Group of related data points that display in row(s) or column(s) in a worksheet.

Calculated column A column in a table that contains a formula which is automatically filled in the column. Category axis The area along the bottom of a chart that identifies the categories of data; also referred to as the x-axis. Category labels The labels that display along the bottom of a chart to identify the categories of data; Excel uses the row titles as the category names. Cell In an Excel worksheet, the small box formed by the intersection of a column and a row. Cell address Another name for a cell reference. Cell content Anything typed into a cell. Cell reference The identification of a specific cell by its intersecting column letter and row number. Chart A graphic representation of data in a worksheet; data presented as a chart is usually easier to understand than a table of numbers. Chart layout The combination of chart elements that can be displayed in a chart such as a title, legend, labels for the columns, and the table of charted cells. Chart layouts gallery A group of predesigned chart layouts that you can apply to an Excel chart. Chart sheet A workbook sheet that contains only a chart and is useful when you want to view a chart separately from the worksheet data. Chart style The overall visual look of a chart in terms of its graphic effects, colors, and backgrounds; for example, you can have flat or beveled columns, colors that are solid or transparent, and backgrounds that are dark or light. Chart styles gallery A group of predesigned chart styles that you can apply to an Excel chart. Chart types Various chart formats used in a way that is meaningful to the reader; common examples are column charts, pie charts, and line charts. Clip art Graphical images than are added to a worksheet or other Microsoft Office application to illustrate a concept. Color scales Visual guides that help you understand data distribution and variation. Column A vertical group of cells in a worksheet. Column chart A chart in which the data is arranged in columns and which is useful for showing data changes over a period of time or for illustrating comparisons among items. Column heading The letter that displays at the top of a vertical group of cells in a worksheet; beginning with the first letter of the alphabet, a unique letter or combination of letters identifies each column. Column index number In the VLOOKUP function, the argument that determines the column from which the corresponding value is retrieved. Column Labels A field that is assigned a column orientation in a PivotTable report. Comma delimited file A data file that uses commas to separate values in a record. Also known as a comma separated value (CSV). Comma separated value (CSV) A data file that uses commas to separate values in a record. Also known as a comma delimited file. Comma style The Excel number format that inserts thousand comma separators where appropriate, applies two decimal places, and leaves space at the right to accommodate a parenthesis for negative numbers. Comments Remarks that are attached to a cell that can be hidden or displayed on the worksheet. Comparison operators Symbols that are used to compare two values. The symbols < (less than), > (greater than), and = (equal) that evaluate each field value to determine if it is the same, greater than, less than, or in between a range of values as specified by the criteria. Conditional format A format that changes the appearance of a cell range�for example by adding cell shading or font color�based on a condition; if the condition is true the cell range is formatted based on that condition, and if the condition is false the cell range is not formatted based on the condition. Constant value Numbers, text, dates, or times of day that you type into a cell. Context sensitive Information or commands related to the current task. Contextual tabs Tabs that are added to the Ribbon when a specific object, such as a chart, is selected, and that contain commands relevant to the selected object. Contextual tools Sets of commands added to the Ribbon when a specific object is selected and which enable you to perform specific commands related to the selected object; contextual tools display only when needed and no longer display after the object is deselected. COUNTIF function A statistical function that counts the number of cells within a range that meet the given condition�the criteria that you provide. Criteria Conditions that are specified, such as in a logical function. Criteria range The defined area on a worksheet where the criteria for an advanced filter is entered. Click here to go to the top of the page

Data Series: A group of related data points or markers that are plotted in charts and graphs. Examples of a data series include individual lines in a line graph or columns in a column chart. When multiple data series are plotted in one chart, each data series is identified by a unique color or shading pattern.

Is a group of values and other data organized into rows and columns?

A spreadsheet is a collection of data that is organized into rows and columns. Microsoft® Excel is a spreadsheet application used to store and analyze quantitative data. An Excel file is called a workbook, and it is saved with an .

Which axis in a chart displays the descriptive labels for the data points?

Category axis The chart element that displays descriptive group names or labels, such as college names or cities, to identify data.
Data marker A column, a bar, an area, a dot, a pie slice, or another symbol in a chart that represents a single data point; related data points form a data series.