How can information technology improve business processes and decision making?


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    Organization: • Cisco is a networking company that designs, manufactures, and sells networking equipment. In 1994, Cisco 's management system was inflexible, which hindered the development of the company. Appropriate enterprise system • Appropriate enterprise system to support Cisco is ERP system because ERP solved Cisco’s problems with flexibility and technology that happened in 1994. This system give Cisco many benefits such as: 1. With regard to technology, the IT platform architecture was standardized

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How does information technology improve business processes?

By installing and maintaining the newest hardware and software, local Information Technology (IT) services can help boost business productivity, including streamlining inventory, increasing efficiency, enhancing security and speeding up the delivery of the final product or service.

How can information technology support a company's business processes and decision?

IT and Decision Making Information Technology has shaped the way businesses make decisions. It allows them to integrate, access, and utilize databases, and generate accurate analyses. When your company has direct access to databases, it can enhance elements like customer service and research.

How can information technology help a company's business processes and decision making while also providing it with a competitive advantage?

Information technology impacts every aspect of a company's processes and decision making. From marketing to sales, to supply chain and inventory management, everything is impacted by technology. Ensuring your organization has the right technology is crucial to maximize efficiency and revenue.

How information technology affects decision making in business?

Information technology provides an immense amount of data to make your business decisions more informed and accurate. Advanced tools such as data analytics, data mining, etc. automatically process the consumer data and make a computerized decision based on such data.


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