If a caller asks for the office manager by name, what should the medical assistant usually do?


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If a caller asks for the office manager by name, what should the medical assistant usually do?

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Ways to promote physical wellness include ____. (A) being creative, logical, curious, and open-minded (B) maintaining an optimistic outlook (C) understanding personal feelings and expressing them (D) avoiding alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, drugs, and ris d. avoiding alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, drugs, and risky sexual behavior
Qualities such as friendliness and concern or boredom and indifference are clearly communicated over the telephone. TRUE
Obtaining continual learning and using common sense are examples of ways to promote ____. mental and intellectual wellness
Call Park allows storage of frequently called telephone numbers in the telephone system’s memory. FALSE
Public health and sanitation systems were first developed by the ____. ancient Romans
A voicemail system in a medical office usually allows a caller to leave messages for a specific individual or department. TRUE
The Father of Medicine is ____. Hippocrates
When a patient asks to speak to the physician, the medical assistant usually transfers the call if the physician is in the office. FALSE
Bifocals for glasses were invented by ____. Benjamin Franklin
When a patient calls to report satisfactory progress after a specified interval, the medical assistant must either put the call through to the physician or take a message asking the physician to call the patient. FALSE
A vaccination for smallpox was developed in 1796 by ____. Edward Jenner
When a patient calls to request a refill of a prescription for an antibiotic, the medical assistant should ask what symptoms the patient is having that would require a refill. TRUE
Disinfectants and antiseptics were first used to prevent infection during surgery by ____. Joseph Lister
Most offices have a guide with screening questions to assist medical assistants with telephone calls related to urgent or emergency conditions. TRUE
The founder of the American Red Cross in 1881 was ____. Clara Barton
The telephone number of the poison control center should be placed next to every telephone in the medical office. TRUE
The professional education of modern nurses was started by ____. Florence Nightingale
If the medical answers a telephone call, and the caller seems confused, the medical assistant should just take a message for the physician. FALSE
The individual whose studies formed the basis for psychology and psychiatry is ____. Sigmund Freud
The HIPAA privacy rule prohibits health care providers from calling patients and leaving messages unless the patient has signed a form consenting to telephone calls. FALSE
Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by ____. Sir Alexander Fleming
The polio vaccine was developed in 1952 by ____. Jonas Salk
The first “test tube” baby was born in England in the ____. 1970's
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) was identified as a disease in the ____. 1980's
Birth control pills were first approved by the FDA in the ____. 1960's
The first kidney transplant in humans was performed in the ____. 1950's
The CAM therapy that uses breathing and muscle relaxation techniques to quiet the mind by focusing attention on obtaining a sense of oneness is ____. meditation
The CAM therapy that encourages the use of certain vitamins to neutralize free radicals is ____. antioxidants
A CAM therapy based on the belief that illness and pain occur when Chi (life energy) is blocked as it flows through meridians is ____. acupressure
The CAM practitioner who believes that a life energy flows through every living person in an invisible system of meridians is a/an ____. Chinese medicine practitioner
The name for the type of health care that offers both mainstream medical treatments and CAM therapies to treat patients is ____. integrative care
The CAM therapy that uses special machines which produce negatively charged air particles or ions to treat common respiratory disorders is a/an ____. ionization therapy
Which of the following viruses has the ability to cause a pandemic? (a) monkeypox (b) all of the above (c) hantavirus (d) severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus all of them
Which of the following viruses is the cause of avian (bird) flu? H5N1 virus
A specialty hospital that provides care for cancer patients is a/an ____ hospital. oncology
A long-term care facility designed to provide services to patients who need rehabilitation to recover from a major illness, treatment for cancer, dialysis for kidney disease, or heart monitoring is called a/an ____. extended care facility
Which of the following types of care can be offered by a home health care agency? speech therapy , house cleaning, nursing care
The main type of care provided by hospice is ____ care. Palliative care
Genetic counseling centers often deal with the genetic disease called ____. Down's syndrome
The agency sponsored by the United Nations that compiles statistics on disease and publishes health information is the ____. World Health Organization (WHO)
The specific amount of money a patient pays for a particular service regardless of the total cost of that service that is required by some health insurance plans is called a ____. co-payment
The federal medical assistance program that pays for the health care of individuals with low incomes and individuals who are physically disabled or blind is ____. Medicaid
The Medicare coverage that assists with payment for pharmaceutical (medication) expenses is ____. type D
The Medicare coverage that assists with payment for hospital services and care is ____. type A
