How did states strengthen and expand control over colonies in the 1750 to 1900 time period?

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Industrialization and Global Integrataion

Terms in this set (35)

Which states with existing colonies strengthened their control over those colonies between 1750 and 1900?

The British strengthened their control over their colonies in India and the Dutch strengthened their control over their colonies in Indonesia.

Which seven states established new empires throughout Asia and the Pacific between 1750 and 1900?

1) The British
2) The Dutch
3) The French
4) The Germans
5) The Russians
6) The Americans
7) The Japanese

Which two states' influence declined between 1750 and 1900?

1) The Spanish
2) The Portuguese

Which states established settler colonies between 1750 and 1900? Where?

The British established settler colonies in southern Africa, Australia and New Zealand, while the French established colonies in Algeria.

What economic practice did many powerful states employ outside of their established empire between 1750 and 1900? Examples?

The economic practice of economic imperialism was employed by many powerful states. Some examples include: the British and French expanding their influence in China through the opium Wars and Britain/U.S. investing heavily in Latin America.

What influenced the emergence of Meiji Japan?

The expansion of U.S. and European influence over Tokugawa Japan led to this emergence.

Who emulated European transoceanic imperialism between 1750 and 1900? How?

The Unites States and Russia emulated Europe by expanding their land borders and conquering neighboring territories.

How was the Ottoman Empire affected by anti-imperial resistance? Examples?

Anti-imperial resistance led to the contraction of the Ottoman Empire.

• Establishment of independent states in the Balkans
• Semi-independence in Egypt
• French and Italian colonies in North Africa
• British influence in Egypt

What are four examples of states that developed at the edges of existing empires between 1750 and 1900?

1) Cherokee nation
2) Siam
3) Hawai'i
4) Zulu Kingdom

What new ideology helped to foster new communal identities between 1750 and 1900? Examples?

The ideology of Nationalism helped to foster this. Some examples include: the German nation, Filipino nationalism, and Liberian nationalism.

How was imperialism often justified?

New racial ideologies, especially Social Darwinism, facilitated and justified imperialism.

What are the defining characteristics "enlightenment thought" and role did it play in politics between 1750 and 1900?

"Enlightenment though" was basically just the idea of questioning everything that is currently established in your life. It actually played a large role in politics as the rise of "enlightenment thinkers" often preceded revolution.

List some examples of "thinkers" (intellectuals) from the enlightenment era. What did they encourage? What did they critique? What did their political ideas focus on?

• Voltaire
• Rousseau
• Locke
• Montesquieu

They encouraged observation and inference in all spheres of life and critiqued the role that religion played in public life, placing a higher importance on reason than religion. Their political ideas focused on the individual, natural rights, and the social contract.

What are three important examples of revolutionary documents from the enlightenment era?

1) The American Declaration of Independence
2) The French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
3) Bolivar's Jamaica Letter

What major social and political shifts did Enlightenment thinking inspire between 1750 and 1900?

Enlightenment thinking led to the expansion of rights, the abolition of slavery, and the end of serfdom.

Between 1750 and 1900, what four things were newly imagined national communities generally based on?

1) Language
2) Religion
3) Social customs
4) Territory

Which centralized imperial government witnessed rebellions/revolutions between 1750 and 1900?

Challenge of the Marathas to the Mughal Sultans

American colonial rebellions facilitated the emergence of independent states in what regions?

These rebellions led to the emergence of independent states in the Unites States, Haiti, and mainland Latin America.

What are the four major independence movements that occurred between 1750 and 1900?

1) American Revolution
2) French Revolution
3) Haitian Revolution
4) Latin American independence movements

What areas witnessed significant slave resistance between 1750 and 1900?

There was significant slave resistance in Brazil, Cuba and the Guyanas.

Name two anti-colonial movements that occurred in Asia between 1750 and 1900. What inspired these movements?

1) Indian Revolt of 1857
2) Boxer Rebellion

These movements were inspired by the increasing questions about political authority and the growing ideology of nationalism.

Which three important rebellions based on religious beliefs/millenarianism occurred between 1750 and 1900?

1) Taiping Rebellion
2) Ghost Dance
3) Xhosa Cattle-Killing Movement

What are two examples of imperial reforms that were implemented in response to the increasing rebellions between 1750 and 1900?

1) Tanzimat movement
2) Self-Strengthening Movement

What new political ideologies were inspired by the rebellions of 1750-1900?

Liberalism, socialism and communism were inspired by these rebellions.

What are some examples of the challenges to gender hierarchies between 1750 and 1900?

• Mary Wollstonecraft's "A vindication of the Rights of Women"
• Olympe de Gouges' "Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen"
• Resolutions passed at the Seneca Falls Conference in 1848

What influenced migration between 1750 and 1900?

Migration was generally influenced by changed in demography during this time period.

What contributed to global rise in population between 1750 and 1900?

Changes in the food production and improved medical conditions led to this rise in population.

What influenced the significant global urbanization of the 19th century?

The new modes of transportation invented during this century influenced the significant global urbanization.

What sorts of individuals chose to relocate in search of work between 1750 and 1900?

All sorts of individuals chose to, however there seemed to be mostly manual laborers and specialized professionals relocating.

What types of labor did the global capitalist community continue to rely on between 1750 and 1900? List some examples.

The continued to depend on coerced and semi coerced labor such as: slavery, Chinese and Indian indentured servitude, and convict labor.

What are some examples of temporary and seasonal migrants who returned to their home societies rather than permanently relocating?

• Japanese agricultural workers in the Pacific
• Lebanese merchants in the Americas
• Italians in Argentina

Why did migrant workers of the 19th century tend to be male? How did this change women's roles in the home societies?

Workers tended to be male because of the physical nature of the labor in demand. This gave women a chance to take on new and greater roles in their home society that were formerly occupied by men.

What are some examples of ethnic enclaves created by migrants in different parts of the world?

• Chinese in SE Asia, the Caribbean, and the Americas
• Indians in East and South Africa, the Caribbean , and Southeast Asia

What role did ethnic enclaves play in migrants' lives?

These enclaves allowed migrant workers to transplant their culture to new places.

What are some of the ways in which receiving societies reacted to immigrants?

Most societies were pretty unwelcoming towards immigrants. This was seen in various degrees of ethnic and racial prejudices and the way many states attempted to regulate the increased of flow of people across their borders.

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Which states strengthened and/or expanded control over colonies in the 1750 to 1900 time period?

Which states with existing colonies strengthened their control over those colonies between 1750 and 1900? The British strengthened their control over their colonies in India and the Dutch strengthened their control over their colonies in Indonesia.

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Colonial powers expanded through warfare, diplomacy, and power transfer from exploration companies to governments. Colonizers established new settler colonies in French Algeria and the British colonies in South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. Large numbers of Europeans moved into settler colonies.

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