If a plaintiff establishes a prima facie case of employer discrimination, what happens? quizlet

Chapter 18 notes

Key Terms

affirmative action: Job-hiring policies that give special consideration to members

of protected classes in an effort to overcome present effects of past


bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ: )Identifiable characteristics

reasonably necessary to the normal operation of a particular business. These

characteristics can include gender, national origin, and religion, but not race.

business necessity: A defense to alleged employment discrimination in which the

employer demonstrates that an employment practice that discriminates against

members of a protected class is related to job performance.

constructive discharge: A termination of employment brought about by making

the employee’s working conditions so intolerable that the employee reasonably

feels compelled to leave.

disparate-impact discrimination: Discrimination that results from certain

employer practices or procedures that, although not discriminatory on their face,

have a discriminatory effect.

disparate-treatment discrimination: A form of employment discrimination that

results when an employer intentionally discriminates against employees who are

members of protected classes.

employment discrimination: Treating employees or job applicants unequally on

the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, or disability.

prima facie case: A case in which the plaintiff has produced sufficient evidence of

his or her claim that the case will be decided for the plaintiff unless the defendant

produces evidence to rebut it.

protected class: A group of persons protected by specific laws because of the

group’s defining characteristics, including race, color, religion, national origin,

gender, age, and disability.

Disparate impact lawsuits claim that an employer's facially neutral practice had a discriminatory effect. By Lisa Guerin, J.D. Disparate impact is a way to prove employment discrimination based on the effect of an employment policy or practice rather than the intent behind it.

What is an example of a disparate impact?

A common and simple example of “disparate impact” discrimination is when an employer has a policy that it will only hire individuals who are a certain minimum height or who can lift a certain minimum weight. Courts have found height restrictions disproportionately impact women and certain races.

How do you prove a disparate impact case?

To establish an adverse disparate impact, the investigating agency must (1) identify the specific policy or practice at issue; (2) establish adversity/harm; (3) establish significant disparity; [9] and (4) establish causation.

What is a disparate treatment case?

Disparate treatment is a way to prove illegal employment discrimination. An employee who makes a disparate treatment claim alleges that he or she was treated differently than other employees who were similarly situated, and that the difference was based on a protected characteristic.

What is evidence of disparate impact?

The most compelling evidence of disparate impact is proof that an employment practice selects members of a protected class in a proportion smaller than their percentage in the pool of actual applicants, or, in promotion and benefit cases, in a proportion smaller than in the actual pool of eligible employees.

Disparate Impact

What is one way for a plaintiff to prove a disparate impact?

One way for a plaintiff to prove disparate impact discrimination is: a. by comparing the employer's workforce to the pool of qualified individuals available in the local market.

How do you prove disparate impact in the workplace?

Proving a Disparate Impact Case

  1. You need to show that a specific employment practice caused people in your protected class to be treated worse than people not in the protected class. ...
  2. The employer then has to show that it had a legitimate business reason for this specific practice.

How do you prove prima facie discrimination?

To establish a prima facie case of discrimination based on disparate treatment a plaintiff must show that he (1) is a member of a protected class, (2) suffered an adverse employment action, (3) met his employer's legitimate expectations at the time of the adverse employment action, and (4) was treated differently from ...

Is disparate impact illegal?

Disparate impact means the selective adverse effect of a facially neutral law, requirement, or process, which lacks any relevant justification, on individuals belonging to a legally protected group. Federal statutes and regulations authorize the use of disparate impact analysis to identify unlawful discrimination.

What is the difference between adverse impact and disparate treatment?

The difference between disparate impact and disparate treatment is that disparate treatment is intentional discrimination, while disparate impact is unintentional.

Who has the burden of proof in establishing disparate impact?

at 2791, but argued that the Court's previous decisions have clearly held that, under disparate impact analysis, the burden of persuasion shifts to the defendant after the plaintiff has established his prima facie case.

How do you calculate disparate impact?

Step 1: Calculate the rate of selection for each group. (Divide by the number of persons selected from a group by the number available from that group.) Step 2: Determine which group has the lowest selection rate, other than 0%.

How is unintentional discrimination proven?

If the discrimination was truly unintentional, this will usually include circumstantial evidence showing that your employer acted differently than usual or bypassed standard protocols because of your membership in a protected class, for example: You are fired or demoted under unclear circumstances.

What is disparate impact in the workplace?

Disparate impact is a way to prove employment discrimination based on the effect of an employment policy or practice rather than the intent behind it.

What is the company's best defense against a claim of disparate impact?

[2] "Business necessity" is the defense to a claim of disparate impact under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Which of the following is true in cases based on claims of disparate treatment?

Which of the following is TRUE in cases based on claims of disparate treatment ? The plaintiff must prove that the defendant intentionally discriminated.

What is the 80% rule in employment?

The 80% rule was created to help companies determine if they have been unwittingly discriminatory in their hiring process. The rule states that companies should be hiring protected groups at a rate that is at least 80% of that of white men.

How do you prove discriminatory intent?

  1. Express classifications. Express classifications are the clearest form of direct evidence of discriminatory intent. ...
  2. Comments or conduct by decision-makers as direct evidence of intent. The direct method of proof typically involves a statement from a decision-maker that expresses a discriminatory motive.

What is the 4/5ths rule?

The Four-Fifths rule states that if the selection rate for a certain group is less than 80 percent of that of the group with the highest selection rate, there is adverse impact on that group.

Who has the burden of proof in discrimination cases?

Discrimination Claims: A Plaintiff's Burden of Proof

In employment discrimination cases, the burden of proof is on the plaintiff to establish that s/he was the victim of unlawful discrimination.

What are the four elements of a prima facie case?

Four elements are required to establish a prima facie case of negligence:

  • the existence of a legal duty that the defendant owed to the plaintiff.
  • defendant's breach of that duty.
  • plaintiff's sufferance of an injury.
  • proof that defendant's breach caused the injury (typically defined through proximate cause)

What is quid pro quo harassment?

Sexual harassment in which a boss conveys to an employee that he or she will base an employment decision, e.g. whether to hire, promote, or fire that employee, on the employee's satisfaction of a sexual demand. For example, it is quid pro quo sexual harassment for a boss to offer a raise in exchange for sex.

What is unintentional discrimination called?

Sometimes a rule or practice unintentionally singles out a group of people and results in unequal treatment. This type of unintentional discrimination is called “constructive” or “adverse effect” discrimination.

Which is the best description of intentional discrimination?

intentional discrimination. it occurs when people, despite being qualified, are intentionally not given the same hiring, promotion or membership opportunities as other employees because of their race, color, age, sex, ethnic group, national origin or religious beliefs.

What are examples of indirect discrimination?

An example of indirect discrimination, may be a minimum height requirement for a job where height is not relevant to carry out the role. Such a requirement would likely discriminate disproportionately against women (and some minority ethnic groups) as they are generally shorter than men.


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