For whom does TRICARE provide coverage for health care expenses? active duty military; retired military; family of military
Which of the following is not a purpose of an organizational chart? (a) identifies immediate supervisors (b) provides a sliding scale of responsibilities to determine salary (c) encompasses a line of authority or chain of command (d) leads to the mos provides a sliding scale of responsibilities to determine salary
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) ____. provides strict guidelines for maintaining confidentiality of health care information
Which of the following is a component of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)?a) tax-related health provisions b) health care access, portability, and renewability c) preventing health care fraud and abuse d) all of the above d) all of the above (and tax-related health provisions)
A degree awarded by a college or university after a prescribed course of study that usually lasts four or more years is a/an ____. bachelor's degree
A process by which a government agency authorizes individuals to work in a given occupation after the person has completed an approved education program and passed a state board test is ____. licensure
In order to renew licenses or maintain certification, individuals must obtain additional hours of education called ____. continuing education units
A level of education for health occupations that usually requires at least three to four years of college plus work experience is ____. technologist or therapist
An individual who organizes, manages, and assumes the risk of a business is a/an ____. entreprenuer
A dental specialty that treats and prevents diseases of the gingiva or gums, bone, and structures supporting the teeth is ____. periodontics
A dental specialty that treats diseases of the pulp, nerves, blood vessels, and roots of the teeth is ____. endodontics
A dental specialty that replaces natural teeth with artificial teeth or dentures is ____. prosthodontics
A medical specialist who treats diseases of the skin is a/an ____. dermatologist
A medical specialist who treats diseases and disorders of children is a/an ____. pediatrician
A medical specialist who treats diseases of elderly individuals is a/an ____. geriatrician
A medical specialist who treats diseases of the female reproductive system is a/an ____. gynecologist
A medical specialist who treats tumors and cancer is a/an ____. oncologist
A medical specialist who treats diseases and disorders of the eye is a/an ____. ophthalmologist
A medical specialist who treats diseases and disorders of muscles and bones is a/an ____. orthopedist
A medical specialist who treats diseases and disorders of the stomach and intestine is a/an ____. gastroenterologist
An example of a health career in the National Healthcare Standards health informatics services cluster is ____. medical illustrator
An example of a health career in the National Healthcare Standards therapeutic services cluster is ____. dental hygienists
An example of a health career in the National Healthcare Standards biotechnology research and development cluster is a/an ____. forensic science technician
A/an ____ identifies and tracks diseases as they occur in a group of people and develops methods to prevent or control the spread of diseases. Epidemiologist
A/an ____ provides information to individuals and families on genetic diseases or inherited conditions. Genetic counselor
The National Healthcare Standards that specify the knowledge and skills required of workers in health care careers involved with documentation of patient care are the ____. health informatics services
Being able to identify with and understand another person’s feelings, situation, and motives demonstrates ____. empathy
The ability to be tolerant, to be understanding, and to control your temper indicates ____. patience
Enjoying your work and having a positive attitude displays ____. enthusiasm
Having the ability to say or do the kindest or most fitting thing in a difficult situation shows ____. tact
Being willing to be held accountable for your actions is ____. responsibility
The ability to begin or follow through with a task and to determine things that need to be done indicates ____. self-motivation
Using good judgment in what you say and do and making sure that a patient’s rights are not violated demonstrates ____. discretion
Being qualified and capable of performing a task while striving for accuracy in all you do shows ____. competence
Showing truthfulness and integrity and being willing to admit mistakes so they can be corrected is ____. honesty
Being prompt when reporting to work, avoiding absences, and completing assigned tasks on time demonstrates ____. dependibility
Learning to cooperate and function well with others demonstrates ____. teamwork
The exchange of information, thoughts, ideas, and feelings is ____. communication
Which of the following factors does not interfere with the communication process? Properly working hearing aid
Which of the following is not an example of a communication barrier? minor or child status
A physical change that occurs when a stressor causes the body to go into an alarm or warning mode is ____. pupils in the eyes dilating to improve vision
An example of a disease that is probably not caused by stress is ____. diabetes mellitus
Using caller ID is part of which step in an effective time management plan? avoid distractions
To establish effective short- and long-term goals ____. state goals in a positive manne and try to avoid negative goals
Failure to give care that is normally expected of a person in a particular position, resulting in injury to another person is ____. negligence
If a health care worker sends information to an insurance company without a patient’s written consent, this can be ____. invasion of privacy
