In 1857, after eleven years of judicial consideration, the supreme court decided in –

Chapter 2: Minority rights in the Taney years, 1836–64

Two Centuries of Judicial Review on Trial

Category: Monograph Chapter Published: 28 Jul 2017

  • Abstract

Covers the years of the antebellum Taney Court (1836–60), comparing Supreme Court policy toward blacks and Native Americans with Presidential and Congressional policy toward them. On the Court, Justice Story exercised intellectual leadership until his departure at the end of 1845. Under Story’s leadership, the Court both freed more slaves from the Amistad ship than the executive branch desired and undermined the enforceability of the Congressional Fugitive Slave Act (1793) in Prigg v. Pennsylvania (1842).The Court from 1846 until 1860, under Taney’s leadership was utterly unsupportive of the rights of blacks and of Indians. The elected federal branches in these years were nearly as bad. Congress passed the Kansas Nebraska Act, abandoning the limits of the Missouri Compromise; President Buchanan wanted Congress to accept the illegitimate Lecompton Constitution. No branch of the federal government supported racial minority rights 1846–60. This extremism begat the election of Lincoln. KEY WORDS: U.S. v. Rogers (1846) Groves v. Slaughter (1841) Prigg v. Pennsylvania (1842) Fugitive Slave Act Ableman v. Booth (1854–61) Dred Scott Indian Removal

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In 1857, after eleven years of judicial consideration, the supreme court decided in –



1640Negro indentured servant John Punch ran away and received a life sentence in Virginia; his white counterparts only received three-year sentences1641Massachusetts authorized slavery with legislation1660Virginia specifically punished indentured servants who ran away with Negroes slaves1662Virginia determined birthright of Negroes based on the status of the mother rather than the father, as had been the British custom for centuries1680Virginia enacted the first major slave codes1705Virginia relegated slaves, Indians, and mulattos to the status of property1776Declaration of Independence signed1781Quock Walker v. Jennison (Massachusetts) relied on the Declaration of Rights, which ultimately led to the abolition of slavery in 1783 there1785New York passed legislation for the gradual emancipation of slaves1788U.S. Constitution is ratified by eleven states1789George Washington, a slave owner, inaugurated as the first president of the United States 1791“Bill of Rights” added to U.S. Constitution; Virginia ratified on December 15, 17911820Missouri Compromise created rules for the expansion of slavery into western territories and prohibited slavery north of the 36° 30´ latitude except in Missouri1841Former President John Quincy Adams defended Africans aboard the Spanish ship Amistad1850Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 required citizens to assist in the return of escaped slaves to their owners 1850 Roberts v. City of Boston (Massachusetts) found no constitutional impediment to segregated schools1854Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise, allowing slavery in the northern territories1857Dred Scott v. Sanford (Missouri) declared that all blacks—slaves as well as free—were not and could never become citizens of the United States1862Federal emancipation of slaves in the District of Columbia1863Emancipation Proclamation took effect1864Fugitive Slave Act repealed1865Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolished slavery1865Act to Establish a Bureau for the Relief of Freedmen and Refugees1866Civil Rights Act of 1866 guaranteed equal rights under law for all people who lived within the jurisdiction of the United States 1868Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted citizenship to all people born or naturalized in the United States and prohibited states from denying any person the equal protection of the laws or depriving any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law1870Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted African American men the right to vote1870–1871Three Enforcement Acts gave the federal government substantial authority to prosecute those who violated the civil and political rights of African Americans, especially members of the Ku Klux Klan 1873Slaughterhouse Cases limited the Constitutional significance of the 14th Amendment’s privileges and immunities clause by interpreting the clause as only protecting rights of national citizenship from actions of state government1873Bradwell v. Illinois rejected a woman’s claim that the Fourteenth Amendment required the state to allow her to practice law in the first sex discrimination case heard by the U.S. Supreme Court1875Civil Rights Act of 1875 guaranteed African Americans equal treatment in public accommodations, public transportation, and prohibited their exclusion from jury service 1875Minor v. Happersett (Missouri) held that a state could constitutionally forbid a woman from voting1883Civil Rights Cases heard by the U.S. Supreme Court declared parts of the 1875 Civil Rights Act unconstitutional, including the prohibition of racial discrimination in inns, public conveyances, and places of public amusement1896Plessy v. Ferguson (Louisiana) upheld the constitutionality of a Louisiana statute that required railroads to provide “equal but separate accommodations for the white and colored races”

