How did industrialization affect Americans daily lives in the late nineteenth century quizlet?

The "new" immigration originated from southern and eastern Europe, while "old" immigration originated from northern and western Europe.

Before 1880, 85 percent of immigrants were Germans, Irish, English, and Scandinavian. After 1880, economic and political developments in Europe caused the pattern to shift; by 1896, Italians, Hungarians, eastern European Jews, Turks, Armenians, Poles, Russians, and other Slavic peoples accounted for more than 80 percent of the immigration to the United States.

How did industrialization affect people's everyday lives quizlet?

It created jobs for workers, contributed to the wealth of the nation, increased the production of goods which eventually lead to a raised standard of living, healthier diets, better housing, cheaper mass produced clothing, higher wages, shorter hours and better working conditions after labor unions were formed.

What impact did industrialization have on the families in the United States quizlet?

How did working conditions affect families? Working conditions affected families because many children between 10 and 16 had to work instead of attending school, it affected the children physically and mentally. The conditions were harsh for these children. Many women worked along with their families.

How did the era of industrialization transform American culture quizlet?

How did the era of industrialization transform American culture? Industrialization transformed American rural areas into urban centers. It also stimulated the rise of unskilled labor.

What change do we see as the result of the industrial revolution on American family life quizlet?

With industrialization came a "cult of domesticity" to justify removing middle-class women from contact with the business world. Instead they became responsible for the home, servants, education of children, and the family's social life.


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