If a physician fails to use a degree of skill and learning commonly expected and the person receiving care is injured, the physician can be sued for ____. malpractice
If a patient is physically restrained without proper authorization or justification, this can lead to a charge of ____. false imprisonment
Any care that results in physical harm, pain, or mental anguish can lead to a charge of ____. abuse
A false written statement that causes a person to be ridiculed or damages the person’s reputation is known as ____. libel
Principles relating to what is morally right or wrong are known as ____. ethics
Which of the following is not a right of patients? (a) A patient is entitled to a reasonable response to a request for services. (b) A patient is entitled to free care regardless of circumstances. (c) A patient may refuse treatment to the extent permi A patient is entitled to free care regardless of circumstances
A legal document that allows an individual to state what measures should or should not be taken to prolong life when a condition is terminal is a ____. living will
Permission granted voluntarily by a person who is of sound mind after a procedure and all risks involved have been explained is ____. informed consent
Writing threats or abusive statements is an example of ____. verbal abuse
Which of the following are signs or symptoms of abuse? (a) unexplained bruises, fractures, burns, or injuries (b) poor personal hygiene (c) aggressive or withdrawn behavior (d) all of the above (d) all of the above
Which of the following is not a requirement of the Patient Self-Determination Act?(A)Affirming that there will be no discrimination or effect on care due to advance directives (B)Documenting any advance directives on a patient's record (C)Provide legal Provide legal assistance for preparing advance directives.
An example of a tort is ____. slapping a patient
The privacy standards of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) require all of the following except ____. patients must sign a consent form to allow a birth or death certificate to be recorded by a government agency
An example of mental development is ____. solving problems
An example of emotional development is ____. expressing fear and excitement
The reflex that occurs when an infant reacts to a loud noise or sudden movement is the ____. Moro reflex
A psychological disorder in which a person alternately binges and then fasts is ____. bulimia
When a dying person says, “The lab tests are wrong, I can’t have leukemia,” the person is probably in the stage of dying known as ____. denial
When a dying person says, “Just let me live until my son graduates from college,” the person is probably in the stage of dying known as ____. bargaining
The basic needs required by every human being to sustain life are ____. physiological needs
When people have attained their full potential, or are what they want to be, they have met the need for ____. self-actualization
An example of the defense mechanism called projection may be ____. “I’m late because my car wouldn’t start.”
If you ask for a transfer to another area because you do not like your supervisor, this is an example of the defense mechanism known as ____. withdrawal
If a woman ignores a lump in her breast and starts working overtime to avoid worrying about the lump, this is an example of the defense mechanism known as ____. suppression
An example of the defense mechanism called rationalization is the statement ____. I cannot have the blood work done because I cannot take time of work
What percentage of elderly individuals is cared for in long-term care facilities? 5 percent
Dark yellow or brown spots on the skin are called ____. senile lentigines
The condition in which calcium and other minerals are lost from the bones, causing the bones to become brittle and more likely to fracture, is ____. osteoporosis
Which of the following is not a physical change of aging in the circulatory system?a) Blood vessels lose their elasticity and become larger. b) Blood pressure may increase. c) Heart muscles become less efficient at pushing blood into the arteries. d) blood vessels lose their elasticity and become larger
A condition that occurs when the intraocular pressure of the eye increases and interferes with vision is ____. Glaucoma
The correct term for difficult swallowing is ____. Dysphagia
The inability to control urination is ____. urinary incontinence
A physical or mental defect or handicap that interferes with normal functions is a ____. Disability
Which of the following is not a cause of temporary confusion or disorientation? (A)stress and depression (B)Arteriosclerosis (C)kidney disease (D)medications B. Arteriosclerosis
A form of dementia that causes progressive changes in brain cells is ____. Alzheimer's Disease
All of the following are examples of reality orientation except ____. a) agreeing with incorrect statements to avoid arguing b) talking about familiar things or current events c) keeping the individual oriented to day/night cycles d) repeating instru agreeing with incorrect statements to avoid arguments
A specially trained individual who works with the elderly and their families, health care providers, and other concerned individuals to improve the quality of care for the elderly is a/an ____. ombudsman
Which of the following statements is not true about abuse? abuse is usually easy to prove
The proper term for a blood clot is ____. thrombus
If confusion or disorientation is temporary and can be treated, the condition is called ____. delirium
Statistics provided by the U.S Census Bureau predict that ____ percent of the total population in the United States will be older than 65 in 2050. 21
A condition in which bones become porous and break easily is ____. osteoporosis
____ includes all body processes relating to food. nutrition
The major source of human energy is ____. carbohydrates
The essential nutrients made up of amino acids are ____. proteins
