How can a business blogger help maintain a positive connection with an audience?

  • Q114:

    All of the items listed below EXCEPT ________ are important when you're completing messages for your blog. A)determining the scope and subject of your message B)evaluating the content and readability of your message C)proofreading your message to catch and correct errors and oversights D)using your blogging system's tools to post your message

    How can a business blogger help maintain a positive connection with an audience?
  • Q115:

    What is the word-of-mouth transmission of marketing messages from person to person often referred to as? A)Voluntary marketing B)Hub marketing C)One-on-one communication D)Viral marketing E)Community building

  • Q116:

    Which of the following is a measure of how wide or narrow a blog's subject area is? A)Specific purpose B)Audience C)Scope D)Writing style E)General purpose

  • Q117:

    How can a project team use a blog to help accomplish its goals? A)By repeating information on a regular basis B)By helping keep the team up to date C)By developing a strong social media hub D)By handling all media relation efforts E)By recruiting new members for future teams

  • Q118:

    In the world of blogs,microblogs,and social media,word-of-mouth marketing is often called A)we talk,you listen marketing. B)virtual marketing. C)community-driven marketing. D)viral marketing.

  • Q120:

    Which of the following can act as the central hub for a company's social media network? A)Blog B)Community manager C)Content curation site D)Content marketing E)Private network

  • Q121:

    Which of these is a key difference between a blog and a microblog? A)Audience B)Purpose C)Timing D)Interaction E)Character count

  • Q122:

    Why is it important to avoid posting new information or links too frequently? A)So you don't overwhelm your followers B)So your feed doesn't wander from topic to topic C)It shows disrespect for the audience D)So readers will pay attention to lengthy reports E)To increase the impact when community critics view the site

  • Q123:

    Identify and discuss four important elements of successful business blogs.

  • Q124:

    Which of the following microblog practice is similar to the content curation capabilities of a blog? A)Hashtags B)Crowdsourcing C)Links to Wikis D)Retweeting or forwarding messages E)Sandboxing

Nowadays, PR is much more than media relations, press releases or launch events. PR becomes a modern combination of classical and new communication trends – integrated, 360 degree PR strategy including visuals, digital solutions, and, of course, blogging. Blogs fit the taste of those who are looking for interesting pieces of news, non-traditional recommendations or educational material.  Why else should one integrate blogging into PR strategy?

It is your own media channel. A blog is a media platform that belongs to a company or brand and provides for the ability to become a digital publisher in a cost-effective way. Having in mind that modern PR – as well as a modern audience – requires engaging content, blogs are the right solution: it allows you to deliver valuable information to a target audience, keeping it easily accessible and building a loyal audience or even a community. 

Demonstrate your experience/Showcase your expertise. A blog can help represent a company, brand and create an image of experts working for and with them. If in a blog you regularly share experiences, hands-on insights and experts’ comments, it helps to create a bond between readers and a company/brand or an expert. Of course, to create and maintain such “relationship” with an audience, the blog has to offer useful and interesting information that can’t be found anywhere else. The success also is in the efforts to keep an ongoing dialogue with readers – discussions, FAQs and suggested topics have to be integrated in the content.

Your reputation online. Although sometimes underestimated, your online reputation has a huge impact on how an audience would interact with your brand or services. Nowadays, the web is often the primary source of information.  Many customers choose not to trust a brand if they find a lot of negative information about it online, or no information at all. Having a blog or actively cooperating with bloggers helps to spread relevant information and even block the negative.

A blog can have a positive influence on your websites visibility and traffic. If one of your PR objectives is to increase your website traffic, regular blogging can do wonders. It could have positive impact on website’s SEO score when combined with applicable keywords. Relevant content leads to more hits in search engines and builds higher credibility resulting in better perception of a brand or a company.    

Fast way to share news and latest updates. There is one more positive trait of blogging – it allows you to reach the audience very quickly by just posting the information. When creating a PR strategy, think whether you will need to report important news, give advice to customers and clients, share experience or offer audience inspired content. Did you say “Yes” at least once? Then a blog might just be the way to do it.

Of course, such a channel is just a piece of a puzzle that composes a perfect PR strategy. But it is also one of the easiest ones to obtain – so if you still do not have a blog – give it a try (they will be popular for a while…).

What is a blog How can a business use blogs to develop relationships with customers?

✓ What is a blog? How can a business use blogs to develop relationships with customers? A blog is a website that allows a company to share information in order to increase customers' knowledge about its products and services, as well as to build trust.

How can a blog be useful for business purposes?

Blogging can increase website traffic, build trust with customers and expand a company's brand. Marketing is constantly changing and using blogs as part of a marketing strategy is one way for organizations to reach current or potential customers -- no matter the type or size of the business.

What is significance of blog writing in business communication?

It makes it easy for them to access information on your company's new products, promotions, and business updates. Easy for getting social media exposure & new clients. Blogging is an easy method to boost your social media presence. It helps your brand get recognition via social media.

What is the benefit of having a blog?

One of the advantages of blogs is that it allows you to build and to control your online identity. Aside from social network profiles, people who are searching for your name can find your blog or your author page on other blogs. That information will help people to get to know you better by reading your work.