How we encode, process, store, and retrieve information is the focus of the _____ perspective.

For psychology, an important difference between behavior and mental processes is

You can observe behavior, but not mental processes

Behaviorism is a perspective of psychology that focuses on the study of

In its early years, psychology focused on the study of ___, but from the 1920s into the 1960s, American psychologists emphasized the study of___.

Mental Life; Observable Behavior

The emphasis in psychology on the study of observable behavior, learning experiences, and use of scientific methods

Efforts to discover whether the intelligence of children is more heavily influenced by their genetic dispositions or by their home environments are most directly relevant to the debate regarding:

Innate ability to learned skill as __- is to ____

The biophysical approach attempts to describe the influences on behavior as

an integrated perspective that incorporate biological, psychological, and socio-cultural levels of analysis

The pattern of behavior, traditions, beliefs and values that are shared by a group of people

Contemporary psychology is best defined as

behavior and mental processes

Which perspective would suggest that facial expressions associated with the emotions of lust and rage are inherited.?

In which time period did psychology first become a recognized field of study

The self reflective observation of one's own sensations, thoughts and feelings is called

Cognitive neuroscience studies relationships between

thought processes and brain functions

Humanistic psychologists focused attention on the importance of people's _________.

potential for healthy growth

Mrs. Thompson believes that her son has become and excellent student because she consistently uses praise and affection to stimulate his learning efforts. Her belief best illustrates which perspective?

The distinctive feature of the psychodynamic perspective is its emphasis on

The cognitive perspective in psychology emphasizes how

people encode, process, store and retrieve information

Psychology studies that focus on specific goals such as improving the quality of life in large cities or helping people cope with their emotional problems are referred to as

The objectives, goals and subject matter of modern psychological science can generally be divided into ______ and _______ types of research

basic and applied research

Clinical psychology is mainly focused on

treating people with psychological disorders

Major difference between clinical psychologists and psychiatrists

Psychiatrists are medical doctors licensed to prescribe drugs and treat physical causes of psychological disorders

The hindsight bias refers to people's tendency to

to believe after learning an outcomes, that one would have foreseen it

Government experts who are convinced of the success of their own mistaken economic policies most clearly demonstrate

Considering whether psychological advice or research conclusions are justified by available evidence illustrates

A statement that provides a specific, testable prediction that is based upon theoretical relationships is known as a

Theory is to explanation as hypothesis is to

Why is it important that the selection of research participants provides a representative sample?

It is important because the sample has to resemble all of the population that is being studied

A psychologist who gathers data by secretly watching how managers interact with their employers their employees in the workplace is using

The placebo effect best illustrates the impact of ____ on feelings and behaviors.

A psychologist who studies how the brain functions in various mental activities is using which perspective?

A person can only be understood by studying the beliefs, values and experiences of the ethnic group and community in which the person has lived. This best exemplifies which perspective? 

A psychologist studies why individual groups often conform their behaviors and opinions to be similar to others in the group. Which field in psychology does this research best represent?

Government experts who are convinced of the success of their own mistaken economic policies most clearly demonstrate

overconfidence, cognitive bias

The fundamental characteristics of scientific attitude are

curious, skeptical and humble

Because of the complexity of human behavior, the best explanations will typically involve considerations of

multiple influences interacting

The scientific method was described as a cyclic progression among which elements?

theories, hypotheses, research & observation

Psychological analysis of thought and behavior  may involve description, prediction, and explanation of cause. The corresponding components of scientific research are

A statement that provides a specific, testable prediction that is based upon theoretical relationships is known as a

When a psychologist develops a possible explanation of the observations obtained in an investigation, the psychologist has formulated a

Theory is to explanation as hypothesis is to

educated guess/prediction

Why is it important that the selection of research participants provides a representative sample?

Because the sample has to resemble all of the population that is being studied

The survey method is particularly useful for investigating questions that

-are behavior or opinion based

-that requires limited amount of info that represents a population

When conducting a survey, psychologists select a random sample of subjects in order to ensure that

the participants are representative of the population and to avoid bias

A psychologist who gathers data by secretly watching how managers interact with their employees in the workplace is using

A research study took a survey of how much time various workers had slept and reported a positive relationship between the amount of sleep and job performance, Which research method did the researchers use?

