__________ holds that over time consumers adjust to and quit noticing repeated stimuli.

When a teenager says, "It's cool," his friends understand that he's not talking about the temperature. In this case, the meaning of the word, "cool," is based on its _____ meaning

What is considered an individual factor affecting attention?

Skippy is a well-known brand of peanut butter that recently introduced a line of snack bars bearing the Skippy name. This is an example of _____.

Some people experience emotions more strongly than do others, which is a trait known as _____.

What is an ability factor related to attention that may require less attention to the brand's ads by an individual due to their high existing knowledge?

Barry decided he needs a new car, so he started looking at commercials on television and ads in magazines as well as visiting several Web sites. What type of exposure does this represent?

Which strategy for overcoming the barriers presented by DVR involves holding the ad visual relatively constant while the ad is fast-forwarded through by the viewer?

Beverly went to the store to purchase instant hot chocolate mix for her family. A sign near the hot chocolate directed her to a specific aisle where she could purchase marshmallows. This is an example of a(n) _____.

Cameron was searching the Internet for information on digital cameras. He went to a search engine (i.e., Google) and searched the key words "digital camera." Unbeknownst to him, several banner ads for brands and retailers of digital cameras appeared on the results page, that were activated based on the terms he used in his search. These banner ads are known as _____.

_____ represents the density of stimuli in the environment.

Perception involves the information processing stages of

exposure, attention, and interpretation.

A series of activities by which stimuli are perceived, transformed into information, and stored is known as

A method marketers use in response to ad avoidance is known as

When the receptor nerves are activated and pass the sensations on to the brain for processing, _____ has occurred

_____ holds that over time consumers adjust to and quit noticing repeated stimuli.

In most individuals, the left brain appears to control

rational thought and verbal material

T or F: Interpretation occurs when a stimulus is placed within a person's relevant environment and comes within range of their receptor nerves.

T or F: Advertorials are program-length commercials with an 800 number and/or Web address through which to order or request additional information.

T or F: Attention generally increases across repeated exposures, and repetition often increases recall.

T or F: Product involvement indicates motivation or an interest in a specific product category, and it can be temporary or enduring.

T or F: Clutter refers to the density of stimuli in the environment.

T or F: Affective interpretation is a process whereby stimuli are placed into existing categories of meaning.

False ( the emotional response triggered by a stimulus such as an ad*)

T or F: Expectations is an individual characteristic that influences interpretation.

T or F: Co-branding is when an existing brand extends to a new category with the same name.

False ( an alliance in which two brands are put together on a single product.*)

perception involves the information processing stages of

exposure, attention, and interprretation

a method marketers use in response to ad avoidance is known as

a series of activities by which stimuli are perceived, transformed into information and stored is known as

when the receptor nerves are activated and pass the sensations on to the brain for processing, _____ has occurred

which of the following factors does not determine attention:

_____ holds that over time consumers adjust to and quit noticing repeated stimuli

in most individuals, the left brain appears to control

rational thought and verbal material.

Interpretation occurs when a stimulus is placed within range of their receptor nerves.

Advertorials are program-length commercials with an 800 number and/or web address through which to order or request additional information

attention generally increases across repeated exposures and repetition often increases recall

product involvement indicates motivation or an interest in a specific product category, and it can be temporary or enduring

clutter refers to the density of stimuli in the environment

affective interpretation is a process whereby stimuli are placed into existing categories of meaning.

expectations is an individual characteristic that influences interpretation

co-branding is when existing brand extends to a new category with the same name.

What do you call a series of activities by which stimuli are perceived transformed into information and stored?

Information Processing. Is a series of activities by which stimuli are perceived, transformed into information, and stored.

Which of the following is considered a stimulus factors affecting attention?

Motivation and ability are two major situational factors affecting attention.

Is a process whereby stimuli are placed into existing categories of meaning?

Affective interpretation is a process whereby stimuli are placed into existing categories of meaning. Individual characteristics affecting interpretation include traits, learning and knowledge, and expectations.

When scandals hurt the scandalized brand but also damage competitors in the industry the term for this effect is?

When scandals hurt the scandalized brand but also damage competitors in the industry the term for this effect is: spillover.


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