that bad looking at all. handsome.

you flicked your nails and looked at them before you looked at his eyes in the mirror, “why don’t you?” you tried to maintain your confidence as the cabbie sped up, and you felt fear cross your mind for a brief second as he pulled into a dark alleyway in the london fog.

you fixed your lipstick as he got out from the driver seat and went straight to your side and opened the door. you didn’t even hesitate as you pulled his shirt and kissed him immediately.

another chuckle as he held your hands, “slow down there, take your time..” his husky voice revealed a light spanish accent, “i turned the meter off if you’re wondering.” he chuckled and you kissed him rougher, he threw himself into the cab and shut the door, throwing his hands on your dress, hiking the fabric up your skirt as he reached down with his fingers to paw at your wet cunt. you were dripping, and a moan ripped from your throat as he fucked you roughly with his fingers.

he shoved your back against the other door of the cab and hiked your legs up onto his lap, his head craning down to meet your cunt. you felt his warm breath over your cunt, his fingers still deep inside you. you fought the urge to want to cum, and instead waited for his tongue to meet your clit, which it did right after you thought it.

if his fingers seemed like a slice of heaven, his tongue was like heaven in a fucking jar. it was magnificent, even as he lined up the pace, you were still like puddy in his hand.

he looked at you and seemed to nod in approval and you felt yourself unleash, your hips stuttered as you came, your shaking knocking the hat off his head, his face still buried in between your legs.

he was lapping you up, every single drop was gone.

he pulled back, removing your fingers from your tight hole and you recovered quickly enough for your fingers to unfasten his belt, pulling it apart and unleashing the large and thick girth of his cock.

you wanted to squeal with glee at his size, but he shoved your back down again towards the door and moved to align himself with your cunt. you gave a breath of relaxation enough to take him in, and watched as your cunt enveloped his cock completely, and you felt him bottom you out.

you cried with pleasure as he picked your legs up and began to fuck you with an incredible pace. not even comparable to his oral game, his hips seemed to dance with yours, and soon another orgasm was approaching.

your mind was filled with cloudy, filthy thoughts as you spluttered again, cunt squeezing around his cock. he chuckled again, slapping the red swollen clit and watching as you squirmed against him. he moved to cum on the inside of your thigh, groaning with pleasure as he gave every last drop.

you looked at him and smiled, “i’m y/n.”

he began to stuff his cock away and smirked back, picking his hat off the floor of the cab, his threw it back on and tipped the corner, “jake lockley. pleasure to fuck you.”

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Okay okay that vampire Eddie piece? Thank you 🤧 but hear me out, lovable villain vampire Eddie with just a real soft and like innocent reader. That man would live to torment and fluster them

This AU officially lives rent free in my head.

Your lashes were heavy with tears and your legs burned with exertion as you ran through the woods, stumbling over roots and rocks. Low hanging branches snagged at your clothes and scratched your face but you pushed on. Eddie, however, didn’t need to run, he knew exactly where you were. He could smell you. Sweat, tears, blood, and fear creating an intoxicating cocktail he could find anywhere; but he preferred when it was mixed with your sweet vanilla perfume. He wound his way through the trees, heading right for you at his own pace. You’d tire out soon and when you did his favorite part of the game would begin. As much as he loved the chase it just couldn’t compare to your cute tear streaked face held in his hands. Sure enough when he crested the embankment just behind Skull Rock he could see you, crouched low and trying to hide. He stood back and watched as your shoulders heaved with labored breaths. With a smirk he snuck up behind you, silent as a shadow. You didn’t even know he was there until his breath tickled your ear. “What are we hiding from?” You let out a loud shriek and bolted up but he was too fast. His arms looped around your waist and he pulled you tight against his chest, trapping you. You kicked and flailed your legs, thrashing back and forth in a pathetic attempt to escape. He only enjoyed how it made your short skirt ride up your plush thighs. One of his hands came down to caress the soft, warm flesh. “Don’t be like that, princess,” he crooned at you, nosing along your neck. The urge to bite down and pierce the delicate skin there was almost irresistible. Almost. But Eddie didn’t want to rush with you. He wanted to savor you. So instead, as you melded into his arms with a sob, he pressed an open mouthed kiss there. “You know it scares me when you do stuff like that, Eddie! I hate it when you do that!” He chuckled and squeezed you tighter in apology. He did know that you hated it, that it scared you. That he scared you. That’s what made it so much fun to him.

Eddie spun you around and pinned you against Skull Rock. Finally now he could see your sodden face. “Poor baby,” he smudged away the tears and mascara with his cold thumbs, giving you a faux pout, “so scared of big bad Eddie.” You only gave a pitiful sniffle, turning your face away from his grasp. “Are you mad at me now?” “It’s not funny,” is all you can manage. He pressed you further into the jagged stone, lips finding their way to a cut on your cheek. His tongue prodded at the wound and you hissed at the sting. You tasted salty, sweet, and coppery all at the same time, the flavor brought forth a low moan from the back of his throat. The sound  alone made your skin prickle and your mind fog, your hands came up and fisted in the denim of his vest in an attempt to ground yourself. “I didn’t say it was funny. Though it is very fun.” You gave an annoyed huff that made him laugh. You were just too precious. “I do this as a favor you know. You could be nicer to me. I don’t have to help you.” His lips trailed from your cheek to your ear. “I’m very nice to you, princess. I choose to be nice to you. You know I’m very nasty with other people.” It was true. Eddie could take what he wanted from you when he wanted, how he wanted. But he never did. Maybe because you weren’t really a meal to him. He didn’t drink from you to satisfy his hunger. If he did you would have been dead long ago. No, Eddie considered you more of a treat, an indulgence. “You’d get caught- You’d get caught without me.” It was a lie he told you to keep you coming back, it was a lie you told to yourself to not feel bad. “Of course. You’re right… I owe you.” He dropped suddenly to his knees, the action jarring enough to make you jump with a gasp. He looked up at you with big eyes and a smirking mouth. His large palms grabbed handfuls of your thighs, just under your skirt. The position made a burning heat creep up though your chest. “Thank you,” he pressed his lips to your knee, “thank you,” another just above it now, “thank you,” this one unbelievably close to the bottom of your skirt. His nose brushed the edge of the thin fabric and your hand came down to flatten it against your legs, trapping his hands underneath. He threw his head back and laughed as you began to swat him away. “Stop it! Stop! You’re such a jerk!” 

He got back to his feet and tried to wrap you back up in his arms but you pressed against his chest in an attempt to keep him at bay. His hands came to rest over your own and you had to pretend that the gentle touch and his infuriatingly attractive dimples weren’t affecting you. Eddie remained blissfully quiet, letting you get your bearings straight again. Something he rarely did. Then finally, when you seemed calm, he leaned forward. His head dipped low and his lips lingered just above the pulse point in your neck, not quite meeting skin yet. He could almost feel the vibrations of your heart fill the space between the two of you. “Can I?” Despite everything he always asked. Your hands moved from his chest and now you were the one to pull him in. He gladly stepped into your embrace. “Yeah…” It was all he needed. He let his tongue lay flat against the column of your throat before licking a broad stripe upwards, tasting your skin first. The feeling made you shiver. Then he carefully fit his teeth around your defined jugular and bit down. His fangs parted your flesh with a sharp pinch you’d become used to. Eddie growled low in his chest, pressing impossibly closer to you. Your eyes squeezed shut and you breathed steadily through the pain. Slowly your fingers crawled up the taught plane of Eddie’s back to tangle in his long hair. As he drank a faint ringing began to form in your ears, soon followed by the telltale lightheadedness. You tugged lightly on his locks but he didn’t pull away immediately. Instead he gripped you tighter. “E-Eddie.” You tugged a bit harsher this time and he groaned. “Too much, Eddie,” you slurred. You tried to wriggle away but your limbs felt like lead. Your bleary eyes blinked open to find your vision dark around the edges. You gave one more murmur of his name before that darkness spread and took over. 

Eddie ripped his head away from your neck with all the self control he could muster, arms holding you tightly to keep you up. “Fuck,” he gasped. His head came forward and his forehead met your own. “Hey,” he gave you a light shake, “you okay?” When you gave no response his fingers found the spot below where he bit you. Your heart was still beating steadily, though much faster. He laughed to himself, part relief and part amusement. He would absolutely be teasing you for this later. But now? He lowered the both of you to the ground, resting your head in his lap before shrugging off his top layers and placing them over you. “Rest up princess. I got you.”                                                           

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Tiny Swords - Eddie Munson X GN!Reader


an; sooo... did anyone else fall in love with him and think he was the best part of this season and went out and bought the hellfire shirt and is your tiktok fyp just full of him too.... No?? What the fuck are you doing here then? /lj / j


WARNINGS: GenderNeutral! Reader, friends to lovers, slower pace, fluff, kissing, making out, biting/marking, poor knowledge of 80s technology and dungeons and dragons but we manage... I hope (sorry), maybe a little ooc?? denotes to smut though doesn't include any


5891 words

"Are...?" Your gaze shifted your gaze to look towards Eddie as the rest of his sentence died down on his tongue,

"Hmm?" You hummed in questioning, ignoring the movie playing on your television. 

Eddie Munson was nothing like you had expected. The two of you went to the same middle school but never shared the same classes- you'd only heard about his insane antics and theatrics, sometimes even seeing him messing around during lunch. He built this weirdo reputation that sometimes came off as intimidating, so you never really went near him. It wasn't until High School that something changed for you...

It was definitely the hair... Maybe his confidence too. Although jarring at first, it was honestly like a breath of fresh air compared to how uptight and 'one dimensional' your peers were. Were they enjoyed their parties and sports and pep rallies and ragers, you favoured the wilder bunch- the outcasts and the misfits. 

It began when you started occasionally helping Eddie in his math and history- since you shared those same classes- and he helped you with English. Even if his methods were unconventional, you much preferred them to any teacher you've ever had. He'd make you conjure up some fantasy world with its own rules and physics and characteristics. He makes you think up the strangest characters and wouldn't settle for your 'Bob of The Fields' in 'Normallia'. His efforts proved successful when your teacher began praising your work, though Eddie's praise meant more to you than a passing grade. As the stories got more complicated with their intricacies and details, he'd help by pointing out plot holes and mistakes. He was honestly phenomenal- no doubt due to playing Dungeons and Dragons so much.

You'd never been crazy about the game. You'd only heard some things in passing but always assumed the game was only accessible to some freaky nerds who had nothing better to do with their free time. So it surprised you that Eddie wasn't a nerd at all... Freaky, yeah... He sure made the Hellfire Club seem like some exclusive VIP club- the way he'd gush about his campaigns to you in the beginning. You'd always thought it was cute. He'd get this spark in his eyes that made them shine with giddiness and excitement- his energy always spiked up and he'd become more animated than usual. And you'd be lying to yourself if his constant chatter about the club didn't make you at least a tiny bit interested.

