If ssbetween = 125 and sswithin = 65, what is the effect size, η2, for the corresponding anova?

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IfSSbetween= 125 andSSwithin= 65, what is the effect size, η2, for the correspondingANOVA?a. 34%b. 48%c. 52%d. 66%

In a two-factor, independent-measures ANOVA, ifSSbetween treatments= 67,SSA= 12,andSSB= 15, what isSSA×B?

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In a two-factor, independent-measures ANOVA, ifSSwithin treatments= 59,SSbetween treatments67,SSA= 12, andSSB= 15, find the effect η2forA×=B.

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For the following data, calculate the sum of products of deviation.XY352469

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An analysis of variance is used to evaluate the mean differences for a research study comparing 4 treatment conditions and 7 scores in each sample. How many total degrees of freedom are there?

28 If there are 4 treatment conditions with 7 scores in each sample, then there are 4 × 7 = 28 scores.

In an ANOVA study on the impact that various forms of cellphone use have on driving speed, a researcher concludes that there are no systematic treatment effects. What was the F-ratio closest to?

What is the main advantage that ANOVA testing has compared with t testing?

b. It can be used to compare two or more treatments. 

Which of the following most accurately describes the F-ratio in ANOVA testing?

If the variance between treatments increases and the variance within treatments decreases, what will happen to the F-ratios and the likelihood of rejecting the null hypothesis in an ANOVA test?

The F-ratio and the likelihood of rejecting the null hypothesis will increase. 

additional significance tests conducted to determine which means are significantly different for a main effect

Under what conditions might a post hoc test be performed following ANOVA?

When there are three treatments and the null hypothesis was rejected.

Which of the following will increase the likelihood of rejecting the null hypothesis using ANOVA?

A decrease of SSwithin AND An increase in the sample sizes

ANOVA is to be used in a research study using two therapy groups. For each group, scores will be taken before the therapy, right after the therapy, and one year after the therapy. How many different sample means will there be?

If SSbetween = 125 and SSwithin = 65, what is the effect size, η2, for the corresponding ANOVA?

66% If SSbetween = 125 and SSwithin = 65, then SStotal = 125 + 65 = 190. So η2 = SSbetween/ SStotal = 125/190 = 66%

Which of the following is not a correct interpretation of the F-ratio in ANOVA testing?

f= variance bw treatments/ total standard error

An analysis of variance is used to evaluate the mean differences for a research study comparing three treatment conditions and the same number of scores in each sample. If SSbetween treaments = 24 and SSwithin = 72, and F = 4, how many scores are in each sample?

9 dfbetween = k – 1 = 3 – 1 = 2. Therefore, MSbetween = SSbetween/dfbetween = 24/2 = 12. Since F = 4, it follows that 12/ MSwithin = 4. Therefore, MSwithin = 3. Since MSwithin = SSwithin/dfwithin, it follows that 3 = 72/dfwithin. Therefore, dfwithin = 24. Finally, since dfwithin = N – k, it follows that 24 = N – 3. So N =27. If all three treatment groups have the same number of participants, there must be 9 participants in each group.

An analysis of variance produced an F-ratio with df values 14, 1. If the same data had been evaluated with an independent-measures t test, what would be df?

In an analysis of variance, the primary effect of large differences within each sample is to increase the value for ______.

the variance within treatments

An analysis of variance produces SS between = 64 and MS between = 8. In this analysis, how many treatment conditions are being compared?

What is suggested by a value of 1 for the F ratio in an ANOVA quizlet?

What is suggested by a value of 1 for the F-ratio in an ANOVA? There is no treatment effect and you should fail to reject the null hypothesis.

What is suggested by a large value for the F ratio in an ANOVA?

The F ratio is the ratio of two mean square values. If the null hypothesis is true, you expect F to have a value close to 1.0 most of the time. A large F ratio means that the variation among group means is more than you'd expect to see by chance.

Why does the F ratio in ANOVA compare variance between treatments to variance within treatments?

The F-ratio uses variance because ANOVA can have many samples of data, not just two as in T-Tests. Using the variance lets us look at the differences that exist between all of the many samples. The numerator: The numerator (top) of the F-ratio uses the variance between the sample means.

Which of the following will increase the likelihood of rejecting the null hypothesis using ANOVA?

When we increase the sample size, decrease the standard error, or increase the difference between the sample statistic and hypothesized parameter, the p value decreases, thus making it more likely that we reject the null hypothesis.