How many interrelated components are present in Campinha Bacotes model of cultural competence?


While health disparities are the differences among populations in the incidence, prevalence, and outcomes of health conditions, diseases and related complications, health care disparities are differences among populations in the availability, accessibility, and quality of health care services (e.g. screening, diagnostic, treatment, management, and rehabilitation) aimed at prevention, treatment, and management of diseases and their complications.


The nurse is demonstrating culturally congruent care. Culturally congruent care, or care that fits a person's life patterns, values, and system of meaning, provides meaningful and beneficial nursing care. Marginalized groups are populations left out or excluded. Health care disparities are differences among populations in the availability, accessibility, and quality of health care services (e.g. screening, diagnostic, treatment, management, and rehabilitation) aimed at prevention, treatment, and management of diseases and their complications. Transcultural nursing is a comparative study of cultures in order to understand their similarities (culture that is universal) and the differences among them (culture that is specific to particular groups).

How many interrelated components are present in Campinha Bacote's model of cultural competence record your answer using a whole number?

d. e. Campinha-Bacote's model of cultural competency has five interrelated components: cultural awareness; cultural knowledge; cultural skills; cultural encounters; and cultural desire.

What is Campinha bacote model?

The Process of Cultural Competence in the Delivery of Healthcare Services (Campinha-Bacote, 1998a) is a model that views cultural competence as the ongoing process in which the health care provider continuously strives to achieve the ability to effectively work within the cultural context of the client (individual, ...

What is the definition of cultural awareness in Campinha Bacote's model of cultural competence quizlet?

In Campinha-Bacote's model, "The Process of Cultural Competence in the Delivery of Healthcare Services," cultural awareness is defined as: The self-examination and in-depth exploration of one's own cultural background.

What are the 5 key constructs of cultural competence?

The process of cultural competence consists of five inter-related constructs: cultural desire, cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill and cultural encounters. The foundational construct of cultural competence is cultural encounter. All encounters are cultural encounters.