Organic compounds essential to life are ____. vitamins
How many glasses of water should the average person drink each day? 6 to 8 glasses
The organ that produces bile to emulsify fats is the ____. liver
The process in which blood or lymph capillaries pick up digested nutrients is ____. absorption
The type of therapeutic diet that consists of easily digested foods which do not irritate the digestive tract is ____. bland
The therapeutic diet that is also called a carbohydrate controlled diet is ____. diabetic diet
The essential nutrients that provide nine calories per gram are ____. fats
The religion that encourages a vegetarian diet is ____. Seventh Day Adventist
Which of the following is not one of the three most common lipids found in both food and the human body? (a) sterols (b) phospholipids (c) triglycerides (d) cellulose cellulose
The therapeutic diet that limits raw fruits and vegetables, whole-grain breads and cereals, nuts, beans, and fried foods is ____. low-residue diet
Obesity increases the risk of developing ____. a. hypertension b. all of the above c. diabetes mellitus d. sleep apnea b. all of the above
The machine components of a computer, including the keyboard, disk drive, CPU, and monitor, are called ____. hardware
The unit that processes all information or data entering the computer is the ____. CPU
The programs, or instructions, that run a computer and allow the computer to perform specific tasks are called ____. software
The unit in a computer that stores operating programs, temporary data, and monitoring and tracking data is the ____. internal memory unit
The first noninvasive computer-based body and brain scanner was ____. computerized tomography
A scanning procedure in which a slightly radioactive substance is injected into the patient and then detected by the scanner as an image on a screen is ____. PET- positron emission tomography
The noninvasive scanning procedure that is used to determine the size, position, sex, and even abnormalities of a fetus is ____. ultrasonography
Educational computer programming designed for individual use is ____. computerized assisted instruction
A major use of the Internet in health care is for ____. organ transplants
A protective program that limits the ability of other computers to access a computer is a/an ____. firewall
Health care providers use spreadsheets to do all of the following except ____. record appointments for patients
A contingency backup plan is necessary when using computers to ____. prevent loss of information in case of a power failure
All of the following are components of a search engine except for a/an ____. (a) spider or worm (b) retrieval program (c) index (d) firewall firewall
You can do an advanced search on a search engine by ____. putting keywords in quotations or specifying specific related fields
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a computerized database? (a) Records can be organized and sorted in many ways. (b) Useful reports can be produced. (c) Changes can be easily added to information. (d) Mistakes are automatically correct mistakes are automatically corrected
Which source is most likely to have a Web site that contains current and accurate information about the link between nutrition and cancer? university medical school
An online community maintained by one or more people to provide information on a topic is a/an ____. blog
Flash drives provide an important means of ____. backing up data
The applied science of adapting the environment and using techniques to prevent injury is ____. ergonomics
Light beams called ____ can be used to shape a patient’s cornea and correct vision. lasers
Which is most important when the medical assistant answers the telephone? be courteous with a positive attitude and personality
What is the first thing the medical assistant should do when answering a telephone call? identify the practice and himself or herself
When answering the telephone, what is the best question for the medical assistant to ask to find out a caller’s name? "may i ask who is calling, please"
Which of the following is not an important aspect of a pleasing telephone personality? "***the following are pleasing telephone personality -Use the same volume as when speaking in person -Avoid developing an artificial telephone voice, which often comes across as cold and unreal -Enunciate clearly (speak clearly)
How often should the medical assistant check back with a caller who is on hold? 30 seconds
How can the medical assistant prevent neck and shoulder strain when answering telephone calls? "1. use a headset; 2. Back supported; 3. Neck in neutral position; 4. Feet flat on the floor or supported on a footstool"
Which of the following items should be readily available when taking telephone messages? (A) Message slips; (B) Pens;(C) Appointment book or computer appointment screen;(D) List of frequently called numbers;(E) Desk clock, computer clock, or wrist watch all of them
If the medical assistant has transferred a telephone call, but the light for that extension continues to blink, what does it mean? should check with caller every 30 seconds to be sure call goes through
What is the name of the telephone feature that allows a medical assistant to send calls from one telephone number or extension to another? call forwarding
When is call forwarding used? when sending calls to another extension or telephone number; transferred if caller asks for another person or extension
Which is done by an answering service if one is used by the medical office? answer calls when office is closed
Which of the following is true about voicemail? (a)Built into the telephone system. (b)Messages can be left in a number of “mailboxes” for different people (C) May have mailboxes for each staff member (ALL ARE TRUE)
Which type of electronic device may add computer capabilities to a telephone with software such as a drug reference? smartphone (?)
