How is the Indus Valley Civilization different from Egypt Mesopotamia and China


  • Mesopotamia, Egypt, And The Indus River Valley

    Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus River Valley were all civilizations situated near rivers. In Mesopotamia, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers rose annually but were prone to flooding. In Egypt, on the other hand, the Nile River had predictable flooding and was and still is the longest river in the world. It was also easy to traverse due to southern wind patterns and northern currents. In the Indus Valley, people lived near the Indus River, hence the name. Also, they were isolated, surrounded by the

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  • Mesopotamia Egypt And Indus River Valley Similarities

    city-states that developed in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus River Valley? Some similarities among the cities and city-states that developed in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus River Valley were that they were all created around a big river, and they all used the river to their to really survive by using it for irrigation purposes to grow crops. Some differences among the cities and city-states that developed in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus River Valley was that Mesopotamia became the first complex

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  • Urbanization Of Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt And The Indus Valley

    adept different forms of urbanization near river valleys. These cities include the regions near Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Indus valley. Even though their lifestyle might have revolved the valley as a main source of development, their cultures and beliefs differed greatly from each other. Through the archeological discoveries, we can infer some details into the lives of the people who originated in the cities of Mesopotamia. The root word of Mesopotamia refers to ‘between rivers’, this infers to the

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  • Compare And Contrast The Civilizations Of Athena And Mesopotamia

    All three civilizations had distinct differences and similarities. For example Mesopotamia Egypt and Indus Valley all developed along river systems. The river systems assured an adequate water supply for agriculture They all developed political structures for organization of labor to provide irrigation systems. . Indus valley had better access to metal than egyptians and mesopotamians. All three civilizations developed architectural techniques for building large structures. Egyptian women appear

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    • 929 Words
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  • The Four River Valleys

    Compare and Contrast the Four River Valleys For reasons unknown four regions between 5000 and 2000 B.C.E rapidly expanded their land and changed at a quicker pace than other regions. They all had better agriculture, technology, development of state power and construction of cities. These rivers were the Nile in Egypt, the valley of the Indus River, which is now Pakistan, Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, which is today known as Iraq and the Yellow River in China. These

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  • Comparing Mesopotamia, Egypt, China

    prime compare and contrast for Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Indus Valley. They had many similarities and diffrences. From Religion to geoagraphy and econmy. Here the compare and contrast for the achient civilization. Compareing the Econonmy in achient civilization. Mesopatamia and Indus valley both used barley as a trade method. also Sumer and Egypt asked for lumber, and traded with silver. China used silk as trade, they made silk so no one else was useing it at first. Indus used spices as trade and fruit

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  • Research Paper On Indus River Valley Civilization

    Ancient Egypt Egyptian civilization began around 5000 BC and began to flourish in 3000 BC. Generally ancient Egyptian history is seperated into three kingdoms the old kingdon, middle, and new kingdom. The old kingdom (2686BC- 2134BC) is the time period where most of what we think of ancient Egypt like the pyramids (built as burial tombs for the pharoah). During that time Egyptians began to write texts, study medicine, and find new battle tactics. The Egyptians were polytheists and had a pantheon

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  • Comparing The Nile, Mesopotamia, And Indus Civilizations

    Comparing the Nile, Mesopotamia, and Indus Civilizations The civilizations of the Nile River valley, the Mesopotamia valley, and Indus Valley marked human progress toward fixed settlements and the development of a rich culture. These civilizations shared many characteristics that contributed to their success. What made these civilizations unique were the contributions that each one gave to the world. They contributed their own ideas and accomplishments in the areas of religion, science, and mathematics

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  • Comparing The River Valley Civilizations

    Comparing and Contrasting River Valley Civilizations In the following treatise, the research that will be presented will provide criteria involving similarities and differences in three attributes of life in the four primary river valley civilizations. The river valley civilizations are composed of Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, and China. While each of these civilizations is unique in their habits and traditions, they share many similar qualities. For this work to be as comprehensive as

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How was the Indus Valley civilization different from that of Mesopotamia and Egypt?

Unlike Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt, the inhabitants of the Indus Valley Civilization did not build large, monumental structures. There is no conclusive evidence of palaces or temples—or even of kings, armies, or priests—and the largest structures may be granaries.

How does the Indus River Valley Civilization compare to the ancient Egypt China and Mesopotamia?

Like the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Nubian civilisation, the Indus River civilisation was dependant on farming. They also had a well-developed irrigation system, which meant that they did not have to rely on rain to grow their crops. A large portion of the harvest was given to public granaries for storage.

How were the Indus Valley states different than Mesopotamia?

*Mesopotamia had the first irrigation system ( brought water canals to the town) while Indus River did not think of canals and fetch their own water. advances in civilization-Mesopotamia built ziggurats, had well organized governments, irrigation and farming, they developed writing.

How is Indus Valley different from other civilizations?

The Indus Valley Civilizations (IVC) were different from other ancient civilizations in the sense that the IVC did not build any monuments and there is no record of a hereditary king as per the archaeological evidence gathered.