He did eventually ask you to join. You had been planning on coming to a session to surprise him but your fear got the best of you. After all, you knew nothing about it- just that it was on Thursdays after school. Besides, you were already hanging out with him more than enough, what if he caught on to your crush? He finally asked when one time, you had forgotten to do your English homework the night before, being preoccupied with chores and taking care of your siblings, and were rushing to get it done before class,

"Hey so uh..." He spoke up from where he sat across from you, breaking your focus. When you looked up, he was half laying on the little picnic table way out in the woods. As you met his gaze, he sat up straight, bouncing a little in his seat. You hummed as an indication for him to go on, and then turned back to your homework. He didn't respond, but you could hear the wrinkling of paper next to you. You glanced up at him to see he had pulled a piece of paper from his bag and slid it over to you. Quickly scanning it you looked back at him confused,

"Was this part of this assignment?" You asked, feeling your heart drop. You knew this lunch period was coming to an end soon, so knowing you'd have to rush and complete another form before it ended only added more pressure,

"No, no," He quickly assured you, "It's a character sheet," He said, moving his arms out then back in, clasping them together as he watched your confused expression,

"A character wha?" You asked confused. He smiled at you then ducked his head, looking down momentarily,

"It's for Dungeons and Dragons. You make your own characters and then you role play as them. I just finished the new campaign I told you about a few days ago- we're gonna be playing on Thursday after class," He explained. So that's what he was scribbling away in his notebook the whole time. He wasn't usually so quiet during your hangouts, "I... Thought that maybe you'd wanna join this time?" He offered, "Instead of listening to my pitiful recreations. You know... Experience it for yourself?" He smiled,

"In your Hellfire Club?" You asked for clarification,

"That's the one," He clicked his fingers. You looked back down, looking over the chart and feeling your face contort with confusion as you focused on all the different boxes,

"Strength, dexterity-" you read out loud,

"Yeah so- the way you figure those out is-" Your head snapped up from the paper to the sound of the school bell in the distance, 

"Shit- gimmie a sec Eddie," You said, quickly scribbling a few more sentences down in your English book as you heard him shifting around and packing his stuff, 

"I can always cover for you saying you went to the bathroom," He offered, and you looked up to see him putting his jean jacket back on. Slightly mesmerised, you glanced back to his face, where he quirked his brow at you. Blushing, you nodded, going back to your work, 

"Thanks, Ed, don't know what I'd do without you," You said, in a quieter, more mumbly tone than you'd wanted. You continued quickly writing away in your book, and upon moving your other hand to the table, you heard a slight rustle. Looking at the empty character sheet, you glanced back to where he was leaving, "Hey Eddie, you left this!" You called after him. Watching him momentarily run back out of the forest clearing made you smile, as you waved the paper,

"Oh! No that's for you- I can teach you how to fill it in after class today!" He said, "Room 240-B!" He added, running back through the trees. Glancing back at the paper in your hands, you smiled softly. 

It had been the first time you'd actually hung out together- creating your character from scratch was more fun than you had expected. In fact, you never realised how fun the game was until that Thursday. The night before, you squealed and kicked your legs at the idea of spending your whole afternoon with Eddie. The evening went great- the other two players greeted you pleasantly as you entered and offered as much help as you needed with the rules and way the game worked before you started. Eddie was slightly late because of a detention, but soon arrived. In truth, it was he who sold the whole thing for you.

You clearly knew he was theatrical before playing- with the snippets of funky antics and theatrical nature you experienced in your tutoring sessions as well as in class, and paired with his unabashed confidence he truly shone. He was clearly in his element as the 'Dungeon Master', making you feel genuinely excited for the game. Seeing him so happy made your heart flutter, along with a happy warmth you hadn't felt in a while settling in your chest. Not to mention the smiles he kept giving you whenever it was your turn. It reached his eyes and made them sparkle, even in the low moody lighting. The whole campaign was euphoric. Escaping to another world and going on an adventure with Eddie? It sounded like a dream come true... Perhaps it was then that you realised you were in love with him?

When the game had ended, you didn't expect to feel so sad. Seeing that it had been almost three hours since school ended shocked you, and as you made your way out of the school, you happily said your farewells to the other club members. You left school with a bright smile on your lips that wouldn't leave, and when Eddie offered to drop you off at your house since it was getting dark you felt overjoyed. You tried your best to articulate how much fun you had, but the words escaped you. You kept reassuring him it was fun though, and you found him only grinning back at you

You quickly became a permanent member of the club, even helping them design their T-Shirts. You noticed you began to hang out with Eddie more, where your affection for one another blossomed.

It was one day, about seven months ago, when he'd invited you over to his trailer that you confessed your feelings for one another. It was a couple of weeks before the end of the year and you found yourself overwhelmed with the workload and your chaotic home life. You'd only been over at his trailer a few times, but it was by far more quiet than home. You were sat on his bed, and with a sigh, you dropped your pen into the open spine of your book and leaned back on his sheets. You took in his familiarly delightful scent immediately as it surrounded you, and your face fixed itself with a blissful smile,

"You alright?" Eddie's voice asked. He was sitting on his messy floor in a section of space he had cleared out for himself. You felt the bed move slightly as his head leaned back against the mattress near your thigh,

"Uhuh- yeah. I finally finished this assignment," You said, satisfied as you closed your book on the pen and sat up, throwing the book away from you on the floor. You sighed loudly as you pressed the heels of your palms into your eyes and rubbed your tired eyes, "Jesus Christ it's like she wants us to write fuckin' novels every time," You sighed,

"At least she gives a weekend and a day for us to finish it," He said, and you felt the bed dip next to you, indicating he had moved to sit next to you, ignoring his own work. Considering how long you had known each other for by now, you would say you were comfortable with your friendship. You gently leaned back, setting your head on his shoulder and looking down at the object in his hands. He had picked up your discarded English book and was skimming over the words you had written,

"And a day..." You repeated with a sigh. You groaned slightly as you stretched your arms and torso, before shifting to lean your back straight against the wall letting it stretch there. You watched him for a few moments. His warm brown eyes shifted around as they read your words, his smooth skin, gently blotted by minature freckles you could only see this from close, the soft pink tint of his parted lips. Subconsciously, you moved your tongue over your own lips, wetting them slightly as you continued to closely watch him, until his head turned to you,

"It's a really good, strong ending," He said with a smile, and you blushed as his eyes met yours, shining with a twinkle- the telltale sign of his excitement. With how good he was at make-believe, Eddie was a shitty liar. He was telling the truth now, "I like how you made who the killer was ambiguous enough to keep the reader entertained and guessing but didn't say who it obviously was so it's still fun to guess," He said, moving to lean his head against the wall next to you,

"You think?" You said with a smile, "D'you not think that kinda stuff is annoying? Withholding information?" You asked, "You really wouldn't prefer for me to just say 'this guy did it- he's guilty as shit!'"

"Not at all," He assured, "In fact, I like it more. I personally think it would have sucked if you just.  said 'And the killer is...!'" He deepened his voice and moved his hand out, causing you to laugh slightly,

"So not like Scooby-Doo?" You teased,

"Scooby-Doo is bullshit compared to this. You've written a real murder mystery, darling," You knew it was teasing. You knew it was teasing. But God how you wished he could call you 'darling' all the fucking time. As if he was embarrassed, he glanced away, and you thought for a few moments,

"Well, thanks Eddie," You said, smiling softly as you shifted a little, "I'm no Sherlock Holmes but-

"Sherlock Holmes is the character- Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the book," He corrected with a smirk. You narrowed your eyes in a playful glare, and rolled them as he laughed,

"As I was saying-" You continued in a joyful tone, grabbing the book from him and pulling the pen out, capping the lid you had slotted on to the end. You threw it away from you back to his floor, letting it twist through the air and land with a thud," -I always appreciate your feedback- I like it when you praise me," You smiled softly,

"You do?"

"Well yeah- Mrs Clarke just yells," You said, and watched him smile at you,

"She never yells at you," He said,

"She yells at you plenty. And we sit next to each other, so some of it hits me in the crossfire,"

"Damn- you're blaming me?" He teased,

"Then stop fucking around so much," You grinned, watching him as he laughed softly. For a moment it was quiet, the only noise coming from the distant radio playing loud metal music somewhere else in the house. The two of you were alone, considering his uncle was out working tonight, "I don't remember if I thanked you for letting me do my work here," You sighed, "I know it's a Friday and you'd probably want to be doing something more fun than looking over my homework and sitting here in silence with me for hours but you know how crazy loud my house gets," You rambled,

"It's alright... I've told you a million times you're welcome to stay here for as long as you need and get whatever you want done," He assured. His voice was gentle and soft, and his words magically relaxed your aching body, making you lean closer to him. He really has told you you're free to be around him a million times. It was sweet- he'd always clear out a spot for you on his desk or swipe everything but the covers of his bed so you could do your work comfortably. Eddie would either stay with you, sitting quietly and chirping in whenever he'd ask if you wanted a snack or needed help with whatever he was working on, or he would leave you alone to do something else so you could work in silence- though he was never far. You could often see him from his room's window smoking outside, which led to him throwing rocks at the glass to get your attention. You'd smile playfully and lift it up so you could chat, before he'd playfully scold you and tell you to get back to work and disappear. You hoped at this point he wasn't annoyed with you, or that you were overstaying your welcome, or using him too much- before Christmas break, you spent almost every day at his trailer just studying for your end of year exams,

"I know, I just don't want you to get too tired of me," You said self consciously, though keeping a playful tinge to your tone so as to not worry him too much, "I know I'm irresistible and all, but sometimes I feel like it's a lot," You said, "Feel free to kick me out whenever, by the way," You said quickly,

"I honestly think you're the one person in this world I won't ever get tired of," He stated, his voice nice and low. The statement shocked you, causing your mouth to fall open wordlessly for a moment before you quickly closed it, blinking rapidly. When you looked back at him, he was already looking into your eyes, 

"Really?" You asked,

"Definitely. I mean, if I didn't I wouldn't be hanging out with you so much," He said, smiling,

"You'd have a lot more free time," You commented, moving your head away,

"I'd honestly rather spend it with you," He said. You could feel his fingers gently moving some of your hair that fell in front of your face, tucking it back behind your ear. At the contact, you looked back at him. You could now feel the cool metal of his rings against your flushed cheek. He was unbelievably close now, and just staring at you with this... This look in his eyes like you were the most beautiful thing in the world. The only other thing he looked at like that was his guitar, hung proudly behind him, next to his bed. With a small swallow, you spoke up again,


"Yeah?" He breathed; you felt it against your lips,

"Are you gonna kiss me or just stare at me?" You whispered back, your mouth curling slightly into a smile. His eyes darted between your lips and eyes, and he swiped his thumb over your cheek once more before pressing his lips to yours in a gentle, loving kiss.

Dating Eddie Munson was the best decision you had made in your entire life. Every day was an adventure with him- and since you shared your first kiss, you found yourselves even closer than before. He started picking you up and driving you to school- and you thoroughly enjoyed screaming along to the lyrics of his favourite songs.  In your free time, you'd somehow always end up at the picnic table together, laughing and talking the whole time. Your favourite thing to do with him was, after your DnD sessions, he'd take you on walks to his favourite locations in the Hawkins Forest and smoke.

