In corrective feedback, the receiver provides nonevaluative information to the communicator.

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Terms in this set (35)

how interpersonal communication is important to being a successful manager

1)it influences the opinions, attitudes, motivation, and behaviors of others.
2)It expresses our feelings, emotions, and intentions to others.
3)It is vehicle of exchanging, providing, or recieving important information.
4)It reinforces the formal structure of the organization through the reinforcement of formal channels of communication.


when the person initiating the communication translates their ideas into a systematic set of symbols, either spoken or unspoken


the process by which the recipe receiving the message decodes it


The receiver's response to a message

informational feedback

when the receiver provides nonevaluative information to the communicator

corrective feedback

the receiver responds by challenging the original message

reinforcing feedback

the receiver clearly communicates that she has clearly recieves the message and it's intentions


anything that interferes with the communication process

oral communication

the most prevalent type of communication; consists of all messages or information exchanges that are spoken.

written communication

includes e-mailed, texts, letters, manuals, and annotations on sticky notes

folders to help organize the flow of workplace messages into groups

1)the Inbox: the holding pen
2)Today: folder containing messages needing answers today.
3)This week: folder containing messages to be answered before the weeks-end.
4)This month/quarter: messages that require a longer-term response.
5)FYI: folder containing info that you may need in the future

nonverbal communication

communications that are not uttered, such as traffic lights, office setup, and body language

major influences on interpersonal communication

1)Social influences.
3)Interaction involvement.
4)organizational design.

Interaction attentiveness (interaction involvement)

the extent in which both parties are involved in conversation

A manager's interpersonal roles: figurehead

the role of the manager who wants to inspire people within the organization to feel connected to one another and the institution, and support policies and decisions made on behalf of the organization

A manager's interpersonal roles: liaison

managers establish and maintain contact outside of their chain of command
(ex. communicating more with peers than those above them)

A manager's interpersonal roles: leader

managers are able to harness their authority and power to maintain responsibility for the work of the people in their unit

A manager's informational roles: monitor

managers are constantly scanning the environment for information, and collecting most of it through gossip, hearsay, and speculation

A manager's informational roles: disseminator

managers pass privileged information directly to subordinates, who otherwise wouldn't have had access to it otherwise; managers should be able to discern who recieves the information, and how often

A manager's informational roles: spokesperson

managers send information to those outside the organization

A manager's decision roles: entreprenuer

managers seek to improve the businesses, adapt to changing market conditions, and react to opportunities as they present themselves

A manager's decision roles: disturbance or crisis handler

managers must be able to involuntarily react to changing conditions

A manager's decision roles: resource allocator

managers make decisions about who gets what, how much, when, and why

A manager's decision roles: negotiator

managers make important negotiations between and among employees, customers, and clients, and others with whom managers must deal

Eccles and Nohria's coherant view of management

1)The use of rhetoric to achieve a manager's goals.
2)The shaping of a managerial identity.
3)taking action to achieve the goals of the organization that hired us.

A manager's effectiveness as a speaker and writer...

will determine how well he/she is able to manage a firm's reputation

a manager's effectiveness as a listener...

will determine how well he/she is able to understand and respond to others; can change the entire organization through their feedback.

Management Communication is about...

the movement of information and the skills that facilitate it- speaking, writing, listening and the processes of critical thinking.

major channels of managerial communication


forms of verbal interactions

1)One-on-one conversations.
2)Telephone conversations.
3)Video teleconferencing.
4)Presentations to small groups.
5)Public speaking to larger audiences.

writing in an organization provides...

-Analytic discipline.

points showing how important human disvourse is in the life of a business

1)Information is created, shared, and interpreted by people.
2)context always drives meaning.
3)The messenger always accompanies the message.

a manager's greatest challenge is...

to admit flaws in their skill set and work tirelessly to improve them

managers tasks as professionals

1)Understand one's strength and weaknesses as a communicator.
2)Improve existing skills.
3)Aquire a knowledge base that will work in the years ahead.
4)Read to constantly acquire new knowledge.
5)Develop the confidence needed to face uncertainty, changes, and challenges in the workplace.

H1-B provision

a provision of the U.S. immigration law that allows the annual entry of 65,000 high-skilled workers in "specialty occupations" such as science, R&D, and computer programming to work legally and continuously in the United States for six years

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In corrective feedback, the receiver responds by challenging the original message. The receiver might respond that it is not their responsibility to monitor inventory. In reinforcing feedback, the receiver communicated that they have clearly received the message and its intentions.

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What is the major purpose of feedback in the communication process quizlet?

What is the major purpose of feedback in the communication process? It is used by the source to ensure successful communication.


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