How did glasnost in the Soviet Union contribute to the end of communist rule in Eastern Europe quizlet?

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Which correctly describes the effects of glasnost and perestroika?

Glasnost created cultural problems, while perestroika increased economic productivity.
Glasnost allowed for economic expansion, while perestroika created political confusion.
Glasnost led to revolutions in Soviet states, while perestroika created economic confusion.
Glasnost resulted in the imprisonment of military leaders, while perestroika resulted in political freedom.

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Brazil evolved from a monarchy to a republic (controlled by the aristocracy) to a dictatorship to a democracy, which was overturned by a military coup. Democracy was re-established in the 1980s. Mexico set up constitutional government in 1917, but democracy was limited because one political party dominated the country until the 1990s. Now, multi-party democratic rule is developing. Argentina has a long history of being ruled by either a dictator or the military, but in the 1980s and 1990s, the country seemed to establish democratic government. South Africa nominally had a constitutional government, but it denied rights to the black majority. In response to domestic and international protests, the government allowed an all-race election. Nelson Mandela was elected, and South Africa adopted a new constitution and bill of rights. Poland had an anti-Communist movement for decades. The government banned Solidarity (an activist union) and declared martial law. An economic crisis led to additional protests, free elections, and the peaceful overthrow of Communist rule. Mikhail Gorbachev introduced many reforms to the USSR, including glasnost (openness) and democratization (a gradual opening of the political system). These reforms triggered a hard-line Communist crackdown, but this backfired. The Soviet people defied the party and demanded their rights. Soon after, the Soviet Union broke apart, and republican governments were established. Students may name other countries as examples if they provide supporting details.

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In what way did perestroika mark a change in the Soviet Union's policies?

It gave the media more freedom.
It limited the production of nuclear arms.
It ended military involvement in other countries.
It reduced government control of the economy.

It reduced government control of the economy.

How did Vladimir Putin first become president of Russia?

He was named acting president.
He was elected in a scheduled vote.
He was the leader of an aggressive revolution.
He was elected prime minister, then president.

He was named acting president.

Which correctly describes the effects of glasnost and perestroika?

Glasnost created cultural problems, while perestroika increased economic productivity.
Glasnost allowed for economic expansion, while perestroika created political confusion.
Glasnost led to revolutions in Soviet states, while perestroika created economic confusion.
Glasnost resulted in the imprisonment of military leaders, while perestroika resulted in political freedom.

Glasnost led to revolutions in Soviet states, while perestroika created economic confusion.

Which describes the main difference between perestroika and glasnost?

Perestroika produced more freedoms in civilian life, while glasnost reduced military power.
Perestroika reformed the military, while glasnost reduced government oversight of the economy.
Perestroika dismantled nuclear weapons, while glasnost reduced government oversight of journalists.
Perestroika relaxed government control of the economy, while glasnost expanded freedom of the press.

Perestroika relaxed government control of the economy, while glasnost expanded freedom of the press.

What caused Soviet leaders to make reforms in the 1980s? Select three options.

Soviet productivity had dropped.
The Soviet economy was improving.
Soviet living standards were becoming worse.
The Soviet military was fighting an unpopular war in Afghanistan.
Soviet citizens were calling for a closer relationship with the United States.

Soviet productivity had dropped.
Soviet living standards were becoming worse.
The Soviet military was fighting an unpopular war in Afghanistan.

Which best describes a major challenge faced by Soviet President Boris Yeltsin in the 1990s?

expanding the military
gaining support from the West
complying with the SALT treaties
transitioning to a free-market economy

transitioning to a free-market economy

Why would the Soviet Union consider the reforms of the 1980s to be a failure?

They led to protests against democracy.
They did not result in any new freedoms.
They resulted in expansion of military forces.
They led to democratic revolutions across the region.

They led to democratic revolutions across the region.

Which best describes a difference between SALT I and SALT II?

SALT I limited weapons, while SALT II limited launchers.
SALT I expanded the production of arms, while SALT II limited production.
SALT I allowed the sides to trade weapons, while SALT II expanded this practice.
SALT I limited military forces of each country, while SALT II allowed their growth.

SALT I limited weapons, while SALT II limited launchers.

What was the significance of Vaclav Havel being elected president of Czechoslovakia?

He was already powerful in the government.
He had supported the previous communist government.
He had led large strikes against the previous government.
He was a famous writer who opposed the previous government.

He was a famous writer who opposed the previous government.

The countries named on the map were similar in that they had communist governments that

were popular with their citizens.
imprisoned their former leaders.
led their countries to economic success.
were replaced by democratic governments.

were replaced by democratic governments.

Which was a key part of the process for reunifying Germany?

replacing communist leaders
erecting government buildings
strengthening the German economy
ending communist rule in other countries

replacing communist leaders

What was a main outcome of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty?

Weapons of certain types were limited.
Diplomatic relations worsened over time.
Tensions between the countries were resolved.
Weapons in certain locations were removed.

Weapons in certain locations were removed.

How did glasnost affect Soviet states outside Russia?

More open trade increased stability in those countries.
More tension led to military buildup in those countries.
More open speech led to protests against the Soviet Union in those countries.
More friendly relationships led to reunification between the Soviet Union and those countries.

More open speech led to protests against the Soviet Union in those countries.

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How did glasnost in the Soviet Union contribute to the end of communist rule in Eastern Europe?

Ultimately, fundamental changes to the political structure of the Soviet Union occurred: the power of the Communist Party was reduced, and multicandidate elections took place. Glasnost also permitted criticism of government officials and allowed the media freer dissemination of news and information.

How did glasnost contribute to the fall of the Soviet Union quizlet?

Glasnost led to revolutions in Soviet states, while perestroika created economic confusion. Glasnost resulted in the imprisonment of military leaders, while perestroika resulted in political freedom. Glasnost led to revolutions in Soviet states, while perestroika created economic confusion.

What was glasnost what impact does it have on the Soviet Union?

Glasnost was taken to mean increased openness and transparency in government institutions and activities in the Soviet Union (USSR). Glasnost reflected a commitment of the Gorbachev administration to allowing Soviet citizens to discuss publicly the problems of their system and potential solutions.

How did communist countries react differently to the collapse of the Soviet Union?

How did communist countries react differently to the collapse of the Soviet bloc? Most changes happened peacefully. The Baltic States regained independence. Remaining Soviet republics had all formed independent nations.


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