How did the Constitution of 1787 attempt to resolve the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

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Terms in this set (8)

1) What were the important questions debated at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, and how were they resolved?

-Representation of Congress
-Two conflicting ideas about how to represent people equally among states
1.Virginia Plan
-supported larger states based on
representation of population w/in state
-They also wanted to establish a national government with three branches as well as a bicameral congress. The bicameral congress meant that there would be one house that would elect the members of the second house.
2. NJ Plan
- in opposition to the Virginia Plan was the New Jersey Plan, which supported smaller
-slaves were argued whether they count in the population
- Came to a Compromise- Great Compromise
-lower decided that the lower house would have representation based on the population within each state, while the upper house would have equal representation among all states.
-They also came up with the three-fifths rule. This rule stated that slaves would be counted as three-fifths of a person in both representation and taxation.

2) What were the main tenets (ideas) of the Federalist and Antifederalist arguments on ratification of the Constitution?

-supported the creation of Constitution that would create a strong national government.

- were against forming a strong national government under the doctrine of a constitution because they believed it would work against all of what they had fought for in the Revolution. They didn't want the rights of the people that they had just gained through this revolution to disappear.

3) Characterize the groups of Americans that made up America's "first party system"?

-The party system originated with the difference of opinion on this new constitution because so many American citizens had mixed opinions about its statements.
- Federalists had certain advantages because they were more organized and supported by Washington and Franklin.
-Anti federalists believed the constitution would betray the true principles of the Revolution and potentially create a tyrannical government since it didn't include a bill of rights.
- Each party recognized the importance of an effective government but had different fears that led them to support their opinions with their favored political party.

4) How did the Constitution of 1787 attempt to resolve the weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

-James Madison and his contemporaries decided that all power at all levels of government flowed ultimately by the people. This way, neither the federal or state government were really sovereign.
-Unlike in the articles of confederation, the constitution gave the federal government the power to tax, regulate commerce, to control currency, and to pass "necessary" laws.
-They didn't include that each state would have every power that wasn't given to the congress. (Which was in the articles).
-Madison assured that the large republic couldn't become tyranny because of it contained so many different sections that no single group could ever dominate it.
- They created separation of powers with checks and balances. It worked out the problems with the centralized government that wasn't working well. It gave the Americans a strong government and a reason to believe in them.

5) What role did the Federalists Papers play in the battle over ratification of the Constitution?

-Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay wrote a series of essays- published in newspapers across the country- explaining the meaning and virtues of the constitution.
-wanted to counter the powerful arguments that the anti-federalists were making.

6) What were the main tenets (ideas) of Alexander Hamilton's financial program?

-After the Revolutionary War, America was in major debt and eventually staggered into a depression.
-Hamilton first proposed that the new government take responsibility for the existing public debt. Hamilton suggested, "funding" the debt in which the government would exchange the deprecated certificates of indebtedness of the wealthy persons for interest-bearing bonds. -Hamilton believed that eventually the wealthy classes would most likely lend money to the government.
-Hamilton also wanted a national bank to provide a stable center to the nation's banking system.
- Hamilton proposed two new kinds of taxes for new sources of revenue for the government. -----One was a tax for distillers of alcohol; it would fall heavily on the whiskey distillers in the backcountry.
-The other tax was a tariff on imports, which not only would raise revenue but would also protect American manufacturing from foreign competition.
-Hamilton's proposal's caused great controversy among people.

7) What diplomatic crises did the United States face in the first decade of its existence, and how did the new government respond to these crises?

-the disrupted economy from the war.
-trade was hurt tremendously from a loss of American ships, destroyed by the British navy. When trading with Britain was cut off, Britain also prohibited trade with the Caribbean colonies, so now two major sources of commerce were eliminated.
-stability of America was threatened with the economic crises. Both the state and national level had to make important decisions on how to respond to the problems. Laws were passed to help out ordinary people, like farmers, on how to deal with the debt.
-upper class clashed with the middle and lower class on who would pay the debt.
-Along with an economic crisis, politically, the government was faltering with the failure of the Articles of Confederation.
- The rise of political parties caused controversy of differences of opinion on how to run the government. The government had trouble responding to all of these problems, but many compromises and programs were made to solve them, like Alexander Hamilton's financial proposals to solve the economic crises.

8) What was the "Revolution of 1800" and in what way was it a revolution?

-The election between Adams (federalist) and Jefferson (republican) in 1800
- sought to see the worst in the opposing party, spreading their opinions out to the general public influencing them.
-Jefferson apparently won but since one republican elector did not vote for Burr the votes tied leaving no candidate with the majority.
-The House of Representatives had to decide between the two candidates; Jefferson and Burr. -problem was that until a new president was elected, the Federalistic Congress had to decide.
- The congress had many different motives to pick either candidate but sided with Jefferson because Burr was too unreliable.
- The only Federalist branch of government was now the Judiciary.
-The nation believed they had been saved from a tyranny and now an era which the true American principles would govern the land.
-This was revolutionary because it completely altered the way that American federal government would be working with a new party based solely on American principles.

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How did the US Constitution fix the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

One of the most significant changes between the Articles of Confederation and Constitution was the creation of the three branches of government: the executive, legislative, and judicial. This separation of powers ensured that power would not be concentrated in one particular branch.

What was written in 1787 because of the weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

The need for a stronger Federal government soon became apparent and eventually led to the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The present United States Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation on March 4, 1789.

How did the delegates deal with the weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

Initially, some states met to deal with their trade and economic problems together. However, as more states became interested in changing the Articles, and as national feeling strengthened, a meeting was set in Philadelphia on May 25, 1787. This became the Constitutional Convention.

What are two possible solutions to the weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

Possible Answer: Create a law- enforcing branch of government. Possible Answer: Creation of the Executive branch. Possible Answer: create a judicial branch of government.


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