On your first Valentines Day, he carved your initials into a tree by his favourite smoke spot behind his trailer. It may have been a small thing, but to you, it was the sweetest. He had also gotten you a necklace with a skull on it, which you quickly vowed to never take off. He'd also playfully stated you could have a lifetime free supply of weed from him- you hadn't taken him up on the offer yet, though. You always said there'd be a time and a place. You, on the other hand, had bought him a new ring which he, in turn, vowed to never take off- even in his sleep. And after spending countless nights together, you knew his words were true. 

Now, you had somehow managed to make it through school to summer break, and when your parents told you they would be going on a camping trip with all your younger siblings, you almost couldn't contain your joy in declining their offer. Five whole days spent only with Eddie sounded like a dream too good to be true. You stocked up on snacks while he bought the drinks and happily joined you the morning after your parents left you alone. A few days before they left, you'd even gone out to Family Video and rented 'The Thing' for the sixth time. It was your first 'real date' as Eddie put it, to the theatre, where you watched it twice through before you got kicked out. After that, you waited for the VHS and regularly rented it to watch together- from then, it became your favourite, and you were glad to be watching it for the seventh,

"Jesus, you really don't get tired of this?" Steve Harrington asked as he typed your details into the computer,

"Not yet, unfortunately," You smiled pleasantly, grabbing the VHS from him and placing it into your bag, 

"Hah- you might need to invite me over to watch it with you sometime," He said, giving you a flirtatious smile. With a confused blink, you glanced over to see your friend Robin roll her eyes and smirk at you,

"Ignore him- enjoy the movie!" She said, giving you a two-fingered salute,

"Thanks, Robin," You said, glancing back at Steve, "I'll ask Eddie if you can join," You teased, "Maybe he'll even letcha join the Hellfire Club. If you asked nicely," You said, smiling before turning to leave the store,

"Is that a yes??" He called after you; he sounded desperate. You smiled, barely hearing his disappointed sigh as you walked out of the store. At this point, you weren't entirely sure if Eddie was your 'boyfriend'. It was clear you shared a lot of love for one another, and you were going on dates and seeing each other and... Being intimate. But did that mean he was your boyfriend? Your... Boyfriend... Eddie being your boyfriend. It sounded good...

"Are you wearing swords for earings?" He finally says. It takes you a moment to register what he says, but when you do, you reach a hand up to touch the miniature plastic weapons and smile,

"Mhm," You nod to him, beginning to gently fiddle with the fake blades, "Y'Know when we went through all the old DnD stuff at Hellfire a few weeks ago, babe? The stuff we didn't use and were asked to donate?" He nods, "Found 'em, took 'em, repurposed them," You smiled proudly, "Stuck little hooks in too and everything. It was kinda a hard process. I did have to steal my sisters' earings and I had to break them apart, but I'm sure she won't mind" You smiled playfully as you waved a hand, "I thought they looked cute- I hope you don't mind," You said quickly, your relaxed demeanour dropping slightly, at his prolonged silence and unreadable expression. You quickly let your hands drop back into your lap, and gently bit your lip, "I'm sorry I should have asked I-"

"No, it's just..." He's still staring at you when you curiously look back at him, "I'm just... It's really fucking it's cute," He smiles and you blush, "Don't gotta get so embarrassed on me," He said playfully, and you moved slightly so you could pull your hair in front of your face to hide it. With a laugh, Eddie reached and grabbed your hands, "Don't hide away from me, lemme admire you," He was grinning the whole time,

"God, Eddie!!" You say playfully, letting him take hold of your hands and move your hair away from your ears, even taking the time to be gentle when moving the hairs that got caught on the false blades away from them. You let him meticulously work, regarding him with a loving gaze,  "You honestly think they're cute?" You see him nod again, 

"It's actually kinda hot," At that you burst out laughing, swatting his shoulder gently as he grins, "C'mon! You sit here looking like a total babe and expect me to not wanna reach out, my dear?" You laughed at his comment, shaking your head,

"Jesus Eddie," You sigh, and roll your eyes dramatically looking back to the movie, "Thanks," You say in a cheery tone,

Suddenly, he shifts much closer to you, so you can feel the warmth of his leg against yours. Then you feel his warm breath against your neck, and his warm hand moving to your hair and brushing it out of the way. One of his hands slides it away, then gently curls and brushed the back of your neck, keeping a gentle hold there. You can feel his hands there, just gently resting, along with the cool metal of his rings. Then his lips touch the sensitive skin of your neck, making you shiver as he places a gentle kiss there. 


His gentleness always surprised you, given how intense he could be in his everyday life. He was very sweet and gentle with you, always holding you like you were the most precious thing in the world- not too tightly, just enough to keep you in place. It made you feel so... So fucking loved and happy you could melt. Or die. Or both.

You could feel his soft hair against your cheek, and you gently reached out to scratch the back of his head as he opened his mouth against your skin to gently suck your skin. With a shaky exhale, you felt his mouth curling into a smile on your flesh, before he gently grazed his teeth against your neck.


As you squeezed your legs together, he moved a hand to your thigh, resting it there at first before giving it a small squeeze. You placed your hand over his and squeezed it, silently consenting for him to continue. You felt the gentle poke of his tongue against your skin and couldn't stifle the soft moan that escaped your parted lips. Your eyes had fallen closed in bliss as he began to gently suck, lick and kiss your neck.

He moved his head lower to a spot he found you loved most, and bit into your skin. With a sharp, startled gasp, you squeezed his hand on your thigh, and gently tugged on the back of his hair. It earned a lovely low hum from him as he began to suck on your skin until it felt warm and tingly. When he pulled away, he gently blew air onto the mark, surrounded by wet skin, and chuckled gently as you shivered. 

He move right back to kissing you, or rather biting another mark onto your neck as you whined his name and eagerly rubbed your thighs together. He was now kissing up your neck, and found himself at your jaw, gently sucking the skin there. As you moved your head to try and kiss his lips, you squeezed the hand he had on your thigh and attempted to move it further south, only for him to pull it out of your grasp and slap your hand away. Simultaneously, he moved his head back, but not too far, considering you were holding the back of it.+,

"Wha- What was that for?" You asked, not realising how whispery your voice had gotten. You felt dazed and your breath was shaky, chest rising and falling quickly as you stared up at him. Your breath hitched slightly as he moved his left hand up to his mouth and wiped his lips with the side of his hand. You swallowed hard and returned his small smile, looking into his lidded eyes. Your hand moved slightly to play with his hair, gently petting it,

"Felt like kissing you," He said simply, smirking away. With a small sigh, you glanced back at the movie and realised you wouldn't be too disappointed if you missed more of it... After all, there was always tomorrow... You flicked your gaze back at him,

"Yeah?" You asked, nodding your head once,

"Yeah," He said back, moving his head as you did. Your smile widened as you shifted closer to him. Purposefully, you moved your face close to him just so your noses could brush, before throwing one of your legs over his to straddle him. You gently settled your hands over his chest, and smiled feeling his rapid heartbeat beneath your palms. You reached a hand up and began fiddling with the metal of a necklace he was wearing- it was a necklace you had gotten him on his birthday- a small disc with a wolf carved into the front and your initials into the smooth back, "Hello," He said lowly, making you look back at him. One of his hands moved to rest on your thigh and the other moved up to your neck as he now began to gently mess with one of your earings. You could feel his rings against your face, and you shifted your head to kiss them gently, 

"Hi, Eddie," You said softly, smiling back at him,

"You come here often?" He asked playfully, and you laughed as he moved, shifting the hand from your neck to your back so you wouldn't fall. He only sat up more, and leaned forward to try and kiss you. Quickly pulling away you grinned,

"Uhuh, you'd know," You teased, moving a hand to touch his cheek with yours. You loved looking down at him like this- even if you were the same height (though he swears on his guitar that he's an inch taller) it fills you with a certain desire looking down at him like this- eyes wide and full of wanting, pupils larger than normal, and mouth fixed in a smile,

"Mhm..." He hummed, drawing it out as his hands moved- the one on your thigh stroking up and down while the one on your back shifting up to your arm and neck, grazing the fresh marks he had left and making you bite your lip at the pleasurable feeling they filled you with, "What're you gonna do up here?" He asked you smoothly, moving his head to try and get closer to you once again. Gently, you moved a hand to his shoulder, pushing him back so he'd be pressed against the couch. Slowly, you trailed it up his shoulder to the back of his neck, scratching at his scalp to make him sigh and tilt his head back. Leaning forward quickly, you kissed his neck in a similar way to him, 

"I want to kiss you too," You breathed beginning to slowly undulate your hips against his as he let out a low moan. You'd want to give him the same treatment but found yourself too impatient; you trailed your kisses up his neck and touched his cheek before firmly pressing your lips to his. The hand on your neck moved into your hair to pull you impossibly closer, causing you to shift in his lap too, earning simultaneous groans from both of you. At the opportunity, he moved his open mouth against yours, and as your tongues met you released a shaky breath. 

He smiled, gently biting the tip of your tongue and eliciting a small squeak out of you. You both laughed gently, before moaning into each other's mouths as the kiss grew more heated. He gently sucked on your tongue before sliding it over yours and further into your mouth. You quickly fell apart in your attempt to dominate him, and in an attempt to shift the control, you moved so you were kneeling over him. Considering the change in height, it caused him to lean up more to keep kissing you. Your desire for more only grew as he tried following your mouth with his.

A few more heated moments later and you pulled back, lips buzzing and heartbeat racing wildly. You moved to sit back on his lap, pulling him close as you let your hands rest on his cheeks and playfully kissed his nose. You let yourself catch your breaths for a moment, 

"I love you," He said, and smiled wider at your suddenly shocked expression. Your heart began to skip a beat, as if it was about to fall right out of your chest. You laughed silently, a small exhale falling out of your lips, which he pressed a small kiss against. Considering he was still trapped beneath you, he could only kiss the corner of your mouth,

"You do?" You asked softly, swallowing again. You kept your hands still, letting one rest against his neck and the other, which had been in his hair, in his shoulder, as you felt your fingers begin to tremble,

"I do," He confirmed, nodding. His hair tickled your hands, "I really fucking love you," He smiled, moving to kiss you again, this time trailing his mouth down your neck and pressing more kisses there. With gentle hums, he repeated the three words in soft whispers as you felt your hands tremble more. The affection... It was almost overwhelming in the best way. You smiled to yourself, letting your eyes fall shut and small sighs to escape your lips,

"Love you too Eddie," He moved his head back up to look at you. You dropped your head slightly so you could look more into his eyes,

"You do?" He asked, making his voice a slightly higher pitch to mimic your response. As you laughed, he grinned, his teeth showing. You moved off his lap and got off the couch, offering your hand to him to help him stand. He grabbed your hand, kissing your fingers gently, before standing, "Glad to hear it, my love," You breathlessly let a small sigh out, glancing back at him at the term of endearment. Quickly, he moved to kiss you again, grabbing your face and holding you there while he kissed you

"Yeah," said against his lips, before pulling away to look back at him. He kissed your forehead, before moving his hands to your shoulders and smiling at you,

"Why're we standing?" He asked curiously,

"We- uh... Let's go upstairs," You offered with a slight blush,

"Mmmm," He hummed, taking his bottom lip between his teeth. You flicked your eyes from his mouth to his warm brown eyes, "Movies down here though," He teased. One of his hands was gently holding your arm, caressing your clothed skin,

"Yeah but I have a bed upstairs," You tried to clarify,

"Ahhh... Right," He smiled, moving closer to you, "The couch is fine in my opinion," Your eyes widened at his proposition. You glanced beside him, down at the couch you had just been sitting on, before looking at the movie still playing on the TV,

"Do you still have our cassette?" You asked, and watched as he moved away from you to grab his jacket. As he turned, you took a moment to admire him. The way his hair swung as he moved, the way the sleeves of his Hellfire shirt had moved up his forearms, exposing parts of the bats tattooed on his arm, the way he... was wearing jeans... 