Which type of pager can display a message in addition to the telephone number of the caller? Alphanumeric pagers
What type of telephone system offers the caller a menu with several options when the telephone is answered? electronic routing system
What is it called when the medical assistant determines which telephone calls will go to the physician? screening
If a caller asks for the office manager by name, what should the medical assistant usually do? transfer the call
Which of the following calls is put through immediately to the doctor, even if the doctor is with a patient? doctor told staff to put a certain caller through or it is another physician
What is the purpose of taking messages for the physician even if he or she is in the office? to avoids constant interruptions while physician is seeing patients
Which of the following types of call does the medical assistant usually NOT handle without taking a message? Test results
How can the medical assistant take telephone messages in an organized manner? have the appropriate materials readily available to properly document the call
For which of the following symptoms can the medical assistant offer advice over the telephone? no advices are allow
Which of the following should always be included when the medical assistant takes a message? the patient's age and/or date of birth
What should the medical assistant do as follow-up if a patient calls to request laboratory results? if a paper medical record system is use, find the medical record and attach the message to the record
If a patient calls to request a medication refill, which information should always be included in the message? the medication name and dose (If the medication is an antibiotic or controlled substance, asks about symptoms that require a refill)
When a patient calls to request a medication refill, which information should be included in the message? the medication name and dose
If a patient calls to request authorization for a laboratory or diagnostic test, what should the medical assistant do? obtain authorization for the test from the physician and any necessary paperwork
To whom can medical assistants usually give test results over the telephone? not allow
If a sales representative from a pharmaceutical company calls and asks to speak to the physician, what would be the best response by the medical assistant? set an appointment (preferably during lunch)
Which of the following statements about emergency telephone calls is true? the medical assistant should transfer an emergency call to a licensed health professional if one is in the office
The medical assistant receives a telephone call before any other office staff have arrived at the office stating that the caller’s child has burned her left hand and arm with boiling water. What should the medical assistant tell the patient? call an ambulance (911) and have the child taken to the emergency department
The medical assistant receives a telephone call in the morning from a patient who states that she has had a respiratory infection for several days, and that today she feels worse and is running a fever. Which of the following is the best response by the M either transfer the call to a licensed professional OR set a same day appointment (not sure)
If an angry person calls the office, what should the medical assistant do or try to do? use a calm voice to ask questions and obtain information about what had angers the caller
How should the medical assistant handle a call if the caller refuses to give any information and insists on speaking to the physician? Caller can write a letter to the physician and mark it personal
If a medical assistant makes a call to a patient regarding the patient’s bill and obtains an answering machine, what message should the medical assistant leave? request for a call back, leave the office name and phone number
What should the medical assistant determine before placing a call for a physician? make sure physician is ready to talk
When should the medical assistant make a personal telephone call if he or she is at work at a medical office? - Staff should not make or receive personal calls except for emergencies - personal calls tie up phone lines and take time away from work - Outgoing personal calls should occur at lunch time or break on a personal cell phone"
When are appointment reminder calls usually placed to patients? place reminder calls to patients 24 to 28 hours before their scheduled appointments.
When placing a long-distance call to ask about an equipment order from a company in a different state, what should the medical assistant keep in mind? time zone
Which of the following is true about voicemail? (A) Each voice mailbox has a separate extension (B) In some systems, you can enter last name of person being called if extension is not known (C) Offices with voice mail also rely on answering service (ALL ARE TRUE)
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) prohibits discrimination against an employee or beneficiary based on health status. TRUE

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How should the medical assistant handle a call if the caller refuses to give any information and insists on speaking to the physician quizlet?

How should the medical assistant handle a call if the caller refuses to give any information and insists on speaking to the physician? Use a calm voice to ask questions and obtain information about what has angered the caller.

When a patient calls the office to request a medication refill the medical assistant should find out?

The medical assistant document the medication refill in the patient's medical record, including their name or initials, the date and time, a description of the task performed, and the name of the physician authorizing the refill.

Which of the following should always be included when the medical assistant takes a message?

Which of the following should always be included when the medical assistant takes a message? Call the patient back if laboratory results are normal to avoid bothering the physician.