How does the IEEE-CS/ACM SECEPP improve on earlier professional codes affecting software engineers

Information Technology and Professional Ethics
Lucas W.W

Information Technology and Professional Ethics
Week 3
1. How Does The IEEE-CS/ACM SECEPP Improve On Earlier Professional Codes Affecting Software Engineers?
Mostly, codes do not provide a method for selecting between the guidelines when two or more of these guidelines are in conflict. The rank of the guidelines facilitates the engineers to put priority on their responsibilities and roles and ascertain which of these principles override each other when there are conflicts.
2. What, Exactly, Is Whistle-Blowing?
Whistle-blowing exactly refers to individuals that reports on certain illicit practices of an organization or a person. Uncovering wrong practices in an organization setting is one of the biggest interest among the employers. Besides, employer’s value protecting information that is emitted to the outside of the organization by ensuring that there is adequate management of information. For instance, if information concerning a certain malpractice in the organization is allowed into the public limelight through employers, the organization is prone to losing its reputation. Releasing information through appropriate internal channels is the most advisable aspect for employee practices. However, the whistle-blowers are protected by the law based on the argument of protected disclosure anytime they are dismissed from their duties because of the action.
3. Can Professional Codes Guide Engineers In Determining When It Would Be Appropriate To Blow The Whistle?
In essence, the reason for enacting legislation is to offer protection to employees that decide to go into the public with some information about the organization. Notably, there are variations in legislation laws across states based on the level of protection that whistle blowers are entitled. In this case, the most appropriate issue to ascertain is the measures that computing and engineering professions have taken towards the protection of whistle-blowers. Hence, the most critical aspect in response these assertion is the nature of guidance adopted by the ethical codes while approaching the confrontation of this nature. According to SECEPP sections 6.13and 6.12, it is postulated that engineers have the responsibility to the following:
a) Raise concerns to respective parties when there is a violation of the Code. However, they will do otherwise in the circumstance that the underlying conditions are dangerous and counterproductive.
b) Report substantial violations to the appropriate authorities when it is difficult to consult with the people participating in the violation of the Code.
These guidelines are sometimes disregarded due to vagueness, hence engineers are required to find appropriate ways of determining when exactly whistle-blowing should take place.
4. Describe the Conventional Criteria Used In Assessing Risk in the Software-Development Process
Assessing risks in software-development process is performed by the use of system life-cycle. The process is divided into various phases that are reviewed intentionally to determine the progress and the delays, account for the resource usage, explain the variations in the allocation of resources and assist future planning process. The system life-cycle criteria (SLC) is represented through the “Waterfall” metaphor that displays the assessment phases in form of a cascade. In this case, a control is shown flowing from Phase to Phase. The SLC criteria can be compared to a hydroelectric power system that is characterized by pumping water up on the hill and releasing it down through a cascade. The criteria facilitates a review to check whether the outcomes in each phase are as expected.
5. Do Some Computer Corporations, Including Search Engine Companies and Companies that Develop Autonomous Systems, Have Any Special Societal Obligations?
Overall, computing offers a specific case towards understanding the role that technology play in moral responsibility. With continuous increase of technology as a critical component of daily lives, especially in automating the models of communication and affecting the processes undertaken in decision making, the issue of moral responsibility is tremendously complicated. The increased use of computers in daily lives and complexity they create implies that they have to play a role in terms of being responsible to the society. For instance, these corporations have to take control of the information published online and remain accountable to the society for any adverse effects they are subjected. They require to protect the society. Thus, being social responsible is an inescapable subject that is within their obligations.
Week 4
1. What Do We Mean By “Computer Security” or “Cyber-security”?
Cyber security of computer security refers to the system of knowledge whose main focus is to provide protection on computers, networks, data and programs from damage attack or entry from unauthorized source. To achieve this level of security, a coordination of efforts is needed across the whole system of information. Cyber-security has a variety of elements, namely; information security, application security and network security, among others. All these require protection from any malicious access.