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The Segregation Era


1903Giles v. Harris (Alabama) refused to order the board of registrars to register an African American to vote in part because the court concluded that unless it could actually supervise elections, it was unable to force white Alabamans to allow African Americans to vote1906Hodges v. United States (Arkansas) reversed a conviction against whites who had ejected “citizens of the United States of African descent” from their jobs; the decision narrowed the congressional civil rights authority under the Thirteenth Amendment1910Franklin v. State of South Carolina affirmed the judgment of the South Carolina Supreme Court to execute African American Pink Franklin for the killing of a white constable, H. E. Valentine. Franklin shot Valentine when he came to arrest Franklin for violating a peonage-based contract for work1911Bailey v. State of Alabama invalidated, based on the Thirteenth Amendment, a law that facilitated “debt peonage,” a form of involuntary servitude1913Guinn v. United States (Oklahoma) deemed that state constitutional provisions permitting “grandfather clauses” for passing literacy tests as a voting requirement were unconstitutional1917Buchanan v. Warley (Kentucky) held residential racial segregation unconstitutional1920Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted women the right to vote 1927Nixon v. Herndon (Texas) struck down a 1923 Texas law that prohibited blacks from voting in the Democratic Party primary1932Nixon v. Condon (Texas) declared that the prohibition of African Americans from the Democratic primaries by the executive committee was unconstitutional1935Grovey v. Townsend (Texas) ruled that the members of the Democratic Party of Texas who assembled at a convention and made resolutions about those qualified to vote in the Democratic primary were a private group and that barring all but white citizens was not an act of the state and therefore not in violation of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments1935Pearson v. Murray (Maryland), Daniel Gaines Murray, an African American, was admitted to the University of Maryland Law School when the Maryland Court of Appeals concluded that the state had failed to provide Murray with a separate but equal education1938Missouri ex. rel. Gaines v. Canada (Missouri), the Supreme Court held that states providing a law school for white students were constitutionally required to provide in-state education for African American students as well, either by integrating the state law school or creating a separate school for African Americans1939Creation of the Civil Liberties Unit, later renamed the Civil Rights Section of the Department of Justice, the first federal entity tasked with the protection of civil rights since Reconstruction

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World War II & Post War Years


1941Executive Order 8802 prohibited racial discrimination in the national defense industry in response to the intended first March on Washington (Roosevelt)1942Executive Order 9066 designated much of the West Coast a “military area” and ordered more than 100,000 Japanese Americans to relocate and live in internment camps (Roosevelt)1944Smith v. Allwright (Texas) overturned the Democratic Party’s use of all-white primaries in Texas and other states1944Korematsu v. United States (California) upheld the right to exclude Japanese Americans even though in a separate case, it found the relocation camps to be unconstitutional1944Pollock v. Williams (Florida) reversed a decision that upheld Florida’s 1919 law facilitating debt peonage1946Morgan v. Virginia found a Virginia law that required the races be separated in all intrastate and interstate travel unconstitutional1948Shelley v. Kraemer (Missouri) held that courts could not enforce racially restrictive covenants on real estate that prevented “people of Negro or Mongolian race” from buying or living in certain neighborhoods1948Perez v. Sharp (California) was the first case in which a court invalidated a ban on interracial marriage when the California Supreme Court concluded that the ban violated the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution1948Executive Order 9980 prohibited discrimination in civilian agencies and instituted fair employment practices (Truman)1948Executive Order 9981 abolished racial discrimination in the armed forces (Truman)

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Civil Rights Era


1951Executive Order 10308 created Committee on Government Compliance to enforce the prohibition against employment discrimination by firms contracting or subcontracting government orders (Truman)1953Executive Order 10479 created the Government Contract Committee to replace the Committee on Government Compliance (Eisenhower)1954Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, held that public education and segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race, even though the physical facilities and other tangible factors were equal, deprived equal educational opportunities to children of the minority group1955Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas II stated that Southern schools should comply with Brown I “with all deliberate speed,” which white Southerners understood as allowing them to resist and only symbolically comply with school desegregation1957The Civil Rights Act of 1957 established the Civil Rights Commission (CRC) to protect an individual’s rights to equal protection and protected some civil and voting rights, but it lacked substantial enforcement mechanisms1960The Civil Rights Act of 1960 guaranteed qualified voters the right to register to vote in any state and the right to sue a state official or acting state official who prevented them from voting1961Executive Order 10925 created the Committee on Equal Opportunity to combat discrimination in government employment and in private employment stemming from government contracts (Kennedy)1961Monroe v. Pape revitalized Section 1983 of the Civil Rights Act of 1871, by allowing individuals to sue government actors for violations of civil rights1962Executive Order 11063 banned racial discrimination in federally funded housing (Kennedy)1963Equal Pay Act required employers to pay all employees equally for equal work, regardless of whether the employees are male or female1963Executive Order 11114 extended guarantees against employment discrimination to federally assisted contracts in the construction industry (Kennedy)

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Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Beyond


