If the price elasticity of supply for pickles is 2 and the price of pickles increases by 10 percent

0.2(Explanation: If production requires inputs that are not easily mobilized,price elasticity of supply is inelastic.)

When the price of pickles increased 20%, the quantity supplied of pickles increased 80%.What is the price elasticity of supply and how is that value interpreted?

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Farmers can easily grow raspberries or strawberries in the same soil using the same inputsand achieve the same output per acre in pounds. All else equal, what is the value of therelative price elasticity of supply of raspberries over two days or two years?

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What does the price of elasticity supply measure?When the price of socks was $4 per pair, Theo’s Sock-Stravaganza supplied 10,000 pairs of

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socks. When the price of socks was $5 per pair, it supplied 17,500 pairs of socks. What isthe price elasticity of supply for socks?

What does a price elasticity of supply of 2 mean?

In this case, the price elasticity of supply is equal to 2, which means that a 1% change in price leads to a 2% change in quantity supplied.

When the price of pickles increased 20% the quantity supplied of pickles increased 80%?

When the price of pickles increased 20%, percent, the quantity supplied of pickles increased 80%, percent. What is the price elasticity of supply and how is that value interpreted? Reason: The price elasticity of supply is the percentage change in quantity supplied divided by the percentage change in price.

What is price elasticity of supply formula?

The price elasticity of supply (PES) is the measure of the responsiveness of the quantity supplied of a particular good to a change in price (PES = % Change in QS / % Change in Price).

What does it mean when price elasticity of supply is greater than 1?

A price elasticity supply greater than one means supply is relatively elastic, where the quantity supplied changes by a larger percentage than the price change.