"Here- why?" He asked, turning back to you and handing you the rectangle. You moved to the radio cassette player and placed the cassette inside, waiting a few moments for the song to start playing and turning the music up just enough so you were sure the simultaneous music and movie would help drown out the noise. You turned to see him watching you, sitting on the couch already with his legs outstretched slightly looking so inviting. You walked closer to him, touching the hem of your shirt and pulling it over your head, discarding it off to the side as you took your place back on top of him. His eyes had widened at your display, and you smiled to yourself, 

"Drown out the noise," You clarified, giving him a playful wink. He grinned back at you, shaking his head slightly as he moved to kiss you again. His lips quickly moved back to trailing down your neck, eagerly seeking out the exposed skin now available to him and making sure to leave plenty more bruises against your skin, revelling in the sweet moans and weak sighs emanating from your bruised lips, as well as the way you gripped onto his shoulders and pushed his head closer to your body... 

Eddie was completely in love with you, and desired to show you just how much every time you were intimate like this. Loving Eddie Munson was the greatest thing in your life by far. The joy he brought you was incomparable to anything- and you hoped this overwhelming feeling of love could last for as long as possible.

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Safe Haven | ʙᴜᴄᴋʏ ʙᴀʀɴᴇꜱ

Pairing; Bucky Barnes x F!Reader Word Count; 1.4k Warnings; hurt/comfort, fluff, Bucky's PTSD, pet names A/N; Probably the lightest entry that I've written for this event. Y’all need it considering what’s coming next. oops


The yearly tradition of a blanket fort on the 4th of July gets an upgrade.

The day had been looming closer and closer, a constant reminder of just what awaited the two of you when it finally did arrive. 

Whilst a ‘joyous’ holiday for America - the fourth of July - it only leant itself to a night full of concern on your behalf, and fear that manifested in that god awful monster, PTSD, for Bucky. 

Which lead to this very moment - in the checkout line at your local grocery store, a basket on your arm full of ice cream, chocolate, and candy. All of Bucky’s favourite things jam packed like a game of tetris. You had learnt very early on that the hulking mass of muscle and metal that was your boyfriend, well, he had a sweet tooth. 

Actually, sweet tooth was an understatement. 

“Buck, baby, you’re already sweet enough,” you laughed as you watched him dig through the freezer for another tub of his favourite ice cream. He’d just finished his first tub only five minutes ago. 

Bucky looked up at you with wide eyes and a pout like he had been caught red handed with his hands in the cookie jar - which, technically speaking, was true. “But,” he started, still slowly rooting through the frozen shelves for his hidden treasure while maintaining an innocent air during the eye contact. “It never hurts, y’know, sugar. I can always be more sweet on you, doll.”

Alpine had piped up with her opinion at that very moment, a chain of small chirps heard over your laughter while her fluffy paws pattered over to her dad in the kitchen, her eyes watching the frozen fish with obvious intrigue. “That’s right, малютка,” Bucky said quietly, scratching her chin.

The constant beep of the scanner grew louder as you got closer and closer to the belt and you were snapped from your daydream of happier times by the chime of your phone. Bucky.

“Hey, babe,” you greeted, juggling the basket and tucking your phone into your shoulder. “What’s up?”

“Where are you?” Bucky sounded stressed, and it broke your heart. 

“I’m almost home, I promise,” you said quickly, desperate to soothe him over the phone. “Where’s Alpine?” 

Bucky huffed over the phone and muttered something you couldn’t make out. “Babe?” You urged.

“She’s sitting on the arm of the recliner and staring at me.”

“Good,” you assured, unable to keep the smile from your tone. “She’s my spy when I’m not home, you know that right?”

It was silent for a beat and then Bucky spoke so softly, so quietly, you almost couldn’t hear him. “Please, come home.”

Oh, hell. 

“I’ll be there soon, I promise, sweetheart. Hang in there for me.”


As though the universe knew of your urgency, the clerk was scanning through your groceries at an alarmingly fast pace. You paid, thanked them, and rushed out into the carpark. “I’m coming, Buck.” 

You had never taken the stairs into your apartment so fast as you did at that moment. The door opened when you reached the landing to reveal Bucky standing in the doorway, dishevelled and honest to god, scared. 

“Hey, baby,” you greeted, grateful when he offered his hand to take the bags of snacks. “I’m so sorry I took so long.”

Truth be told, you hadn’t been gone for long at all, but you knew how time dragged on for him when he was like this. Bucky only shook his head and offered a small smile, turning into the apartment so he could place the bags on the kitchen counter. 

Alpine greeted you in the entryway, her usual chipper attitude dulled to one of dutiful alertness - she was just as, if not more, protective of Bucky as you were. “Hey, little one,” you smiled, the soft fur of her neck between your fingers a balm to your nerves. “How’s our man doing?” A small meow in reply and you nodded your head solemnly. “I thought so.”

“I can hear you, you know.” Bucky called from the kitchen. 

“I know,” you said back. “Only good things, Buck, I promise.”

Bucky appeared in the entryway. “A lot of promisin’, doll.”

“I know,” you repeated firmly, watching his expression shift from guarded to sad in a blink of an eye. “And I’m gonna keep every single one of them.” Bucky didn’t flinch away when you reached for him and wrapped your arms tightly around his middle, and you smiled into his chest. 

“Thank you for the sweets,” Bucky mumbled into the crown of your head and you squeezed him tighter. 

“Have to make sure you stay sweet for me, baby,” you joked and pulled away to look up at him, a small smile working its way onto his perfectly kissable lips. “Now, c’mon, let’s get set up.”

The two of you got to work on the blanket fort and you threw in the pillows that Bucky insisted he did not need, but you very well knew he did need them, and placed the snack platters with two giant bowls for the ice cream on the small table. Alpine watched over every single move like a dutiful foreman and made it known when she disapproved of not being allowed to begin snacking early. 

“You have to wait, you cheeky girl,” you chastised, moving her away yet again from the platter of crackers and cheese. Alpine’s bottlebrush tail slunked out of sight and down the hallway with an air of disapproval that could be matched by no human. 

“I wonder where she gets her attitude from,” Bucky wondered aloud, that damn cheeky smirk plastered onto his smug face. You launched a pillow at his face in retaliation and he laughed when he caught it in his hand. “Easy there, or I’ll hog the ice cream.”

“Like hell you will,” you retorted while you adjusted the platters on the table, careful to make the overflowing bowls of candy not spill. Bucky chortled and left to grab more blankets from your bedroom. 

It was the perfect opportunity to get Bucky’s present ready. 

You dashed towards the bookshelf and pulled out the hidden box from behind your display of nicknacks, and hid it underneath the small table for when the time came. 

At last, the three of you were huddled in one of the best and cosiest blanket forts ever while a Disney movie played in the background. Bucky’s head was in your lap and you played with his hair, occasionally dragging your nails over his scalp to make him shiver. Alpine was curled up at Bucky’s stomach where his hand rested on her soft fur while she purred contentedly. 

“How are you feeling, babe?” You asked quietly during a musical number. Bucky shifted his shoulders slightly and shook his head slowly. His eyes had glazed over at hearing the loud whoops, cheers, and hollers throughout the complex and in the street below.

Steeled for this very moment, you rested a hand on his broad and muscled shoulder. “I need you to sit up for me, can you do that?” Bucky looked confused but did so, careful to not disturb Alpine where she lay. 

You leant forward and pulled the box free from its hiding place, and Bucky eyed it with the highest suspicion. “Easy, tiger,” you whispered and Bucky’s lip twitched up in a small smile. “This is for you.”

Bucky took the box slowly and placed it in his lap. The blue wrapping paper came away easily with his strength and he froze at what lay before him. “I don’t-”

“They’re headphones, baby,” you interrupted - you had seen the tell-tale sign of his anger born from confusion in his small head tilt. “They’ll help lessen the noise of the fireworks.” 

Bucky’s hand twitched as it grabbed a hold of one of the speakers and pulled it from the packaging. It was a navy blue pair with small cat ears poking up from the headband. Alpine sniffed at them and chirped loudly, pawing at the ears and Bucky smiled. 

The whooping got louder and you could hear the fizzle of small firecrackers in the street, and going by Bucky’s sudden stony expression, he did too. Alpine pawed at his knee insistently. “Put them on,” you urged, “it’ll help.”

Bucky did so and he froze at the feeling of pressure at his head, but you soothed him by pulling him back down into your lap. He went without resistance and settled into hesitant calm when Alpine moved to sit on his hip with a quiet meow. 

“That’s it,” you cooed, using one hand to play with his hair and the other to fiddle with the remote so the audio of the movie would play through his headphones during the worst of the fireworks. “Relax, baby.”

Bucky’s hand came up to rest on your knee and he squeezed it once as the windows lit up with blue, white, and red flashes.

“You’re safe,” you promised with a smile, resting your hand over his shoulder and feeling the cold metal of his prosthetic. 

малютка = baby

Graphics & Header made by yours truly.

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Hello! Could you do some continuation of the hc's where Mc has gone missing? Where one day the brothers feel Mc trying to activate the pact mark and summon them? For some reason they can't, but this means that Mc is indeed alive somewhere, so the brothers at least have new found hope

Brothers React To Missing MC Activating The Pact Mark

They were dead, blipped out from existence, leaving behind a broken family who mourned their demise, with nothing but despair in their hearts. But then, the pact mark is activated.

Brothers and Dateables React To Missing MC


The clock ticks.

It always does, with its incessant pattern that the demon wouldn't normally pay attention to, but today it makes Lucifer threaten to tear at the papers in frustration.

These reports are never-ending, just like his misery. A blotch of ink against the paper makes him growl in frustration.

It's lonely without you. Lucifer held it together the first time they fell, but now you're gone and the ropes of sanity in his hands are slipping. He doesn't remember the last time he had a peaceful sleep, for it rarely came, and when it did nightmares accompanied it.

Cursing himself for not focusing at the task, Lucifer picks up the pen which had been thrown on the ground. But as soon as the tip touches the paper, he feels it. He feels power flowing through the pact, faint and weak but there.

Lucifer nearly jumps from his desk, wide-eyed as he waits to be teleported to their location. Finally see their face and see them alive.

