Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes - Teil 1 und 2

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  • Lieferung bis Sa, 31. Dez - Mo, 2. Jan aus Augsburg, Deutschland

Fast scheint der siegessichere Fürst der Finsternis tatsächlich triumphieren zu können, doch eine eigene Fehleinschätzung, eine fremde List und Harry Potter besiegeln schließlich sein Schicksal. Im großen Finale weitet sich der Kampf Gut gegen Böse in der Welt der Zauberer zu einem regelrechten Krieg aus.

Deathly Hallows part 2 ends this incredibly well produced saga with tremendous grace and a beautifully orchestrated climax that I am sure will satisfy both lovers of the books and films.

If you have read the books as I have you will be glad to know major key moments are intact. Much is missing but I won't dwell on that, no point, its how well this movie plays out and for me it rolls wonderfully between excitement, thrills and emotional drama towards a satisfactory (though a slightly rushed) conclusion.

There are at least 2 sequences so powerful that I defy anyone not to at least stifle a tear or choke a little. One of those sequence is an exquisitely executed flashback that is pivotal to the whole story.

I have to say, that despite the woes we book readers have when elements (big chunks of it too) are omitted from the movies, much credit still has to go to Steve Kloves for adapting the books for the big screen, cleverly weaving, changing and even adding new big elements to give a kinetic flow to the narrative and here it all comes together superbly.

David Yates assured direction has nurtured our young actors in the last 4 films to blossom into even more adept actors who convey their characters with natural tones without overacting. Daniel Radcliffe had to carry this movie more than any other and has done so brilliantly complemented with great support from his two companions, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint.

Pretty much all the characters we have met in all the movies have made an appearance in this finale but one actor stands out, Alan Rickman. His portrayal of Professor Snape has always been a joy to watch (if a little novel) but here his scenes will leave a dramatic engraving in my memory. Here he elevates his portrayal of one of the most complex character in young adult literature to an unforgettable piercingly emotional one.

Another actor who really shines in the few scenes that he has, is Matthew Lewis as Neville Longbottom who we see gradually transforming over the past films from the clumsy bullied boy to a brave warrior in this final film. Many other British thespians of the series also have their few moments to shine especially Maggie Smith's Professor McGonagal who was a delight to watch as she takes charge of the defence of Hogwarth School.

As for the spectacle of the battle and showdowns, while not at the scale of Lord of the Rings, I honestly cant think how it could have been done better as the film makers have intertwined heart stopping action with dramatic progressions in the narrative. Its actually more visceral and dynamic than the rather smaller scale battle of the brilliant novels (not to take anything away from Rowling's writing).

Do I have any gripes? Yes I do. Although I applaud Steve Kloves for a difficult screenplay adaption...I think he could still have done better at explaining some odd anomalies that only readers of the book will understand. This might annoy you if you haven't read the books. But its a small gripe because what we get is delightful.

What an amazing achievement to faithfully bring Rowling's epic saga to the big screen with the same cast and largely the same crew, maintaining the brilliant quality right to the end.

The actors did a great job and have proved themselves as professionals, and the special effects are brilliant. From the heroes to the villains, every one of them played their parts to perfection. I can't say enough good things about the casting and acting throughout the series, and that continues in HP7. The special effects made me see the fantastic world in visual form. Each of those things have been top-notch in the former stories and continued in this one.

What's the problem, then? Everything important in the book was abandoned. The book started with a scene between Harry and the Dursleys much like all the previous ones. It really highlighted the end of innocence for the two cousins in a farewell with Dudley that was shamefully left out of the film. I think that one scene could have framed the transition in far less screen time than the released nonsense, and the movie went downhill from there. Fans of brainless action flicks will probably adore this film since that's the style adopted, but the symbolism and dark wonder characterized in the real story was entirely absent in the film.

The filming style was nauseating in many places, and in one particular scene towards the end, a girl in the row behind us muttered that she couldn't watch the shaky camera shots any longer or she would be sick. My husband commented it was like someone took a snippet from Blair Witch Project and flung it in the middle of this movie. Truly disappointing.

I don't know why so much creative license was taken in this version when the previous movies stuck pretty closely to the books. This could have been so much better, particularly since there are two films to cover what was admittedly a lot of important information in the books. Unfortunately, the editing and cinematography fell flat on its face.

In welchem Harry Potter Teil stirbt Hermine?

Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes – Teil 1.

Wird das verwunschene Kind verfilmt?

Warner Bros. Bislang betonte J.K. Rowling immer wieder, dass ihr Theaterstück „Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind“ nicht verfilmt werde. Das überrascht nicht, schließlich sollen derzeit und auch in den kommenden Jahren die „Phantastische Tierwesen“-Filme im Vordergrund stehen, derer (noch!) fünf geplant sind.

In welchem Teil kommt Voldemort?

Teil eins: „Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen“ Außerdem wird ihm vom Halbriesen Rubeus Hagrid mitgeteilt, dass seine Eltern von einem bösen Magier namens Lord Voldemort, auch bekannt als dunkler Lord, getötet worden sind.

Was passiert in Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes Teil 2?

Als Voldemort Harry mit dem Elderstab angreift, wendet sich dieser gegen Voldemort. Durch seinen eigenen, auf ihn zurückprallenden Todesfluch stirbt Voldemort und löst sich in Asche auf. Harry zerbricht den Elderstab und wirft ihn weg, damit niemand mehr dessen Macht missbrauchen kann.