How do the top two percent of project managers distinguish themselves from other project managers?

Project Managers Influence

Ultimate Guide on what is Project Managers Influence

Project managers sphere of influence

Project managers fulfil many roles within their sphere of influence. These roles reflect the project manager's capabilities and are representative of the value and contributions of the project management profession. This include, stakeholders, suppliers, customers and end users. This also includes Project sponsors, governing bodies, steering committees and PMOs. Finally, it includes the Project management team, PPP managers and resources Managers.

What is the goal of a project manager?

The project manager also performs communication roles between the project sponsor, team members, and other stakeholders. This includes providing direction and presenting the vision of success for the project. The project manager uses soft skills (e.g., interpersonal skills and the ability to manage people) to balance the conflicting and competing goals of the project stakeholders in order to achieve consensus. In this context, consensus means that the relevant stakeholders support the project decisions and actions even when there is not 100% agreement.

Research shows that successful project managers consistently and effectively use certain essential skills. Research reveals that the top 2% of project managers as designated by their bosses and team members distinguish themselves by demonstrating superior relationship and communication skills while displaying a positive attitude. If you are a student that wants to learn what is involved in becoming project management consider taking Project management educational course, you can visit to find out more information about Project Management 

How do the top two percent of project managers distinguish themselves from other project managers?

Communicate with stakeholders

The ability to communicate with stakeholders, including the team and sponsors applies across multiple aspects of the project including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Developing finely tuned skills using multiple methods (e.g., verbal, written, and nonverbal);
  • Creating, maintaining, and adhering to communications plans and schedules;
  • Communicating predictably and consistently;
  • Seeking to understand the project stakeholders’ communication needs (communication may be the only deliverable that some stakeholders received until the project's end product or service is completed);
  • Making communications concise, clear, complete, simple, relevant, and tailored;
  • Including important positive and negative news;
  • Incorporating feedback channels; and
  • Relationship skills involving the development of extensive networks of people throughout the project manager's spheres of influence. These networks include formal networks such as organizational reporting structures. However, the informal networks that project managers develop, maintain, and nurture are more important. Informal networks include the use of established relationships with individuals such as subject matter experts and influential leaders. Use of these formal and informal networks allows the project manager to engage multiple people in solving problems and navigating the bureaucracies encountered in a project.

What influence does a project manager have on an organization?

The project manager proactively interacts with other project managers. Other independent projects or projects that are part of the same program may impact a project due to but not limited to the following:

  • Demands on the same resources,
  • Priorities of funding,
  • Receipt or distribution of deliverables, and
  • Alignment of project goals and objectives with those of the organization.

Interacting with other project managers helps to create a positive influence for fulfilling the various needs of the project. These needs may be in the form of human, technical, or financial resources and deliverables required by the team for project completion. The project manager seeks ways to develop relationships that assist the team in achieving the goals and objectives of the project.

In addition, the project manager maintains a strong advocacy role within the organization. The project manager proactively interacts with managers within the organization during the course of the project. The project manager also works with the project sponsor to address internal political and strategic issues that may impact the team or the viability or quality of the project.

The project manager may work toward increasing the project management competency and capability within the organization as a whole and is involved in both tacit and explicit knowledge transfer or integration initiatives. The project manager also works to:

  • Demonstrate the value of project management,
  • Increase acceptance of project management in the organization, and
  • Advance the efficacy of the PMO when one exists in the organization.

Depending on the organizational structure, a project manager may report to a functional manager. In other cases, a project manager may be one of several project managers who report to a PMO or a portfolio or program manager who is ultimately responsible for one or more organization-wide projects. The project manager works closely with all relevant managers to achieve the project objectives and to ensure the project management plan aligns with the portfolio or program plan. The project manager also works closely and in collaboration with other roles, such as organizational managers, subject matter experts, and those involved with business analysis. In some situations, the project manager may be an external consultant placed in a temporary management role.

Project Manager Resources

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