But as soon as the rush comes, it goes away.

His head nearly collides with the desk as Lucifer kneels on the floor, the remnants of their energy making his heart beat faster.

They're there, they're trying to summon him. They're alive, missing, but alive and breathing. Hope flows throw his veins as Lucifer shakily gets up. They're alive and they're trying to summon him, they miss him and he misses them, it's been so long since he last saw them and he wants to see them they're alive and they're not gone—

His brothers must be assembled immediately.


Your shirt lies in his lap, tears on it having long dried, but the aching in his heart hasn't.

He bargained in dark alleys and dingy clubs, hell, he was ready to give up his card, but it only yielded him despair.

He was their first man, their protector, and he let them die. He let them get killed. He wasn't there. They died and not even the body was found to bury.

Fresh tears dampen the shirt.

If only you were alive, what he wouldn't give for you to come back, he'll give his life if it means you'll live, he'll rip his heart out if it means if you'll come back. If only you could summon him.


Mammon feels it. A heartbeat, a faint chanting of an incancation, just a bit more, a little more energy and he'll be there, just a bit more force and he'll be teleported, just a bit more—


The shirt lies forgotten in his lap as Mammon gasps. They're alive and they're trying to summon him. He won't let them leave him again, he won't.

This time, the tears that flow from his eyes are of joy and not despair, of relief and not pain. Mammon doesn't realize that he's screaming or that he's babbling words at his bewildered brothers until he calms down and chokes out syllables.

They're alive.


The screen flashes "Game Over" in large letters.

Leviathan wants to throw his controller at the computer, destroy the very thing that holds dreaded and loved memories. But he doesn't have the energy to move.

The picture of them and him cosplaying as the famous pair of TSL makes something in him shatter. His Henry, now gone and dead. He's nothing without them.

Just a useless, worthless demon who sulks and cries.

His throat is dry, maybe from the constant crying earlier, but Levi doesn't have the energy to grab the bottle and drink.

But then, he feels his heart best faster.

A foreign energy, one not felt in a long time, now thrums through his veins and makes him open the bottle and glug the liquid. Only when the container empties does some sense of consciousness float in Levi's mind. The energy is theirs.

But as soon as it comes, it disappears.

But Leviathan doesn't fall on the floor after their essence leaves his soul, he remains standing, something in his heart bursting with joy as he nearly screams.

Something warm and soothing brews in his heart. Hope brews, revitalising and strengthening him.

They're alive.



Torn, that's what Satan sees. Torn are the books in his room, torn are the curtains and the mattress, torn is the cover, torn is his heart.

Even this book failed to provide any answers. Knowledge was supposed to empower someone, invoke respect and power, but it failed this time.

Revival of the dead isn't possible.

He tried, at first, to use the pact and channel his energy to them so they could remain alive, but their soul wasn't there. Gone. He roamed and read, threated and searched, but no answers came.

If only he could have held their hand one last time.

Satan sighs as his claws drag through the stone walls, untouched spots now hard to find. The silence hangs heavy in his room, and Satan nearly curses as he barely manages not to trip on a stray book, and when he leans down to pick it up his pupils dilate.

He can feel the chanting, the summoning spell and their energy, their soul.

But it fades away, for it is too weak.

But the newfound hope in Satan isn't. Nearly screaming like a madman, the blonde demon grins as he rushes outside, words already spilling past his lips.

They're alive.


The library is a mess.

It always has been, since they...died. Satan nearly tore all of the books in two if not for him and Lucifer stopping him. He had lashed out, angry, hopeful, but only back then.

There's not a speck of hope now.

He could go, forget this room with its messed-up books and torn furniture, leave and throw himself in the spotlight, where he would be adored and loved. But other's love didn't mean anything to him, because it was only your love that truly mattered.

Asmodeus sighs as he gathers the last of the pages, and prepares a spell to mend them. "May the torn pages of these manuscripts before me—oomfph!"

A garbled sound leaves him, and the demon staggers before resting a hand on the wall to compose himself. It's like the breath has been knocked out of his lungs, and new energy flows through him.

Warm, comforting, familiar—something that he loved, and still does.

His MC.

He can feel the incantation being muttered, a spell to summon demons, and Asmo closes his eyes, praying that he'll see them when he opens them again.

Asmodeus blinks.



Frantic eyes looks around the room. The same books, the same chairs, the same torn—no!

No, he wants to cry out the word, each syllable echoing in the room, but Asmodeus doesn't make a sound. He only smiles, as tears stream down his face.

There's hope.


The house is never this quiet.

Usually, there would be a cacophony of shouts and laughter at this hour, with Mammon and Leviathan running around as the others watched or interfered. There was joyous laughter and screams, something which was noisy but comforting. Something which felt like home.

But home has never been so silent before.

The water boiling interrupts him, and Beelzebub says nothing as he gently takes out the noodles, careful not to break them when he puts them in the pot.

But the noodle breaks in two in his hands as his eyes widen.

Barely a flicker, yet still there, trying to make itself known. A faint heartbeat, slow, but there.

You're there.

The ginger demon nearly screams at the discovery before quietening himself, fearing its a dream, but when the noodles break even more in his hand and his heart beats even faster does Beel relent.

The impact is jarring, so heavy that it throws his twin out of his slumber, who rushes downstairs to see what exactly has taken place.

Belphegor doesn't understand the joy thrumming through his veins when he feels his twin rejoice.


His heart beats loudly.

Fast, as if he's gone and ran in the house, creating a ruckus. But he's the personification of Sloth, and Sloth rarely runs.

So why does he feel the pounding in his chest?

Belphegor sighs as he lazily rubs his eyes, still in the daze of sleep. For a moment, he thinks Satan's gone and ravaged the house again. His brothers would often ask him to aid in cleaning up. But the demon would decline, for the books were torn when they couldn't find a solution, and the furniture was broken in despair and anger.

It was the fourth-born's way of mourning.

Belphegor's was sleeping the days away. Usually he wouldn't wake up so easily, but the sudden thrumming in his chest makes him grumble as he hastily gets up.

And then, the demon's eyes widen.

Belphegor nearly falls off the bed as he jumps, a newfound vigour in every step as he stands straight, closes his eyes shut and pleads to be summoned.

It's you whose trying to summon him, it's you whose alive and breathing, not dead, it's you whose calling out to him.

The demon doesn't succeed in stopping the gasp that spills past his lips, a silent wail caught in his throat as he falls silent.

No sounds escape Belphegor.

Only when he opens his eyes and places a trembling hand on his chest, feels the beat of his heart, only then does the demon fall to the ground.

He screams, shouts as tears fall from his eyes—he can't tell whether they're from relief or happiness, but Belphegor's damn sure they're from hope.

Hope, that he will give his brothers too now that they surround him in worry.

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I Still Search for You

Pairing: Jaehyun x You

Genre: idol!Jaehyun, angst, romance, smut

Word Count: a very short one with 1k

Summary: You come to the realization that the Jaehyun you started dating and the Jaehyun you see on stage are not two different people anymore.

“Everything okay?” Jaehyun asks you under his breath.

You nod and pull his face back to yours, the sweaty tips of his bangs tickling your forehead as your lips lock again in a hard kiss that leaves you both winded. His rhythmic thrusts inside of you jar your body to every last fiber, and you try to focus on all the favorable things he makes you feel during this act despite your thoughts always drifting off.

Another hotel room, another short-lived night in the arms of your boyfriend.

You know it’s only a few hours that you can spend with him before you have to sneak out again, and you should better enjoy the very limited time you have together, but today again, you feel especially insecure about your relationship.

Still having him move on top of you, you hug Jaehyun harder against your chest as if to make sure that you’re still present and somehow alive, and he lets out an affirmative groan that breaks through the quietness of rustling sheets and heavy panting, only the dim light of the bedside lamp giving you the possibility to catch a glimpse at his satisfied expression that you cannot relate with.

“...yes,” he whispers into your ear, his fingers curling into yours which he then presses into the pillow. “Almost there.”

Licking you all the way up from the hollow of your chin to your lips, for a moment, you have the feeling to finally be able to let yourself fall and relish this very rare moment. But as soon as you weigh yourself in the safety of his welcoming arms, your mind goes astray again to rather unpleasant thoughts.

Perhaps, it’s because you haven’t seen each other in weeks and wish for a few hours more. Most likely though, it’s because of the smile which he now directs at you. The smile of which you know doesn't differ much from the one he directs at every crowd whenever he stands on stage and that you experience in person less and less.

He is here with you, physically. But you still miss him dearly.

You are far from being on the same page as his body convulses on top of you, and the pain that you feel emotionally nearly turns physical as you aren’t able to share this special moment with him, that is how much it affects you, turning into tears that start flowing the second his body comes down next to you.

“That was amazing.”

Jaehyun wants to pull you into an embrace, sliding his fingers between your thighs already to finish you off himself, and he’s still so into the mood that your disconnection totally passes by him, even when you turn to the other side, brushing off his hand.

It’s not until the tears drop onto the sheets, leaving a dark stain, and with you arising from the bed that he senses something isn’t right with you. And he is quick to react by grabbing you by your wrist, making you stop.

“Hey…” His voice is soft, attentive. “What’s wrong?”

So many things are wrong.

When you had decided to date an idol, Jaehyun enlightened you about everything that was different from dating a normal person. At least, that was what you thought. But experiencing the restrictions that it brings along first hand is still something entirely else.

It’s not necessarily the unpredictable time frame of separation whenever he has a comeback, not the constant game of hide and seek when you go outside, not even the fear of opening up a secret instagram account where he can post about whatever and whoever he wants. Because everything he does, every single one of his steps, is being watched and has consequences.

You understand that.

It’s just that your boyfriend and the idol inside of him have been two different people once. But now, you can only desperately search for the person you love in this idol’s eyes.

The person you love would text you more than a one liner every other day to keep in touch with you. The person you love wouldn’t toss the pictures you have taken together into the abyss of their phone. The person you love wouldn’t call you over for a few hours at night only like an escort girl. The person you love would do everything in their might to show you that you are different from everyone else.

You cannot find this person in Jaehyun.

Not anymore.

You know that your boyfriend is still there somewhere, somehow, but you haven’t seen him in so long already, and you wonder whether he can ever take off this idol’s mask ever again or whether this is the person he has turned into now.

You want to be with your boyfriend, not an idol.

“I want to go.”

You cry silently as you fish for your underwear and slowly dress yourself despite Jaehyun’s protests in the background. He holds your hand, he hugs you, he shakes you, desperate to make you stay, but his voice seems worlds afar, a montone ring only audible in your ears.

On your way out, you hit over a vase, but you cannot care less about it as you are only fixated on collecting your belongings and storming out of the room before his muscular arms will wrap around you again, and you know for sure that this time, you cannot withstand for that long but will fall back into his embrace again once he touches you.

“Please! Stay!”

Jaehyun luckily struggles with his clothes, giving you enough time to open the door and closing it shut behind you a second later. Your shoes in your hand, you run to the elevator, only hearing his room open again before you’re gone from the floor.

