High levels of triglyceride are associated with which of the following Quizlet



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Terms in this set (100)

The collective term for various diseases of the heart and blood vessels is ______ disease.


Which of the following are types of blood vessels?

- veins
- arteries
- capillaries

What is the process by which arteries become hard and thickened due to buildup of cholesterol and other substances on their walls?


Coronary heart disease is sometimes called coronary ______ disease.


Which of the following occurs when a coronary artery becomes completely blocked, preventing the heart from getting enough blood?

myocardial infarction

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for ______ in the United States.

both men and women

Signs of a heart attack may include discomfort in which of the following?

- Jaw
- Chest

The ______ system consists of the heart and blood vessels, which together move blood throughout the body.


What is the process by which arteries become hard and stiff as a result of too much pressure?


Coronary artery disease is caused by atherosclerosis in the arteries that supply blood to the


Intermittent pain or heaviness in the chest, and often in the arm or shoulder, caused by the heart muscle not receiving enough blood is called


What is the term for a blood clot that blocks an artery, which can lead to a heart attack?

coronary thrombosis

Classic heart attack symptoms are less likely to appear in


An irregular heartbeat is called


True or false: Strokes are the leading cause of severe, long-term disability in the United States.


What is the type of stroke that occurs when an artery in the brain becomes blocked?


Pain, heaviness, or tightness in the chest, and often in the arm or shoulder, caused by the heart muscle not receiving enough blood is called


A change in the normal pattern of the heartbeat is called


A ____________ is a blood clot that forms in a narrowed artery.


Blocked blood flow to the brain results in a stroke, or

cerebrovascular accident.

Which of the following is sometimes called a "ministroke"?

transient ischemic attacks

Which type of stroke accounts for 87% of all strokes?


Congestive heart failure occurs when

the heart is not pumping as well as it should.

A blood clot that develops in a narrowed artery is called a(n)


Which of the following can occur when heart valves do not function normally?

- Blood can leak backward between heart chambers.
- Blood does not flow through the heart smoothly.

Transient ischemic attacks result in

little to no tissue death.

During congestive heart failure, blood backs up in the


Which of the following can cause heart valve disorders?

- congenital abnormalities
- aging-related processes
- rheumatic heart disease

What three health factors should be maintained at healthy levels to mitigate the risk of cardiovascular disease?

- blood pressure
- blood glucose
- total cholesterol

The leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease is ______ use.


What are ways in which smoking can affect cardiovascular health?

Smoking can lead to blood clots in the coronary arteries.

What four behaviors have an important role in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease?

- eating a healthy diet
- avoiding tobacco
- maintaining a healthy BMI
- being physically active

Soy products can help lower


Foods rich in ______ are helpful in lowering cholesterol.


Cigarette smokers' risk of heart disease is how much greater than that of nonsmokers?

two to four times

Exercise increases the level of ______ (good cholesterol) in the body.


Smoking contributes to the development of ______ by damaging the inner lining of the arteries.


Which of the following would be the best option for preventing cardiovascular disease?

a plant-based diet

Which of the following categories of food are rich in fiber?

- vegetables
- fruit

Healthy body composition is measured by


Which of the following body shapes is most at risk for heart disease?

apple shape

Which of the following are ways that physical activity helps prevent cardiovascular disease?

- It reduces high blood pressure.
- It helps control diabetes.
- It helps maintain a healthy weight.

Blood _____________ refers to how hard blood pushes against the walls of the arteries.


When the heart relaxes between contractions, the ______ blood pressure is measured.


Overweight and obesity can increase the

- seriousness of cardiovascular disease.
- risk for cardiovascular disease.

Because it usually has no symptoms, hypertension is often called the

silent killer.

Overweight individuals can lessen their risk of cardiovascular disease by losing ______ of their total weight.

10% to 15%

Which of the following statements concerning racial factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk are true?

- Factors other than genetics may play a role in the rates of CVD in different racial groups.
- The death rate from heart attack has declined less among minority groups and women.
- Mexican Americans have a higher risk of CVD than Whites.

Hypertension increases the risk of which of the following?

- kidney disease
- stroke
- heart attack

When the heart contracts, the ______ blood pressure is measured.


Which of the following are recommended for controlling hypertension?

- moderating alcohol intake
- physical activity
- weight reduction

Which of the following statements regarding hypertension is true?

Nearly one in three adults in the United States has hypertension.

True or false: Whites have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease than other groups.


Regular screening for hypertension (high-blood pressure) is recommended for individuals over what age?


What is the name of the diet plan that is intended to lower high blood pressure?


Which of the following groups are prone to developing atherosclerosis at a younger age?


LDLs, known as "bad" cholesterol, are clearly associated with which condition?

heart disease

HDL is the "good" cholesterol that provides protection from which disease?

cardiovascular disease

What is the recommended limit on sodium intake per day for people with hypertension?

