How does General writing differ from business writing in terms of language style and tone?

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    1. Technical Writing :
    Technical writing is a piece of writing which focuses on factual and straight forward content and technical papers are published to inform and instruct and educate the user about some specific topic. There exists specific readers who prefers technical papers. It gives readers information about some technical topics or it gives directions on how to do something.

    For example writing any articles on GeeksforGeeks related to computer science field comes under technical writing.

    2. General Writing :
    General writing refers to any piece of writing which focuses in general subjects of writing and general papers are published for amusement of the reader. But sometimes many general topics also gives life lessons, moral, inspiration etc. There is not such specific set of audience or readers like technical writing. It is written on subjective tone and purely personal style.

    For example writing any prose or story which will be published in a local magazine comes under general writing.

    Difference between Technical Writing and General Writing :

    01. Technical writing focuses on factual and straight forward content. General writing focuses on general subjects of writing.
    02. Technical writing aims to impart information, instructions and explanations. General writing aims at amusement.
    03. Technical writing is based on objective tone. General writing is based on subjective tone or personal style.
    04. It follows standard structured format. It follows artistic unstructured format.
    05. It is usually based on a formal way of writing. It may be formal or informal way of writing.
    06. The voice used in technical writing is 3rd person. The voice used in general writing is 1st person.
    07. In technical writing specialized vocabulary is required. In General writing evocative vocabulary is required.
    08. Technical writing has its specific set of audience or readers. General writing has no specific set of audience or readers.
    09. Technical writing is archival. General writing is non-archival.
    10. It is accurate and more precise in manner. It is decorative and bombastic in manner.
    11. Technical writing is related to any specific area or domain. General domain is related to any life in general.
    12. It focuses on more technical words specific to the area. It focuses on more common words suitable to the general topic.
    13. For example writing any articles on GeeksforGeeks related to computer science field comes under technical writing. For example writing any prose or story which will be published in a local magazine comes under general writing.

    • Categorized under Career & Education,Miscellaneous | Difference Between Academic Writing and Business Writing

    Academic Writing vs Business Writing

    Academic writing and business writing are two very different writing styles that people use whenever applicable. In as much as a lot of individuals still don’t know the differentiating characteristics between the two writing styles; the bigger problem is that most writers are not familiar when to write using academic writing style or even the business writing style.

    Basically, business writing is a form of writing that focuses on the exact hard facts. There are no frills and filler sentences added. Thus, it is simply restating or rewriting core facts. Because of this characteristic, business writing style has to be concise and must present clear content. It is only intended to say the facts and does not make the writing look impressive with the use of complicated sentence structures and out of this world vocabulary. As a result, business writing entries appear shorter than academic entries. But this does not mean that the writing is mediocre. It’s just made more straightforward and simpler. As a matter of fact, writing while controlling the amount of words by making it as short or as direct to the point as possible is a lot harder than writing longer articles.

    This case is very different in academic writing because the writer can add his or her own opinion and add some important fluff that can connect two important sentences. One can present his or her view about a particular subject matter and be more expressive in this writing form. That’s the reason why length is not so restricted in academic writing and the writer is also encouraged to write longer entries so as to better develop the thought of the entry.

    At the start of academic writing, one would be encouraged to deduce a bigger point or at least specify some bigger thoughts around a narrower subject. It’s like formulating your own thesis or subject on what to write first then afterwards, you will then write your belief, stand or views about that particular thesis. You are also expected to start with a sort of intro which is untrue for business writing.

    1. Business writing is meant to retell and say pure facts whereas academic writing is meant to impress the reader about the development of thought and how the entire content is written.
    2. Business writing is more straightforward and shorter in length compared to the longer content usually seen in academic writings.
    3. People find it more difficult to write using business style than using academic style of writing.
    4. Business writing has shorter and less complex sentences and vocabulary as compared to academic writing.

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    , . (2011, July 28). Difference Between Academic Writing and Business Writing. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects. //
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    Written by : Julita. and updated on 2011, July 28

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