At this very moment, you’re relieved. And you’re proud of yourself.

But you also know that, just like all the other times, you will soon find yourself standing in front of his hotel or dorm room again in the middle of the night, giving in to him under the sheets, taking his apology with every thrust.

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:: ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ :: ᴊᴀsᴏɴ ᴛᴏᴅᴅ × ʏ/ɴ

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He never approved of your job at Ace Chemicals.  Of course he never said that, not to you.  He celebrated your promotion with you, ordered take-out on nights when he couldn't be there, listened to you rant even though he couldn't understand a word.  But he hated that you worked at the same place that created the most heinous of Gotham's rogue gallery, that you were a single OSHA violation from becoming the Joker's genderbent double.

You didn't know that.  Why would you?  It happened years ago, and Ace never broadcast that little trivia.  It would ruin their PR, bring unwanted attention that could come with a nasty price tag.  Only Batman and his allies knew that – and the Joker, obviously.  And probably Harley.  Maybe a few of the other  villains… Okay fine, a lot of people knew, but you weren't one of them, and he couldn't exactly break that news without inviting several new and awkward questions.  So he never told you, never asked you to quit, just helped you and supported you while the nagging worries in the back of his mind stayed exactly there.

Now he sprints through the factory, kicking himself with every step.  He should have forced you to quit.  He should have told you everything, even if it meant revealing the truth about his night job.

Why had he been hesitant in the first place?   Fear for your safety?  Maybe.  You were a pretty tough cookie.  You used to joke that you were the tough one in the relationship, and part of him believed it.  Maybe he'd kept the secret out of loyalty to Batman.  Back then, it made sense.  He would have killed for the man if it came to that.

Back then, he thought Bruce would do the same for him.

Jason grinds his teeth together until every heavy footstep jars his jaw.  Damn it.  Damn it, damn it, damn it.  He should’ve known Scarecrow would pull some shit like this.  It was just fucking like him.  You were an insurance policy, the prize for remaining loyal to him.  “Once I understood your greatest fear, controlling you was simple.”  That was the crap he spewed to every person that stood up to him.  Every ally that he suspected would betray him.  This was all a game to him, the world’s trickiest game of chess, a test to his superiority.   At his core, he was no better than the Joker.

He thought he could control Jason by risking your safety – and he was right.  If anything happened to you, his brittle sanity would shatter like glass.

But nothing is going to happen to you.  Jason only had to hold one guy’s hand in sulfuric acid to find out where Scarecrow’s keeping you, and he is going to get to you.  Fuck Scarecrow’s plan to break the Bat.  It can wait.

The door may be locked, but that’s not going to stop the walking arsenal.  Jason slaps an explosive on the metal door and ducks around the corner to shield himself from the explosion.  His armor is top of the line, meant to outdo even Lucius Fox’s finest work, but he’s not going to take stupid risks like that.  That was the old him.  That was Robin.  The Arkham Knight is calculated, and the Arkham Knight isn’t going to facetank C4.  (Even though, let’s face it, he could probably walk through the explosion like an action movie badass.  Can he glue sunglasses to his helmet?  A thought for later.)

It isn’t hard to find you.  The only hiding place here is a table large enough to fit at least three people underneath it.  He ignores your panicked shrieks as he drags  you out of your hiding place and slings you over his shoulder as easily as if  you’re an empty sack.

“Put me –”

“Shut up.  I’m saving  you.”  He hates talking to you like this.  Hates having to pretend he’s just a soldier doing his job and not your heroic boyfriend.  Hates that you’re beating your fists against his shoulder plates instead of sighing ‘my hero!’ and swooning in his arms.  More than anything, he longs to rip his helmet off and show you who he is, show you he’s alive and he’s fine and you’re going to be okay, it’s safe now, he’s here – but there isn’t time.  The annoying pleasant automated voice over the intercom announces that an explosion is imminent.  He has to get you out.

His helicopter is still on the pad.  Even from here, he can see the terror etched on his soldier’s faces as they gesture frantically for him to hurry.  “I can only go so fast goddammit,” he grumbles under his breath – not that he really had to lower his voice.  The whup-whup-whup of the spinning blades are so loud that he could probably yell and no-one would hear him.  Still, it feels good to mutter protests like he did when he worked with the Bat.

…no.  Not with.  For.  It never was a partnership – it was always Big Daddy Bat and pitiful little Robin clinging to his cape.

He seethes with frustration as he shoves you into his lieutenant’s arms.  The man is just helping you onto the helicopter so he can focus on getting in himself.  It’s a time-saver.  But he hates the idea of someone else touching you, even like this.  He is the one saving you.  This isn’t a joint operation.  This isn’t Strike Team Alpha or some shit.  This is the Arkham Knight, blazing through a burning factory to pluck you from the arms of Death itself.

Well, when he recounts the story later, he’s not mentioning any of these guys.  Screw them.

With a single button press, he tunes his helmet’s radio to the frequency of the chopper and shouts instructions to the pilot.  The lieutenant wraps a blanket around your shoulders, helping you get comfortable in the cramped and jerking confines as the helicopter rises into the air far faster than it should.  He stands up front like he always does, but he half-turns to keep you in the corner of his eye at all times.  Let them get fresh with you – it’s a quick way to find out what it’s like to get thrown out of a helicopter.  An exclusive offer.  Not many people get to say they’ve done that.

“Drop us off there.”  He points to the roof of the Doyle building, a tall building that once held crumbling gargoyles and steeples taller than most churches.  Thanks to the Gotham council’s brilliant decision making, they had been torn down as part of the renovation project.  It is now sleek, shining, filled with windows and fluorescent lights and commercial comfort, but it is still your place.  Deep in its foundation lay the memories of the two of you laying on it, watching where the stars would be if not for the smog and light pollution of the city, snacking on greasy street food and arguing which villain could actually kill Superman if they had to.

He can’t think of a better place to ruin all the plans he’d crafted so carefully since his escape.

The helicopter doesn’t land – it isn’t safe, not anymore, this building is made of fiberglass and corporate dreams.  Jason drags you to your feet as gently as he can and helps you hop off the hovering, wobbling chopper.  He lands beside you as easily as jumping off a curb and waves them away, tossing a few orders through the radio for good measure.  Give him a few minutes, at least.  He needs this almost as much as he needs to kill Batman – actually, no.  He needs it more.


He doesn’t turn to face you right away.  You take a step back and eye him suspiciously, squinting against the dust and dirt spitting up in the vortex of the chopper’s wind.  It flies away, heading deeper into the city, and you two stand alone.  When he seems to be ignoring you for the time being (never mind that he’s clenching his fists at his sides like a man trying not to punch a hole in the wall), you risk looking away from him at the city.  Your city.  Even from here, you can see the smoke plumes wafting up from various fires, the eerie orange chemicals drifting into the sky from Ace Chemicals (where you would be if he hadn’t dragged you out, a thought that sends chills down your already icy back).  The only cars driving around below you are militarized tanks and armored vehicles, all bearing the insignia of the man standing before  you.

The city’s being invaded – that much is clear.  This random soldier that you’ve never heard of paired up with the Rogue’s Gallery to take over Gotham and intends to burn it all down.  At least he was willing to evacuate the civilians first – you don’t like to give credit to bad people, but you have to hand it to him.  Very few villains would even notice the innocent people they trample in their rampages.  That alone makes this guy stand out.

Why did he save you?  For that matter, how did he know you were there?  All the records were meant to show that you’d evacuated with everyone else, just like the other workers that were forced to stay behind to help manufacture Scarecrow’s new toxin.  You didn’t know what happened to the others.  They came for all of you, one by one, over the course of the night.  You’d heard screaming just a few minutes before this guy blew up the door (he blew up a door, what kind of maniac was he) and dragged you out of the factory literally kicking and screaming.  You had assumed it was your turn to find out how Scarecrow was dealing with his assets now that he no longer had a use for you.

You assumed it was your turn to die.

“Thank you.”  The words are reluctant, forced out between chattering teeth.  It’s awfully cold for the end of October – it tends to get pretty cold in Gotham, but this is ridiculous.  Still, voicing your gratitude is the least you can do.  This villain – because he is a villain, you know he’s here to kill the Bat, you know he’s willing to kill his way through Gotham to do it – went out of his way to drag you from the factory moments before it exploded.  Hell, he even had his guys give you a blanket.  He didn’t have to do any of that.  He went out of his way to do it.  The least you could give him, the only thing you can give him, is a thanks.

He dismisses your thanks with a wave.  “Don’t worry about it.  Couldn’t leave you there.  Not your fault Scarecrow left his marbles in the Asylum.”  There’s something about the way he talks that’s oddly and eerily familiar, even through the metallic distortion of his helmet’s voice modulator.  It’s comforting, yet horrifying.  You rack your brain, throwing names and faces at the imagined wall to see what sticks, but nothing works.  You have no idea who this guy is, but he’s so…familiar.

“Yeah.”  You pull the blanket tighter around you as a gust of wind finds its way through the gaps.  Once again,  your gaze drifts over Gotham.  A chilling scream fills the air, then fades into the various sounds of the city.  Your thoughts burn with questions demanding answers.  You shouldn’t ask them.  A bright light, dimmed through distance, flashes over the two of you.  It gleams against his sidearm, a gun that you couldn’t name if you tried but immediately makes you pause.  You don’t have to wonder if it’s loaded.

But you can’t stop yourself.  “Did you leave yours there too?”

He glances over his shoulder.  His helmet is as blank as a sheet of paper, yet somehow you can almost imagine an expression of surprise and delighted disbelief.  “If only you knew.”  There’s longing in that voice, as if he genuinely wishes you did know.  But you’re imagining that, almost certainly.

“Why?”  The word slips out before you can stop it.  “You’re a killer.  You’re here to kill Batman and burn Gotham to the ground and you’re working with Scarecrow of all fucking people – but you evacuated the city first.  You saved me.  I don’t get it.”

He laughs, a short bitter bark that makes your skin crawl.  “I’m a killer, yeah, but I don’t kill innocent people.  The civilians don’t need to get wrapped up in this war.  Besides, I’m doing it for them.  If they’re all dead, there’s no point, y’know?”

Hearing such casual language coming from a robot head atop a soldier’s stiff body is so weird.  Did you die in Ace Chemicals?  Is this your afterlife?  “You think killing Batman is good for Gotham?  He’s saving this city.”

“No. He’s not.”  The quiet fury that edges his voice forces you back a step.  His fists clench at his sides – you imagine that his knuckles gleam like moonlight under his gloves.  "Batman is a glorified man in a mask who martyrs himself nightly for a crusade that his own misguided morals prevent him from ever completing."

You almost laugh at the bitter words, at the painful memory they dredge up.  “You almost sound like someone I used to know.  He had a pretty big grudge against the Bat too.”

“Who doesn’t?”  He lets out a soft huff, reaching up to adjust his helmet.  His fingers linger on the clasps that connect it to his armor, as if he’s tempted for a moment to take it off.  You can’t stop the surge of excitement that rushes through you.  Will you, and you alone, know the identity of the Arkham Knight?

