How was the American federation of labor different from the Knights of labor brainly

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  • major reference
  • development of trade unions
    • How was the American federation of labor different from the Knights of labor brainly

      In trade union: Legal precedents

      The founding of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) by several unions of skilled workers in 1886 marked the beginning of a continuous large-scale labour movement in the United States. Its member groups comprised national trade or craft unions that organized local unions and negotiated wages, hours, and working…

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    • How was the American federation of labor different from the Knights of labor brainly

      In organized labour: Origins of craft unionism

      …December 1886 and formed the American Federation of Labor (AFL). The immediate aim was to drive the Knights from the industrial field, and, thanks largely to the Knights’ own confusion and to employers’ counterattacks, this was speedily accomplished. But more important in the long run was the permanent stamp that…

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  • Women’s Trade Union League
    • How was the American federation of labor different from the Knights of labor brainly

      In Women’s Trade Union League

      …token financial support from the American Federation of Labor (AFL) or other major organized labour groups.

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contribution of

    • Gompers
      • How was the American federation of labor different from the Knights of labor brainly

        In Samuel Gompers

        …and first president of the American Federation of Labor (AFL).

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    • Knights of Labor
      • How was the American federation of labor different from the Knights of labor brainly

        In Knights of Labor

        …fostered the establishment of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in December 1886. The AFL focused on winning economic benefits for its members through collective bargaining. As a federation, it represented several national craft unions that each retained autonomous operations. The Knights, by contrast, represented both craft and unskilled workers…

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    • Lewis
      • In John L. Lewis

        …became an organizer for the American Federation of Labor (AFL), with which the miners’ union was affiliated. Lewis became a vice president of the UMWA in 1917, acting president in 1919, and president in 1920, by which time the UMWA had become the largest trade union in the United States.…

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    • Randolph
      • How was the American federation of labor different from the Knights of labor brainly

        In A. Philip Randolph

        …half the affiliates of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) barred Blacks from membership, took his union into the AFL. Despite opposition, he built the first successful Black trade union; the brotherhood won its first major contract with the Pullman Company in 1937. The following year, Randolph removed his union…

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    • O’Sullivan
      • In Mary Kenney O’Sullivan

        …Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, appointed her the federation’s first woman general organizer. During the year she held the post, she organized garment workers in New York City and Troy, New York, and printers, binders, shoe workers, and carpet weavers in Massachusetts. She then returned to…

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    significance to

      • Canadian Labour Congress
        • In Canadian Labour Congress

          …unions, many affiliated with the American Federation of Labor (AFL).

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      • Pittsburgh
        • How was the American federation of labor different from the Knights of labor brainly

          In Pittsburgh: History

          …labour and management, and the American Federation of Labor was born there in 1881.

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      • United States
        • How was the American federation of labor different from the Knights of labor brainly

          In United States: The Haymarket Riot

          …union movement passed to the American Federation of Labor (AFL). This was a loose federation of local and craft unions, organized first in 1881 and reorganized in 1886. For a few years there was some nominal cooperation between the Knights and the AFL, but the basic organization and philosophy of…

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