1,500 mg

High triglyceride levels are associated with which of the following?

- excess body fat
- alcohol consumption

People with diabetes have higher levels of ______ in their blood, which can damage artery walls.


How is the amount of LDLs in the blood correlated with the presence of atherosclerosis?

The higher the level of LDLs, the higher the risk of atherosclerosis.

Studies have shown which of the following relationships between alcoholic intake and cardiovascular disease (CVD)?

- A man who has a single drink a day may gain a protective effect against CVD.
- A man who has more than two drinks a day increases his risk of CVD.
- A woman who drinks but less than one full drink a day may gain a protective effect against CVD.

Which of the following are ways that poverty increases people's risk for cardiovascular disease?

- by increasing stress
- by reducing access to health care
- by limiting access to food and shelter

HDL is capable of clearing cholesterol from cells and transporting it back to the ___________ for recycling.


Health care providers are less likely to consider a diagnosis of heart disease in which gender?


High levels of ______ in the blood are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.


True or false: The protective effect against heart disease associated with light consumption of alcoholic beverages appears to be linked to alcohol itself.


There is a direct link between ______ and cardiovascular disease.


According to new research, how does hormone replacement therapy affect a woman's risk of cardiovascular disease?

It does not affect the risk.

A primary reason that women have higher death rates from CVD than men is that

women are less likely to have symptoms and seek treatment.

Homocysteine is a(n) _____ that circulates in the blood and may damage the lining of blood vessels.

amino acid

What test evaluates how well the heart functions during strenuous activity?

an exercise stress test

What is a noncontrollable risk factor for cardiovascular disease that is unique to women?

being postmenopausal

Diets that are high in which of the following are associated with high blood levels of homocysteine, a potential risk factor for cardiovascular disease?


The technique in which a balloon catheter is inserted into an artery and then inflated to stretch it open is called


All types of diabetes result in elevated levels of ______ in the blood.


What test uses ultrasound to visualize heart function?

an echocardiogram

Which of the following statements about Type-1 diabetes are true?

- It is caused by the destruction of insulin-producing cells.
- It can occur at any age.

How does being postmenopausal affect a woman's risk of heart attack and stroke?

increases it

During heart surgery, a coronary ______ is often placed in the blood vessel to keep it open.


Long-term effects of diabetes include damage to

- kidneys.
- blood vessels.
- vision.
- nerves.

What test records the electrical activity of the beating heart?


Which of the following are risk factors for type-2 diabetes?

- abdominal fat
- age
- race
- physical inactivity

Type-1 diabetes is treated with


What is the cause of gestational diabetes?

Hormonal changes affect how the body responds to insulin.

Patients are at high risk of developing diabetes if they have

- prediabetes.
- metabolic syndrome.

Gestational diabetes only affects

pregnant women.

Although the various chronic lung diseases have different causes and treatments, they are all characterized by

airway obstruction and shortness of breath.

True or false: In healthy lungs, tiny air sacs called alveoli expand when you breathe in and deflate when you breathe out.


The most common chronic lung condition is


The two most common chronic lung diseases are

- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
- asthma.

Which of the following are symptoms of asthma?

- shortness of breath
- wheezing
- coughing

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) develops

over time as people experience cumulative damage to their airways.

Which of the following are parts of the lungs?

- bronchioles
- bronchi
- alveoli

What lifestyle decisions will help a person avoid chronic disease?

- Take care of mental health.
- Be physically active.
- Avoid being overweight.
- Eat a heart-healthy diet.

Over the last few decades, asthma rates have been


What is the characteristic feature of asthma?

The lining of the airways is chronically inflamed and swollen.

The two components of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are

- emphysema.
- chronic bronchitis.

To avoid chronic disease, a person should maintain healthy levels of

- blood glucose.
- blood pressure.
- lipids.

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Which of these factors is high blood triglycerides known to be associated with?

Being physically inactive, eating foods that are high in fat and sugar, or drinking too much alcohol may increase blood triglycerides. Some medicines used to treat breast cancer, high blood pressure, HIV, and other conditions may also raise blood triglyceride levels.

Which statement is true about triglycerides?

Answer and Explanation: -Triacylglycerols (triglycerides) always contain three identical fatty acids.

Which of the following describes a type of blood fat that is associated with an increased risk for heart disease?

LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, sometimes called “bad” cholesterol, makes up most of your body's cholesterol. High levels of LDL cholesterol raise your risk for heart disease and stroke.

What are ways of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease associated with high levels of LDL?

The main goals in treating high cholesterol are to lower your LDL levels and lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. To lower cholesterol, eat a heart-healthy diet, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy weight. Some may also need to take cholesterol-lowering drugs.


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