If there were a perfect negative correlation between intelligence and physical attractiveness, then it could be predicted that

The value of a correlation coefficient indicates the degree of

strength of the relationship

A correlation coefficient indicating little or no relationship between two variables would be indicated by the value

Correlational research CANNOT be used to do what?

indicated cause and effect relationships

The "illusory correlation"  cognitive bias refers to

thinking that things go together when they do not

The belief in a "lucky" slot machine that will yield more jackpots illustrates the tendency for people to believe in

control & illusory correlation

Which of the following research techniques allows the most confident conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships

If a researcher wanted to determine whether something causes or influences behavior, it would be best to use an 

In a formal experiment, a control variable is 

one that stays the same throughout the experiment 

In a psychological experiment, the dependent variable is the factor that is 

the outcome, may change in response to change of independent variable 

In an experiment, cause is to effect as ____ is to ____

A psychologist studying the effect of varying levels of caffeine on anxiety. In this experiment, the different levels of caffeine are the 

In an experiment, the factor that is manipulated or varied by the experimenter because it is predicted to cause different outcomes is known as 

A psychologist studied the effect of different alcohol levels on driving performance. In this study driving performance was the 

If a researcher tests the effects of alcohol on reaction times by comparing one group of subjects who drink alcohol with another group that does not, the subjects who do not drink alcohol are in which group 

The placebo effect best illustrates the influence of _____ on behavior and feelings 

To control for possible differences among subjects, experimental designs should use 

a control and experimental group 

In blind experimental procedures, the researcher and/or subjects 

do not know what treatment they are receiving 

The American Psychological Association has established ethical principles for research with human subjects be given a full description of the research before they are asked whether they are willing to participate. This illustrates the principle of 

A major reason for animal research in psychology is that 

The "3R" part of SQ3R method stands for 

The "testing effect" refers to 

repeated self testing & rehearsal of previously studied material 

The common basis for all behavior and mental processes is 

The cells of the nervous system that are specialized for communication are called 

The cells that are specialized for metabolic and physical support in the nervous system are called 

What specific specializations of neurons allows them to function as a system for communication within the body 

The part of a neuron that functions like a wire transmitting information from one place to another in the body is known as an

here is a neuron's nucleus that contains genetic information located?

he small branching structures of a neuron that typically have many synaptic contacts are known as 

The locations for communication between neurons and other cells that are specialized for sending and receiving chemical messages are called 

An action potential occurs when a neuron has 

been stimulated by signals 

When a neuron is not conducting an action potential and in its resting state, the neuron is 

Which condition speed up the conduction of the neural action potential 

excitatory signals; wider axons & increased by myelin sheath 

Which of the following accurately describes the effect of an inhibitory neurotransmitter 

it decreases the chance of depolarization, reaching action potential 

When the action potential reaches a synapse at the end of an axon, neurotransmitter molecules are released that bind to 

A synapse can best be described as a

the junction between the axon tip of sending neuron and the dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron 

Drugs that have psychological effects usually exert their influence on

Motor neurons carry information to 

You place your hand on a hot stove and immediately withdraw your hand automatically without thinking that you have been burned. This is a demonstration of 

The central nervous system consists of the 

A polygraph can record changes in heart rate, breathing, and skin moisture. What division of the nervous system produces these psychophysiological responses?

sympathetic nervous system 

We are not consciously aware of the regulatory control of the various organs of the body. This involuntary control process is accomplished by the 

If it is necessary to run away from danger, the _____ division of the autonomic nervous system will _____ heart rate 

After finishing a psychology test, you try to relax by engaging in some mediation techniques. Doing these exercises should increase the activation of the _____ nervous system and result in slower heart respiration rates and less muscular tension. 

Which division of the nervous system helps conserve energy when a person is calm and relaxed 

To record the brain's neural activity as electrical signals from surface location on the head, a ______ is used

If a neurologist wants an extremely accurate image of a patient's brain showing details of internal structures, the neurologist would probably order an

A relatively safe way to examine the specific locations of brain activity associated with different kinds of thinking and behavior is the 

positron emission tomography scan (PET)

A neuropsychologist is trained to 

explore how the structures of the brain work to produce behaviors 

a person's cerebellum was damaged in an accident, you would expect the person to have a problem with

balance and muscle coordination 

Which brain area is most directly linked to motivation, emotional responses and control of the autonomic system and pituitary gland 

Conscious experience and decisions for voluntary actions are produced primarily by activity of the 

Damage to the hippocampus would most likely impair which of the following?

ability to form new memories 

The portion of the cortex located at the top of the head and involved in body sensations such as touch is part of the ______ lobe. 

If you have ever been struck in the back of the head and seen stars or flashes of light when you looked up, most likely cells were stimulated in your _____

The name of the area of the left cerebral hemisphere that controls the production of speech is the ____ area

A person with left-cortex damage to Wernicke's area would most likely have problems with 

What is the name of the large bundle of axons that connect the two hemispheres 

"The brain operates as an interacting system to produce behavior"; this means that 

All parts of the brain are working together to generated behavior 

The endocrine system produces

The gland that has been called the master gland because of its extensive influence on the other endocrine glands is the 

Emotional arousal ad the immune system are MOST influenced by which endocrine gland(s)

hypothalmus, pituitary gland 

How are hormones different from neurotransmitters?

hormones are carried in the bloodstream 

As a control system, the influence of the endocrine system is ____ as compared to the nervous system

have longer lasting effects 

The biological info that is encoded by genetic material is represented as

A segment of DNA molecule with the information to synthesize a specific protein is called a

A human gamete has _____ chromosomes

The relative contributions of inheritance and environment to behavior are the focus of the

According to the gene-environment interaction principle, all behavior is influenced by  

continuous interaction between genes and environment throughout development

In which case would two people have all the same genes in common?