2. How can cyber-security concerns be differentiated from issues in cyber-crime?
3. How Are Cyber-security Issues Similar To And Different From Privacy Issues Affecting Cyber-technology?
Cyber-security comprises various challenges and attempts focused on ensuring that digital information is adequately protected as well as the systems they rely on in influencing communication. The level of interconnection across the world through the use of computers establishes the internet as a basic challenge across nations. Both cyber security and cyber technology aims at facilitating effectiveness in information delivery. On the other hand, cyber technology issues are related with effort to ensure that there is quality in the digital information and the system they rely on in facilitating the flow of information.
4. Who Are Computer Hackers, And How Has The Term “Hacker” Evolved?
Hackers refers to any individual that attempts to enter into the computer system by using fictitious means. Hackers are of different background. Some work for particular companies purposely to offer protection against any unauthorized inversion while other perform hacking as a crime. Hacking has evolved from being just a simple action done out of enthusiasm into an accepted technical skill that is embraced in cyber-technology.
5. What Is Cloud Computing, And What Challenges Does It Pose for Securing One’s Personal Information in Cyberspace?
Cloud computing refers to the use of remote servers that are hosted on Internet for the purpose of managing, storing and delivering data. It is a challenge towards ensuring security of personal data since once the information is posited in the remote servers, owners do not have direct control in case the server owners are a second party. In the circumstance that the server owner wishes to use the information in a different way, it is difficult for the owner of the information to control such a move.
6. Can We Construct A Profile Of A “Typical Cyber-criminal”?
Constructing a profile of s typical cyber-criminal is entirely an issue that depends on psychological assessment made with absolutely no knowledge of the real individual. It will depend on the aspects of generalization. However, having an understanding of the kinds of people that are involved in the practice is a helpful attempt in arriving at a reliable profiling of a typical cyber-criminal.
7. Why Do Many In The Computer Community Oppose The Use Of “Hacker” To Describe Cyber-criminals
Essentially, the term hack in the modern situation appears synonymous with the terms that have similar meaning with crime or effecting a damage to a computer system. In this case, having this association implies that “hacking” is an action intended to course an adverse situation or disrupt the normal operation of the computer system without any benevolent reason. This is similar to cyber-criminal.
8. Can This Kind Of Hacking Be Justified On Either Legal Or Ethical Grounds?
Hacking of any kind can be justified. For instance, Sony have suffered from hacking twice while Nintendo once. According to the hackers responsible, they claimed that their action was of a positive reason because they wanted to show the company the areas they have a problem in their computer system. Therefore, based on ethical grounds as well as legal argument, these hackers hacking is justified.
9. What, exactly, is cyber-crime?
Cyber-crime refers to a criminal action that involves manipulating computer systems and networks. Furthermore, cyber-crime incorporates traditional criminal activities that are performed over the internet, for instance, telemarketing, and fraud as well as hate crime and identity theft, among others. These activities are categorized as cyber-crime so long as they are executed through the use of computer and network systems.

Why was the ACM IEEE Code of Ethics created and what is its purpose?

The Code is designed to inspire and guide the ethical conduct of all computing professionals, including current and aspiring practitioners, instructors, students, influencers, and anyone who uses computing technology in an impactful way. Additionally, the Code serves as a basis for remediation when violations occur.

What are some aspects of a software engineer's code of ethics according to the IEEE?

Software engineers shall participate in lifelong learning regarding the practice of their profession and shall promote an ethical approach to the practice of the profession. This principle includes: Continuing your own professional development. Continually improve your ability in all aspects of software development.

Why do software engineers need to maintain high ethical standards?

Like other types of engineers, software engineers need to abide by their own code of ethics so their products are used for good and meet certain standards. Keeping ethics at the heart of any project can be challenging, but doing so ensures that the software will be used for good.

What is ACM software engineering?

Association for Computing Machinery. Celebrating 75 Years of Advancing Computing as a Science & Profession. We see a world where computing helps solve tomorrow's problems – where we use our knowledge and skills to advance the profession and make a positive impact.


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