But he doesn’t remove his helmet.  He simply pulls a grappling hook from his belt, just like the one that Jason used to have.  “Stay here,” he orders with a single glance over his shoulder, the screened helmet rendering his expression unreadable.  “Someone will be along to get you to safety soon.  I have work to do.”

“Thank you for saving me,” you call as he shoots the hook at a construction crane and disappears into the smog of night.

Just like Jason used to.

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Title: Candies and Sweets

Character(s): Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Ayato, Childe, Venti, Xiao, Kazuha, Thoma, Itto, Chongyun, Bennett

Summary: 13 stepbrothers au: After moving into the teyvat residence and opening up a little to them. One of the many ways they spoil you is with sweets.

Warnings/tags: fem!reader, child!reader, platonic fluff, sibling relationships, meant for readers with a sweet tooth

13 stepbrothers au list

Zhongli: Small candies

Whenever you would finish up all your chores for the day or when you started to feel a little gloomy, Zhongli started to carry around candies cause of you. Little packets of small candy that he would drop on your hand smiling when you would look at them excitedly as he told you to save them in your candy jar where you have been collecting most of your candies.

Diluc: Dark chocolate

Diluc wasn't expecting you to react that hugely to the bitterness of the dark chocolate, he didn't think it was that bitter and you looked a little down when he remembered he got dark chocolate bonbon from a friend. Your bitter face was a surprise to him as you ran to the kitchen for something to clear your mouth with. Kaeya and Childe laughed so much when Diluc asked why you reacted like that when he thought the chocolate was fine.

Kaeya: Mint candy 

The mint candy was more of a joke, when you were waiting for Kaeya to finish his modeling shoot he had given you a box of candy that you could eat if you are feeling bored. Small white pills, with a cool smell you decided to take one. The shoot had to stop for a moment when they heard muffled pain from you, refusing to drink water yet at the same time suffering from how strong the mint was. On the side, Kaeya was just laughing at your pain, while he takes you in his arms apologizing and promising that he would buy you something you want after the shoot.

Albedo: Macarons and marshmallows

Something sweet Albedo would sometimes bring to you, sometimes from the bakery near his workplace or sometimes Klee’s mother would give. A lot of the time tho he would bring macarons each time a different flavor and design as he watched how excited you become for them. But sometimes he can't help but buy marshmallows too when he saw how round your cheeks become when you eat them.

Ayato: Hard candy with jam inside or jellies

Ayato had heard what Kaeya did to you and decided to give you a different surprise. Giving a small candy you tasted the sweet flavor of the candy, Ayato can't help but pat your head when your eyes suddenly brighten after a while told him you tasted the jam inside it too. Sometimes he brings jellies with filling in them for you to snack on.

Childe: Pepero / pocki

If Childe could he would have taken you to many cafes and dessert stores already how unfortunate it was when Diluc threatened him not to (in fear of your teeth rotting and your health.) It happened when you were not really close with everyone then when Childe gave you a box of pocky, you proceeded to give everyone one in the box but for Childe you gave two looking down in shyness as you thank him. He can't help himself but hug you that day.

Venti: Beer gummy candy

This is better than that one time he left liquor chocolates on the table in the living room... it was Thoma who gave you one without knowing till you start coughing at the taste. Poor boy almost looked like he had a heart attack, that he did something wrong when Venti appeared apologizing for leaving that box of chocolates like that. As an apology, you got those gummy beer candies that Venti assured the other brothers that they didn't have any alcoholic contents in them. That doesn't mean he was able to leave when Zhongli grabbed him on his collar. (The old man was very angry)

Xiao: Icecream

There was that one time you remembered when you and Xiao were together playing a game in the summer till the aircon broke. The two of you were so hot that you decided to have that huge tub of ice cream in the freezer too bad that Xiao wasn't able to stop you from eating too much that you had a tummy ache from eating over half of the tub. Yeah.. Zhongli was furious at Xiao all the while you had to promise Kaeya who was trying not to laugh that you won't use your puppy dog eyes anymore.

Kazuha: Dango

Japanese sweets. There was one shop that Kazuha would occasionally take you to was a particular shop that sold Japanese desserts. It wasn't often that he took you there as it was a bit far but you always had trouble picking what you want to eat back but Kazuha would always order dangos on the side with whatever new dessert you haven't tried yet.

Thoma: Homemade desserts

Thoma always tried to include you in the baking / making progress on any dessert he wanted to try.  The two of you would wear a cute apron as you tried to mix the batter and decorate the cookies. You made a lot of dessert with him, brownies, cakes, pies and tarts. And at the end of the day, you would look at your brothers with hope in your eyes that they like the desert you made with Thoma.

Itto: Donuts

He won a bet that day it seems and as a prize, he got a box of donuts from them. 6 of them! Ho, ho he was just so excited as he shared with Shinobu and the gang. But when one of the team members tried to reach for that last donut his hand got slapped as Itto told him that this was for his little sister!! Itto went back home bubbling with excitement holding a box with one donut inside just for you!

Chongyun: Popsicle

You always saw Chongyun eating a popsicle wherever he goes. Somehow like magic, he is always able to store up like 3 of 4 of them somewhere and they just won't melt! But when you tried them they tasted rather bland, just water really. Deciding that Chongyun is somehow suffering eating those popsicles you pulled him to the kitchen to make more popsicles this time with fruits in them or other sorts of drinks (sodas or fruit juice)!

Bennett: Strawberry granny candies

Strawberry candies, given by the grandma down the street who knows Bennett after she watched him get caught in multiple accidents one by one. Maybe it was pity but she started giving him strawberry hard candies whenever she saw him. But after she found out about him having a little step-sister she started giving him two strawberry candies which he always shared with you.

Note: Another random fluff for you guys!

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Hii!! So I recently found your blog and I love it!! So, I've been thinking about this for a while and I need someone to write how they think what would happen. Can you write a headcannon of the aot characters (please put Levi, Hange, Connie, Armin in cuz they're my faves, but also others if its not too much) on how they would react to reader speaking their native language (and they dont understand obv). I think this would be a fun one.

Hi little anon!i really apreciatted that u like my blog ✨

And that's an awesome idea i'm definetly doing it.

AOT headcanons reacting to u speaking your native language Version 1

𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨: Levi x reader, Hange x reader, Connie x reader, Armin x reader.

𝘾𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙤𝙧𝙮: fluff and fun, a bit of bad words.

𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: reader speaking spanish, modern AU.

Click here to find version 2

⤷𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢:When you said something in your native language for the first time Levi took a while to process what you said at first he thought you just mumbled something and he didn't understand "did you say something?" he asked.You were having trouble with an unopenable jar and you said "Esta cosa no se puede abrir" more clearly, Levi was stunned because he didn't know what to answer, he didn't know what you had said, he was silent for a while and when you realized you told him again in English and he helped you open the jar when he understood, it seems that later he will have to learn a couple of Spanish lessons for you.


⤷𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞:You and hange were hanging out and talking about space theories when you got a call from your mom, your mom lived far away and called you often to see how you were,You accepted the call apologizing to Hange for a moment to talk"Mamá estoy con una amigx te llamo después,si?"and turning around to continue the conversation with Hange you saw a small smile forming on they lips,you knew that Hange was enthusiastic about learning new things and experiments,"Did you speak in another language? What language was that? How do you speak it? Could you teach me the basics to communicate with you in your language?What traditions do you have in your country?" Were some of the questions they asked you, laughing lightly you started to answer to the questions, suddenly the conversation turned to you trying to teach him how to modulate in spanish the afternoon passed quickly and hange now went everywhere speaking spanish every time you saw each other.


⤷𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞:You and Connie were in an arcade, more specifically, he was beating you in a video game you were starting to fear for your score when suddenly you mumbled "¡Esta mierda de jueguito, voy a perder!" laughing, something about which Connie stopped playing and looked at you with a confused face, you took advantage of that distraction to beat him in the game "I didn't understand what you said but same for you" you started to laugh harder and Connie was infected by your laughter and suddenly both of you were laughing when you two calmed down again Connie asked you again what you had said and when you explained it to him the both laughed again, when he understood your words he was saying "Mierda" all the time.


⤷𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧:He had taken you to the beach to watch the sunset, both of you were sitting eating some sandwiches that you made admiring the view, next to you there was a sand castle that you two built earlier, with the sun going down you saw Armin with those beautiful blue eyes that combined with the bottom of the sea, his blond hair fluttering in the breeze, his beauty resembled the sea and you just said it "precioso" He turned his head gently and smiled "what did you say, cutie?" You turned your eyes to the sea and explained that the sea was beautiful, later when Armin left you at your house and went to his, he went to his computer and started reading about your language and to study it the next morning he sent you a message "Buen dia linda"You had a smile plastered on your face all day.

Small dictionary of what I said in Spanish:

"Esta cosa no se puede abrir": I can't open this thing.

"Mamá estoy con una amigx te llamo después,si?": Mom, I'm with a friend, I'll call you later, okay?

"¡Esta mierda de jueguito, voy a perder!" : This shitty little game, I'm going to lose!

"Mierda": Shit

"precioso": beautiful

"Buen dia linda": Good morning, beautiful

"𝑰 𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖"

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I would like to share some of the thoughts I had while reading volume 2 of tgcf

-Xie Lian sets his boyfriends mansion on fire. Comes back to heaven and is immediately accused of a massacre

-and mans is just like yeah I did it, banish me for a third time I guess

-“Where’s banyue?” “In a pickle jar. Please air her out on occasion”

-“Banish me because if I fight him he will surely die”

-I really like how MXTX writes third person omniscient. Like the whole scene where Xie Lian is being accused and we read everyone’s thoughts but his

-Hua Cheng basically rescues Xie Lian from his palace in heaven and has his butterflies attack mu qing and feng xin


-Hua Cheng just casually harassing heaven officials


-“But Xie Lian didn’t care whether he acted like a man or not. He’d cross-dressed before, and he’d hung the words “I can’t get erect” on his lips. Nothing could get him” he said gender is a game and I’m winning

-“Did you turn my seventeenth birthday into a trial like your seventeen birthday?”

Lang Qianqiu is giving this dramatic speech about he’ll never become Xie Lian and then Hua Cheng promptly turns him into a doll

-I love the “Omg green ghost looks like Xie Lian”

And then his masks falls off

“Oh wait Nevermind”

-green ghost is so puntable

-Hundred years worth of cultivation vs. ghost king dick

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Summary: Jimin is framed. You know it. You believe in him. But how would you make the world believe that he is innocent?

Pairing: Asylum Patient! Jimin × Visitor! Y/N

Genre: Angst, fluff, smut, thriller, psychological thriller, mild yandere.

Warnings: graphic murder description, asylums, implied smuts (in further chapters).

Check out my other works here.

A/n: This is my first time posting here. I hope you all like it :) Also a very big thanks to @confusedxenophobe

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He looked at the scribbled walls surrounding him. He doesn't even remember the date, or which day it was. His life and soul was captured in those four walls. What did he even do to deserve this?