What have twin studies revealed about intelligence?

Intelligence similarity of genes & environment produce greater similarity of intelligence measured by IQ

Two individuals are most likely to share similar personality traits if they are ____ twins who were reared _____

Adoption research clearly suggests that variation in many human personality traits is strongly influenced by

genes than by home environment

Compared to rats that were environmentally deprived, rats housed in enriched environments experienced dramatic increases in the number of

Which is a major source of new genetic variations

According to evolutionary psychologists, behaviors that promote reproductive success and survival are likely to be

Natural selection theory predicts that the frequency of a behavioral trait in a population will increase over time if

they are selected and prevail

Behavioral traits that improve success living in a particular environment are

A high degree of cross-cultural similarity in human behavior indicates

Developmental processes are highly similar among individuals raised in different cultures

An evolutionary explanation for sexual reproduction is that

-offspring are produced by combining genotype from two organisms

-new combinations of genes could be created by recombination

a set of expected behaviors for males or for females

Those who study cultural influence on gender roles are most likely to emphasize the importance of

norms transmitted by learning from one generation to the next  

The enduring behaviors, traditions, beliefs, attitudes and values shared by a group from one generation to the next through learning defines

our sense of being male or female

With regard to gender, social learning theorists emphasize that

we learn social behavior by observing and imitating and by being rewarded or punished for acting in certain ways

A child's tendency to form concepts that classify behavior and other personality traits in terms of masculine and feminine categories is most important in which theory of gender-typing

gender schema cognitive theory  

Over the course of human evolution, a female's reproductive success has depended on

levels of sex hormones-estrogen

In attracting potential mates, research has show women are more likely than men to advertise their own _____, and men are more likely to advertise their own ______

developmental psychology is best described as a study of what

continuity and change in physical cognitive, social and behavioral characteristics of individuals throughout the life span

During the course of successful prenatal development, a human organism first begins as a ______ and finally develops into a _____

an agent, such as toxins that can cause harm to the embryo or fetus

Some of the most common and consistently damaging teratogens are

When newborn infants are touched on the palm of the hand, they close their fingers in a fist to grasp the object. This type of automatic response to specific stimulation is known as

The systematic biological growth and associated changes in function of the body and brain that occur with age are called

Newborns have been observed to show the greatest visual interest in

A four-year-old can't remember anything of the first few moths of her life. This is best explained by the fact that

-she lacked language skills for organizing her early life experiences

-many neural connections that underlie memories are only beginning to form shortly after birth

Infant motor development is typically characterized by individual differences in ________ of the major developmental milestones.

The age-related timing but not the sequence

Jean Piaget is known for proposing a widely influential stage theory of _____ development

According to Piaget, schemas are:

concepts or frameworks that organizes and interprets information

Interpreting new schemas in terms of existing schemas is called

"Out of sight, out of mind" can describe the behavior of a child who has not yet achieved the memory capability known as

Which of the following represents the correct order of Piagets stages of cognitive development

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

According to Piaget, a child can mentally represent experiences with words and images but has limited ability to reason with logic during the ______ stage

what would be typical for a child whose thinking is characterized by egocentric thought?

they have difficulty seeing things from another persons point of view

According to Piaget, conservation and reversibility operations are characteristic of which stage of cognitive development

Which perspective focuses on how we process information to solve problems?

The cognitive perspective in psychology focuses on how the interactions of thinking, emotion, creativity, and problem-solving abilities affect how and why you think the way you do.

Which theory perspective focuses on how we learn through study of observable responses?

The behaviorist perspective is concerned with how environmental factors (called stimuli) affect observable behavior (called the response). The behaviorist perspective proposes two main processes whereby people learn from their environment: namely classical conditioning and operant conditioning.

Which psychological perspective highlights the manner in which people encode process store and retrieve information quizlet?

Terms in this set (38).
behaviorism. focuses on how we learned observable responses..
cognitive. focuses on how we encode, process, store, & retrieve information..
functionalism. ... .
applied research. ... .
humanistic. ... .
gestalt. ... .
positive psychology. ... .

Which modern psychological approach focuses on understanding how people think process store and retrieve information?

Cognitive Perspective It focuses on the processing, organizing, storing, and retrieving of information and is concerned with the higher mental processes such as thinking, memory, etc. The cognitive perspective is the newly developed area explaining human behavior developed during the 1960s.


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