1964Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination in public accommodations and employment; authorized the attorney general to bring school desegregation suits and the federal government to withdraw funds from schools and other governmental entities receiving federal funds if they discriminated; and provided enhanced enforcement mechanisms for protecting civil and voting rights1964Twenty-fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution eliminated poll taxes in federal elections1965Voting Rights Act of 1965 enforced the Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and provided for substantial federal supervision of voting and election procedures in order to eliminate racial discrimination and protect the right to vote1965 Older Americans Act of 1965 provided assistance in the development of new or improved programs to help older persons through grants to the states for community planning and services and for training through research, development, or training project grants—and to establish within the Department of Health, Education and Welfare an operating agency to be designated as the Administration on Aging1965Medicare Act provided a hospital insurance program for the aged under the Social Security Act with a supplementary medical benefits program and an expanded program of medical assistance to increase benefits under the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance System and improved the federal-state public assistance programs1965Act to Amend the Vocational Rehabilitation Act assisted in providing more flexibility in the financing and administration of state rehabilitation programs and expanded and improved services and facilities provided under such programs, particularly for the mentally disabled1965Executive Order 11246 authorized federal agencies to enforce the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Johnson)1966Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections found Virginia’s poll tax unconstitutional under the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, making poll taxes illegal for state and federal elections1966Executive Order 11375 added sex discrimination to the enforcement of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as required by Executive Order 11246 (Johnson)1967Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 prohibited arbitrary age discrimination in employment and helped employers and workers find ways of meeting problems arising from the impact of age on employment1968Civil Rights Act of 1968 provided for equal housing opportunities regardless of race, creed, or national origin and made it a federal crime to injure or intimidate anyone because of their race, color, religion, or national origin1968Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co. (Missouri) prohibited purely private discrimination in the sale or rental of property1968Green et. al. v. County School Board of New Kent County (Virginia) reversed the decision of the Virginia Court of Appeals that supported separate schools for whites and blacks1969Executive Order 11478 required equal opportunity and affirmative action programs in all federal agencies (Nixon)1972The Equal Opportunity Act amended the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to apply to local, state, and federal governments and allow the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to bring suits itself1973Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibited discrimination on the basis of disability in federal programs, federal contractors, programs receiving federal money, and federal employment1973Keyes v. Denver School District (Colorado) distinguished between de jure (sanctioned by law) and de facto (true in fact but not officially sanctioned) school segregation1973San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez (Texas) held that there was no constitutional violation in unequal school funding and ruled that education is not a fundamental right1973Milliken v. Bradley (Michigan) found that de jure segregation in one school district could not justify busing children to and from surrounding school districts1975Education for All Handicapped Children Act required all public schools accepting federal funds to provide equal access to education and one free meal per day for children with physical and mental disabilities1975Age Discrimination Act of 1975 amended the Older Americans Act of 1965 to establish social services programs for older Americans to extend the authorizations of appropriations contained in such act, and to prohibit discrimination on the basis of age1976Hills v. Gautreau (Illinois) determined that HUD had provided financial assistance to the Chicago Housing Authority, which had used the funds in a racially discriminatory way, violating Title VI and the 5th Amendment; HUD’s violation authorized the judiciary to require a remedy that extended beyond the city of Chicago1978Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 prohibited employment discrimination against female workers who are (or intend to become) pregnant, including discrimination in hiring, failure to promote, and wrongful termination after the Supreme Court held in 1974 that pregnancy discrimination was not a form of sex discrimination1978Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (California) determined that college admission standards giving preferential consideration to minority applicants are constitutional1990Americans with Disabilities Act established a clear and comprehensive prohibition of discrimination on the basis of disability1991Civil Rights Act of 1991 superseded several narrowing U.S. Supreme Court civil rights decisions and granted women and disabled persons the right to recover money damages under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 19641993“Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy prohibited military personnel from discriminating against or harassing closeted gay, lesbian, or bisexual service members or applicants while barring openly gay, lesbian, or bisexual Americans from military service1993Family and Medical Leave Act gave employees the right to take (unpaid) time off from work in order to care for a newborn or recently adopted child or to look after an ill family member2009Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 clarified that a discriminatory compensation decision or other practice that is unlawful occurs each time compensation is paid pursuant to the discriminatory compensation decision or other practices and thereby extends the time in which an employee can bring a lawsuit2010Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act of 2010 allowed openly gay, lesbian, and bisexual Americans to serve without discrimination in the armed forces2013United States v. Windsor (New York) determined the Defense of Marriage Act’s definition of “marriage” and “spouse” as limited to heterosexual unions unconstitutional, thus enabling same-sex couples to receive federal benefits2013Shelby County v. Holder (Alabama) invalidated Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act, which provided for preclearance for any change to voting rules in particular jurisdictions 2014Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action upheld a Michigan referendum banning affirmative action in admissions at publicly funded state colleges.

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What was the Wilmot Proviso and how did it impact the national debate?

The Wilmot Proviso was an unsuccessful 1846 proposal in the United States Congress to ban slavery in territory acquired from Mexico in the Mexican–American War. The conflict over the Wilmot Proviso was one of the major events leading to the American Civil War.

What is the significance of the Wilmot Proviso and how does it show the conflict over slavery between the North and the South quizlet?

The Wilmot Proviso was a document stating that "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of the territory" This showed the country to be deeply split on the slavery issue because northerners wanted to outlaw slavery in all parts of the Mexican Cession but southerners wanted slavery.

What worried Southerners about the Republican Party victories in the election of 1856?

What worried southerners about the Republican Party victories in the election of 1856? They worried that their influence in the government was beginning to fade.

How did policy makers compromise over the question of slavery in the West quizlet?

The compromise resolved the issue of slavery in California by admitting it as a free state, and in DC by prohibiting the slave trade but still allowing slavery. In Utah or New Mexico, still territories, the compromise looked to popular sovereignty and let the people of the territories decide on the question of slavery.