He still remembers the day when he was accused of his mother's murder. He was 19 back then when he came home to see his mother drowned in the pool of her own blood. A dagger was stabbed in her chest. There were bruises on her face and arms. He went towards her and looked at the mess. His mother wasn't dead. She was squirming and groaning in pain.

"Ji–Jiminah, just go from here," she was trying to speak in between her exasperated breaths.

"Eomma!" He cries and asks for help.

But his words fall on deaf ears. She was looking pathetic. Her hands shivered as she brought them to stroke his face. She wiped his stray tears with her thumb. But they never seemed to stop. She breathed her last and all Jimin could do was watch her.

Her lifeless hand fell onto Jimin's lap as he sat there, in the pool of his mother's blood. He couldn't quite register what happened, for he kept chanting his mother's name who was now never going to respond. But when he understood, he kissed her forehead and her palm covered in her blood. Unwillingly he closed her eyes, which he knew would never look at him with the kind of sparkle they used to when he returned home from his school. Forget about the sparkle, they won't even open henceforth.

He heard sirens and people chattering behind him. But he wasn't prepared to leave his mother's side, not so soon. He sat there, sat there until a police officer came and dragged him out.

He was interrogated and his silence was misinterpreted. Tagged as a psychopath, he was put behind the bars first but then transferred to some asylum for his so-called 'betterment'.

Now, he doesn't remember how long has he been here. Maybe two years or maybe three.

But doesn't care. Not at all.

He knows who is behind all this. But what can he do?


He is stuck here, scribbling on the walls of the asylum where he is trapped like a butterfly in a jar. Butterfly? Truly he was.

He was such a bubbly person. Always a sweet boy. He had not many friends, just a few whom he loved to death. He barely remembers them now. His mind is a scrambled mess of the thoughts and memories of the past. He is no more the Jimin he was back then.

Besides his mother, there is another face imprinted at the back of his mind. That one beautiful girl, who holds his gaze without any fear. Every morning after his breakfast is pushed in from under the door, he stands near the window, awaiting your arrival on your balcony.

There you come. He stood behind the glass of the asylum window and looks through it. You were leaning on the railing of the balcony with a mug of freshly brewed coffee in your hand. You sipped on it, savouring its bitter taste as it seemed to refresh the cells in your body

You stood there as you looked for him. When you spotted him by the window, your eyes lit up with an unknown shine. Your lips curled into the prettiest smile.

Then it began— your stare game. You beheld his gaze for good forty seconds before you blinked. But he, he was still staring at you. His face showed no emotions but his eyes said something else.

Today you felt bolder. You waved at him. His eyes widened and he looked down at his feet. It had been a while since someone waved or smiled at him. You could see his lips twitching, trying hard to conceal his little smile but he failed. You burst into fits of giggles he couldn't hear. But yeah, he could still imagine how angelic your voice must be.

"Y/N," you heard your mother call for you.


You waved him goodbye and left. He was standing there, waving back when you weren't there. He watched you go away until you were figure completely disappeared.

You thought about him sometimes. He was just a few meters away from you, but you never wanted to scare him off. But you could resist your curiosity. You had the weekend off and decided to go and meet him.


You walked to the reception. Beads of perspiration decorated your forehead. You weren't scared of him. Hell, you don't even know his name. But you had this urge to know him. And you will.

The asylum wasn't huge. It was rather small. The building was seven storeys and each floor had six rooms. The fourth floor had a personal ward for extreme cases. And he, lived on the fourth floor. That's the floor you lived on and he was parallel to yours.

The receptionist refused to reveal the information, but after stuffing her purse with a heavy bundle of notes she gave in. You went through the patient data file and saw his picture. He looked so cute when the photo was taken. His eyes disappeared when he grinned and his plump, shapely lips were just so adorable.

You went through his case and the revelation was beyond your belief. You wouldn't judge him until you knew the truth. But for now, you wanted to talk to him

Park Jimin...


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Listen I need a Magnus Archives Addams family AU!!

Mortician!Jon Sims and Gomez!Martin Blackwood Devoted husband Martin who loves Eldritch Horror Jon, besotted husband Jon who puts the all encompassing fear of the entities in anyone who looks at Martin the wrong way.

They met at a gala dinner for the Magnus Institute where Jon was forced to be there by Elias and Martin by Peter


Jon 100% thinks Martin is a fool (fondly) in the beginning but Martin won’t give up

Obvi they get together and move to the Magnus House, with Elias basically as grandma Frump

Simon Fairchild is cousin It LMAO

Tim and Sasha are their neighbors who think they’re both really fucking weird but hey they keep it lively and that’s fun

Callum is their child and he regularly scare the shit out of Tim

Tim once looked over to see Martin and Callum in a grave and called the cops who promptly ignored it bc no one wants to deal with the Blackwood-Sims family. (Before they became friends)

Fun fact: Oliver was in the grave and was being woken up for his monthly tea time with Jon.

The avatars are other cousins that wander in and out of the house, but everyone’s pretty sure that Annabelle is living in the attic and just hasn’t told anyone that.

Gertrude’s the “whose aunt is that” “yes” that lives in the library. Only contactable via ouija board cause she’s dead. Fucks with Elias’s tie collection by hiding them somewhere.

Jon works in the Magnus Institute which is in one wing of the house and takes Statements from the public

Georgie and Melanie aren’t really sure how the fuck their friend Jon From Improv in Uni has this many relatives but they just role with it.

They do game night with Jon, Martin, Tim, and Sasha who has a doppelgänger that wanders the halls but also it doesn’t look like her?? It’s just the vibe.

Their game of choice is bananagrams

Basira and Daisy are usually the ones who get called to the Magnus Institute to deal with whatever weird shit the HOA wants reported.

Weird brother Gerry who brings Jon odd books and trinkets and the occasional jar of eyeballs from his travels around the globe.

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Mama bear part 2

PLOT: it’s a kid weekend day which means you and fez takes ashtray to a place where kids like to go so he can have some childhood in him and no surprise a Karen comes your way

When you moved in after grandma Marie got sick you told fez and ashtray you didn’t care what they do on weekdays but the weekends is kid fun day. They okay with that half of the time so it’s Saturday morning 6am you walk to the kitchen and make breakfast for the boys as you was finishing cooking fez wrapped his arms around your waist and softly kiss your neck and whispered “ good morning ma” as you smiled you said “good morning to you sweet-like.” You faced him and you kissed his lips as he pulled you in more as both of you was kissing ashtray said “bro come on we about to fuckin eat” you snapped your fingers and point at a jar then she said “it’s Saturday ash you know the rules a quarter in the swear jar” ash said “but Y/N we got business deals tomorrow” you look at both of the boys and said “don’t but me and both of you has to do it Monday until it’s….mouse” as you get shivers down your spine fez says as he starts eating “that bs ma.” After arguing with the boys for 30 minutes they reschedule their business and we drove to park with playground we get out of the car and ashtray try’s to help you with the picnic bag but you said “no ash you go be a kid and play with other kids” as you kiss his forehead he rolled his eyes at you and said “yes mom.” As you and fez sit on table and watch ashtray try to be a kid we talked about their business and stuff as a woman walked to you dragging ashtray around with her you whispered “fuckin damn it” the woman said in a nasally voice “your son was teaching my sweet innocent son how to play a knife game with their fingers and sinful gambling be happy I’m not going to sue your……..poor ass.” You laughed at the woman and said “listen ummm Karen you don’t get to grab my boy’s arm and drag him with your big elephant feet and you ‘innocent’ kid is eating sand as we speak also don’t pull the poor ass bitch card” as you pull the rings off your hand. You knocked Karen on her ass you looked at her and said “be a good mom and not the judging mom cause the moms who judge other moms gets them ass kick by a mom who not a fear of a Karen like you” as you spit in her shitty brown Karen haircut ash said “yeah you tell her mom” you and the boys decided to go to another park before the cops come then we ate then went to laser tag then got home watched sherk as ashtray lays his head on your lap then he fells asleep on you. Fez whispered “your going to be a badass ma someday when we have little ones” as we kiss each other ash mumbled “don’t fuck on the couch or next to me please” we laugh

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Anyway, I’m going to talk about the directorial choices for the Meteia’s report in Ktisis Hyperboreia because it’s significant and points to the deeper nature of the characters in that scene. As Meteion describes the fallacy of four different worlds, we see the reaction of one of the four ancients and it seems to line up with known character themes. This allows us to make inferences about these characters—the game seems to be trying to say that the fallacy of each world is related to the greatest flaws or fears of that character.

Starting out of order to make my point—“One race had renounced war and devoted itself to the enrichment of its people. They were conquered. Though they destroyed the enemy in reprisal, they could not regain their former glory.” Hades has a very visceral reaction to this, and for good reason—it directly echoes who he becomes in Shadowbringers. While it's a stretch to say that the people of Etheirys were conquered, by the Meteia, Hydaelyn, Zodiark, or otherwise, they certainly were unable to attain the glory they lost in the Final Days 1.0. Emet-Selch's deepest character flaw is his inability to let go of the past, and we see exactly what his despair at losing the world he loved does to him. That 'reprisal' so to speak is the Ascians, and the rejoining, struggling to fight against Hydaelyn and restore what was lost.

“One race had striven to create a world bereft of animosity. They renounced relationships to avoid interpersonal strife and in so doing, brought about societal collapse.” While saying this, the camera focuses on Hermes. We don't know much about Hermes, but it's safe to say that he's renounced most relationships with the people around him, preferring to work with the creations of Elpis. Multiple characters make note of his self-isolating behavior. This race's destruction seems to point to Hermes' fatal flaw being related to his inability or unwillingness to get close to people out of the pain it might cause. The callousness of the people around him, renouncing even the intimacy of familial relationships as we get a glimpse of in Abyssos, was ultimately what led to his destruction

“One race had concluded that finite time was the root of all woes. Aspiring to shatter its shackles, they went in search of infinity. They discovered nothing is infinite and neither time nor death can be cheated. Disillusioned, they gave up on the future and themselves.” This one is a little more abstract, since we don't know much about him, but the camera does pan to Hythlodaeus who looks INCREDIBLY pained to hear this. Considering his response to the concept of 'death' as in, a finite ending, rather than the cyclical way that he explains life, death, and rebirth, the idea that the cycle could be broken would no doubt be jarring to hear indeed. Additionally, who of them would give up on himself? Hythlodaeus who had already rejected a seat on the convocation, who insists at every opportunity that he isn't as powerful or competent as those around him?

Finally, the fourth report: “One race had discarded all things which gave rise to sorrow, hoping to have only joy. They found joy lost its savor in the absence of sorrow and lost their will to live.” Venat's sorrow at the idea is plainly evident, and in fact, this very report from the Meteia likely influenced her decision to summon Hydaelyn and sunder the world into fourteen. She mirrors what the Meteia say in her speech just before doing so, saying "Suffering exists and we cannot pretend otherwise. No civilization, however great, could eliminate it. If we would live, we must accept it as our constant companion." Of the four, she took the message to heart as an opportunity to learn, to grow, rather than to submit to despair. That is why she was the light of hope that ultimately led to the salvation of Etheirys, even if that salvation meant destroying something in the process.

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